Mandibular foramen

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Mandibular foramen
Mandible. Inner surface. Side view. (Mandibular foramen visible at left.)
Gray's subject #44 173

The Mandibular foramen is an opening on the internal surface of the ramus (posterior and perpendicularly oriented part of the mandible) for divisions of the mandibular vessels and nerve to pass.

The mandibular nerve is one of three branches of the trigeminal nerve (CN V) and the only branch with motor innervation.

The inferior alveolar nerve and artery enter the foramen traveling through the body and exit at the mental foramen on the anterior mandible at which point the nerve is known as the mental nerve.

These nerves provide sensory innervation to the lower teeth, as well as the lower lip and some skin on the lower face.

There are two distinct anatomies to its rim.

  • In the common form the rim is “V” shaped, with a groove separating the anterior and posterior parts.
  • In the horizontal-oval form there is no groove, and the rim is horizontally oriented and oval in shape, the anterior and posterior parts connected.

Source: Wolpoff

[edit] See also

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Facial bones
v  d  e

maxilla: body of maxilla: Incisive fossa | Maxillary sinus | Canine fossa | Infraorbital foramen | Anterior nasal spine | Alveolar canals | Infraorbital canal | Pterygopalatine canal
Zygomatic process | Frontal process (Agger nasi | Anterior lacrimal crest) | Alveolar process | Palatine process (Incisive foramen | Incisive canals | Foramina of Scarpa | Premaxilla | Anterior nasal spine)

lacrimal bone: Posterior lacrimal crest | Lacrimal groove

zygomatic bone: Zygomaticofacial foramen | Zygomaticotemporal foramen | Zygomaticoörbital foramina

palatine bone: Pterygopalatine fossa | Pterygoid fossa | Horizontal plate (Posterior nasal spine) | Perpendicular plate (Pterygopalatine canal | Sphenopalatine foramen | Pyramidal process)
processes (Orbital | Sphenoidal)

mandible: body (Symphysis menti, Mental foramen, Mylohyoid line) | Ramus mandibulae (Mandibular foramen, Mandibular canal, Mandibular notch)

others: nasal bone | inferior nasal conchae (maxillary process) | vomer