Mangaladevi Temple

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The Mangaladevi Temple (in full: Mahatobhara Shree MangalaDevi Temple) is a Hindu temple in the city of Mangalore, India, situated about three km southwest of the city centre. This temple has influenced the name and importance of Mangalore. The name Mangalore is derived from Goddess Mangaladevi, the main deity of the temple.


[edit] Legend

The temple dates back to the ninth century when Kundavarma, the most famous king of Ahepa dynasty, was ruling Tulunadu. During this period there were two holy saints of the Nath cult, Machendranatha and Gorakanatha, who came from Nepal. They reached Mangalapura, crossing the river Nethravathi. The place where they crossed the river came to be known as Gorakdandi. They chose a place near the banks of the Netravathi which was once the centre of activities of sage Kapila.

Hearing about the arrival of the two saints, the king came to meet them. Introducing himself as the king of Tulunadu he paid his respects and offered them patronage. Pleased with the humility and virtues of the king, they informed him that his kingdom needed to be sanctified. They requested him to grant them land so that they could build a hermitage and make it a centre for their religious activities under his protection and patronage.

This ancient history surprised the king. He then came to know that his land was dedicated to mother Mangaladevi. The two saints took the king to the sites where all these historical events had taken place. They asked the king to dig the place and relieve the linga and the Dharapatra symbolising Mangaladevi and install them in a shrine along with Nagaraja for providing protection.

Kundavarma carried out the advice of the two sages. A grand shrine of Sri Mangaladevi was built on the hallowed place. The two sages themselves guided and supervised the execution of the work. The temple attained special significance as Mother Mangaladevi granted special favours, especially to maidens, who worshipped the goddess by observing Mangaladharavrata (Swayamvara Parvathi) and got their wish of a suitable husband fulfilled.

Even today the two temples Mangaladevi and Kadri have maintained their connection. The hermits of Kadri Yogirajmutt visit Mangaladevi temple on the first days of Kadri temple festival and offer prayer and silk clothes.

[edit] Festivals

Navarathri (dussera) is the time for special pujas performed on all nine days. On the seventh day, Goddess Mangaladevi is worshipped as Sharadamba and on the eighth day the goddess is worshipped as Maarikamba. On this day Aayuda puja is performed. All the weapons and tools are worshipped as the day marks the slaying of the cruel demons by the goddess Durga. On the ninth day also known as Mahanavmi, a large number of devotees participate in the Rathothsava.

Even today pious people believe that worship of Mangaladevi brings them prosperity and happiness. The temple has a special significance for the maidens. Maidens who observe Mangala Parvati Vrata will have their wish of having a suitable match fulfilled. Those who celebrate their wedding in this holy place will have a happy married life.

[edit] Access to the temple

The temple is situated just three km from heart of the Mangalore city (Hampankatta), and frequent bus service is provided to the temple. Auto rickshaws are also available for personal transportation.

[edit] Reference