Mandarin (comics)

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The Mandarin

Cover to Iron Man #275
Artist, Paul Ryan

Publisher Marvel Comics
First appearance Tales of Suspense #50 (February 1964)
Created by Stan Lee
Don Heck
Alter ego Unrevealed
Affiliations Masters of Evil; former ally of the Sandman; employer of various villains
Notable aliases Gene Khan, Zhang Tong
Abilities Scientific genius and skilled martial artist.
Costume projects a powerful skin-tight force field.
Ten rings of alien origin grant vast powers.

The Mandarin is a Marvel Comics supervillain and archenemy of Iron Man. He first appeared in Tales of Suspense #50 (February 1964).


[edit] Character history

[edit] Origins

Tales of Suspense #50 (February 1964) Art by Jack Kirby.
Tales of Suspense #50 (February 1964) Art by Jack Kirby.

The Mandarin's father was one of the wealthiest men in pre-revolutionary mainland China (who claimed to be a direct descendant of Genghis Khan), and his mother was an English noblewoman. Both died soon after their son's birth, and he was raised by his father's sister, who was embittered against the world and raised him with much the same attitude. He displayed scientific aptitude at an early age and used his inheritance for education in various sciences in China and abroad. As an adult he became a high government official, or mandarin, and became renowned throughout China for his administrative brilliance.

However, with the success of mainland China's Communist revolution, the Mandarin was deprived of his position, his palace and his wealth. Hoping to find a means of restoring himself to a position of power, the Mandarin explored the forbidden "Valley of Spirits," where no one had dared set foot for centuries. There he found the skeleton and starship of Axonn-Karr, an intelligent dragon-like alien from the planet Maklu-4, who had come to Earth centuries ago and died. Over the following years, the Mandarin studied Makluan science until he had mastered it. He also learned how to use the ten rings he found within the starship which were apparently its propulsion source, among other things. The Mandarin then subjugated the villages around the Valley, and, through his super-science, rapidly became a power that not even the Chinese Army could successfully challenge. He then embarked on a long series of attempts to achieve world domination.

The Mandarin saw technology as the surest means to achieve his goals. Over the years, he would frequently attempt to turn various nations' weapons against them. Among the Mandarin's earliest schemes was the sabotage and theft of American missiles and spy planes built by Anthony Stark. To restore public confidence in his workmanship, Stark donned his Iron Man armor and flew to China to investigate. Iron Man soon became the Mandarin's principal obstacle against his plans for world domination. On three occasions in their early confrontations, the Mandarin managed to take Iron Man (or his alter ego Tony Stark) captive, but the Mandarin failed to kill him. Similarly, Iron Man thwarted the Mandarin's various schemes, but was unable to bring him to justice. Some of the Mandarin's early technological achievements were the launching of a small orbiting satellite whose "death-ray" he aimed at Stark Industries and the building of Ultimo, a 30-foot android possessing vast destructive powers. The Mandarin would employ Ultimo four times over the years, but it was always defeated by Iron Man.

The Mandarin's teleportation technology, derived from Makluan science, enabled him to kidnap people at will or teleport himself out of threatening situations. During his fifth encounter with Iron Man, the Mandarin teleported Harold "Happy" Hogan, a friend and confidant of Iron Man, to his castle in China half a world away, precipitating his fifth encounter with Iron Man. Hogan had been wearing the Iron Man armor at the time to help protect his employer's secret identity, and the Mandarin mistook him for his true foe. Rescuing Hogan, Iron Man physically bested the Mandarin in personal combat for the first time.

Cover to Incredible Hulk #107. Art by Marie Severin.
Cover to Incredible Hulk #107. Art by Marie Severin.

Iron Man redirected the missiles that the Mandarin had launched at the Mandarin's castle, destroying it. The Mandarin escaped by means of his teleportational machinery, and he materialized aboard his orbiting satellite. There, he constructed a gemlike device capable of broadcasting "hate-rays" toward Earth. The Mandarin assembled several of the former Masters of Evil to perform missions for him: the Living Laser, the original Power Man, the Swordsman, the Enchantress, and the Executioner. The Avengers managed to thwart the Mandarin's scheme and destroyed his satellite.

The Mandarin then established a base in China's Gobi Desert and turned his attentions to the Hulk for a time, hoping to make the dull-witted brute an accomplice. Two attempts at controlling the Hulk proved futile, however, including one where the Mandarin allied himself with the American criminal the Sandman. The Hulk destroyed the Mandarin's desert base. When the Mandarin next attacked Iron Man, he employed an android in the Hulk's likeness rather than the real Hulk. The Mandarin set up a makeshift base of operations in America, and attempted to publicly discredit Anthony Stark. Holding Iron Man captive for the fourth time, the Mandarin tried to learn if Iron Man was actually Stark, but Stark fooled him with a rubber mask over his own features. His plans thwarted, the Mandarin tried to kill Stark's current girlfriend Janice Cord, but the Mandarin's betrothed Mei Ling saved her at the cost of her own life.

[edit] New bodies

Cover to Iron Man #58. Art by Rich Buckler.
Cover to Iron Man #58. Art by Rich Buckler.

Returning to China, the Mandarin sought a means to increase his rings' power and learned of the legendary Eye of Yin, a talisman of power created by an ancient group of Chinese sorcerers. The Mandarin maneuvered the Royal Family of the Inhumans (who at the time lived in the nearby Himalayan Mountains of Tibet) into locating the idol for him. But before he could fully incorporate the Eye's power in his rings, Black Bolt, the ruler of the Inhumans, overpowered him, stripped him of his ten rings, and hid them. Unable to find the rings, the Mandarin journeyed back to the "Valley of Spirits" and the ruins of the Makluan starship wherein he first acquired the rings. There he found a headband containing technology which enabled him to recover the rings. The Mandarin used his newfound power to restore his castle to its original state. The Unicorn, another frequent opponent of Iron Man, sought the Mandarin's aid in curing him of a progressive disease. The Mandarin and the Unicorn traveled to America to attack their common enemy Iron Man, but in the heat of battle, the Mandarin found that the headband had somehow exchanged his consciousness with that of the Unicorn. The Mandarin was forced to flee, desperate to separate himself from the Unicorn's dying body.

When the Mandarin arrived at his castle in China, he found that it had been taken over by the Yellow Claw, another Chinese supervillain. The Mandarin was forced to find another laboratory to try to restore his mind back to its rightful body, which he managed with the unwilling aid of the Japanese mutant Sunfire. In battle with Iron Man again, the Mandarin's interim headquarters was destroyed. The Mandarin then launched an attack on the Yellow Claw in an attempt to regain his own castle, but was fatally injured when the Yellow Claw robot he had been battling exploded. As the Mandarin lay dying, he used the headband's mind-transferring capacities to transfer his consciousness into his ten rings. When the rings were confiscated by the Yellow Claw's power-hungry servant Loc Do, the Mandarin's consciousness entered Loc Do's body, permanently driving out Loc Do's. Using his matter-rearranger ring, the Mandarin transformed Loc Do's body into a younger duplicate of his original one.

The Mandarin returned to his castle, discovering that it had again been destroyed. After rebuilding it, the Mandarin attempted to capture Iron Man with his teleportation devices, but once again caught someone else clad in his armor. This time it was Michael O'Brien, later to become a friend of Stark's and first to wear the Guardsman armor. Iron Man flew to O'Brien's rescue, clad in an old set of armor, saved O'Brien, thwarted the Mandarin's attempt to bomb the United States and for a second time bested him in personal combat. Perhaps due to the effect of the Mandarin's mental domination ring on him, Iron Man did not take the Mandarin into custody, but allowed him to remain free.

The Mandarin later schemed to involve turning the Great Vibranium Mound of Wakanda into Type II Vibranium which destroys the molecular cohesion of metals. He also tried to destroy China's entire rice crop in an attempt to provoke war. In the second of these plots, the Mandarin encountered James Rhodes, during his custodianship of the Iron Man armor.

[edit] Heart of darkness

When Stark tried to set up a branch of Stark Enterprises in Hong Kong, Iron Man and the Mandarin once again came into conflict. The Mandarin had taken the name of Zhang Tong, and had become a financial leader in Hong Kong. As Tong, he controlled a number of government officials and industry leaders of Hong Kong. The Mandarin thwarted all of Stark's attempts to set up a business branch, even resorting to murder. The Mandarin now employed a group of followers, called the Hand, to do his dirty work. When on a mission, a Hand member was allowed to take one of the Mandarin's rings and use its powers. If the Hand member was captured, he would fanatically try to kill himself. If the Hand member was killed or knocked out, the ring would automatically teleport back to the Mandarin.

Cover to Iron Man #312. Art by Bob Wiacek.
Cover to Iron Man #312. Art by Bob Wiacek.

At one point, the mutant heroine Psylocke passed through the mystic portal known as the Siege Perilous. The portal relocated her to an Asian shore, leaving her amnesiac. The man known as Matsu'o Tsurabaya found her and believed he could save his brain-dead lover Kwannon by switching her mind with Psylocke. He made an arrangement with the Mandarin to help him with the switch, whose rings would be able to cause the mindswitch. Working with the woman known as Spiral, they were able to switch the minds of the two women. Mandarin then put Psylocke (now in Kwannon's body) through conditioning, causing her to believe herself to be Lady Mandarin, the Mandarin's assassin. After doing several assignments for him, Psylocke was eventually rescued by her X-Men teammates Wolverine and Jubilee, and Psylocke defeated the Mandarin, causing events which led to Mandarin's leaving the Hand.

The Mandarin next discovered the Heart of Darkness, an orb of apparently mystic energy, which he used to turn back time in China. Iron Man, with his team Force Works and ally War Machine defeated him, but not before the Mandarin discovered that Tony Stark was the man inside the Iron Man armor. Iron Man infected Mandarin with a techno-organic virus, and the Heart, seeing him infected with technology, rejected the Mandarin and imploded. Iron Man believed him dead, but in reality the Mandarin was transported and transformed by the last flare of the orb's magic, turned into a janitor in the Hong Kong branch of Stark Enterprises.

Eventually, the Mandarin's memories returned to him and instead of trying to crush technology, Mandarin believed that the feudal system of yesterday had merely been transformed into the capitalism of today. Mandarin set into motion plans to create a giant flying fortress called the Dragon of Heaven through which he could conquer Russia and eventually the world. During this time, Iron Man reappeared after being believed dead in a battle against the psychic menace Onslaught. The Mandarin initiated a series of attacks on Iron Man, culminating in a battle with the Dragon of Heaven. Eventually it was revealed that the Mandarin's primary purpose was not to conquer Russia, but to test Iron Man, prove him worthy as a foe and to justify Mandarin's own thoughts on capitalism. The Mandarin apparently died as the Dragon of Heaven exploded, but Iron Man was less than convinced that his foe had truly met his end. When Mandarin was at his top he ruled Asia and parts of Middle east with a iron fist. His brutal actions will be known through history.

Temugin. Cover to Iron Man (volume 3) #53. Art by Michael Ryan.
Temugin. Cover to Iron Man (volume 3) #53. Art by Michael Ryan.

[edit] Temugin

Nevertheless, the Mandarin has thus far yet to make a return into Iron Man's life. Instead, the Golden Avenger has been faced with Temugin, the son of the Mandarin. Temugin has precious few memories of his father and most of them involve his father taking him to the monastery where he was raised and trained by monks. Temugin is sensitive, spiritual and unbelievably powerful because of his control of chi, the living force in all things.

One day Temugin received a package containing the severed hands of the Mandarin, bearing all the rings of power. Temugin knew that he was honor bound to fulfill his father's wishes for him. He challenged Iron Man to avenge his father’s death, and he proved a deadly adversary even without the rings.

After Tony Stark revealed a conspiracy for mass murder in his own ranks, Temugin appeared to have forgiven Iron Man for the death of his father and to have turned to more lofty pursuits, but recent events indicate the power of the rings have corrupted his soul.

[edit] Powers and abilities

The Mandarin is one of Marvel Earth's greatest scientific geniuses. Not only has he made himself into an authority on Makluan science, but he has also built upon this knowledge by making further discoveries based upon it. Although the Mandarin has no natural superhuman powers of his own, he is a superb athlete with tremendous skill in the various martial arts. Through repeated practice he has toughened all the striking surfaces of his body, especially his hands, which are covered with thick callus. Without artificial aids he can split wood, cinderblock, or even mild steel with a blow of his hand. When he surrounds himself with a thin but intense protective force field, he can even split Iron Man's magnetic-beam reinforced alloy armor with repeated blows from his hands.

The principal personal weapons of the Mandarin are the ten rings which he wears on his fingers. The rings' operations cannot be explained by contemporary Earth science, but it is known that they served as near-limitless energy sources for the warpdrive engines of the starship of Axonn-Karr. The Mandarin learned how to convert the rings to his personal uses and to make them respond to his mental commands. The fingers on which he wears each ring, and the known functions for which he uses each ring, are given below.

  • Left Pinkie — "Ice Blast," with which he could encase foes in bands of ice or create walls of ice to block pursuers.
  • Left Ring Finger — "Mental-Intensifier," which amplifies the Mandarin's own mental energies and allows him to control the minds of others.
  • Left Middle Finger — "Electro Blast," unleashing powerful lightning-like bolts.
  • Left Index Finger — "Flame Blast," a flamethrower-like gout of flame.
  • Left Thumb — "White Light," a laser-like beam.
  • Right Thumb — "Matter Rearranger," which can rearrange the atoms and molecules of a substance. The Mandarin usually uses this ring to change the shape of objects, such as causing a giant stone hand to erupt out of the earth and grapple a foe. He has, however, used it to transmute the molecular composition of objects, such as changing the air around a target into a poisonous gas.
  • Right Index Finger — "Impact Beam," a blast of concussive or gravitational force.
  • Right Middle Finger — "Vortex Beam," allows Mandarin to control air and wind, allowing him to fly.
  • Right Ring Finger — "Disintegration Beam." Unlike the others, this Ring requires a twenty minute recharge time between firings.
  • Right Pinkie — "Black Light," which can create areas of absolute blackness.

Over the years, the Mandarin has established a strong psionic link with his rings, which was made many times stronger during the period in which his mind/spirit actually inhabited them. One result is that no one who wears the rings other than the Mandarin himself can command them. The Mandarin can now command the rings even when they are separated from him by vast distances. He can mentally monitor events taking place near a ring that has been separated from him. Continued exposure to the alien rings made his hands green and scaly.

[edit] Appearances in other media

[edit] Television

  • The Mandarin was the primary villain in the short-lived 1994 Iron Man animated series. In the series, the Mandarin (voiced by Ed Gilbert and Robert Ito) is an archeologist who, while fleeing from desert raiders, falls into an ancient catacomb containing an alien starship. In this catacomb, he finds ten gems of power. Unfortunately, the raiders slay everyone else, including his fiancee. All the raiders leave behind are his fiancee's rings, albeit with the jewels plucked from them. The Mandarin uses these as the settings for his power jewels. The Mandarin of this continuity is much more altered by the power of the rings; he developed pointy ears, claw-like fingernails, enhanced musclature and his skin turned emerald-green (a not uncommon treatment of Asian villains at the time, with similar treatment dealt to Doctor No in James Bond Jr and Ming the Merciless in Defenders of the Earth). The cartoon version of the Mandarin was served in his villainy by Justin Hammer as well as by several supervillains; Blizzard, Blacklash, Dreadknight, Hypnotia, Grey Gargoyle, Whirlwind, the Living Laser and MODOK, but following the cartoon's adaptation of the Dragon Seed storyline, the Mandarin's servants were captured and his rings scattered across the world.

Eventually recovering all of his rings, appearing in a brief epilogue at the end of most episodes to do so, the Mandarin renewed his hostilities against Iron Man in an adaptation of The Hands of the Mandarin. Prior to finding his last two rings, The Mandarin claims his 8th ring from MODOK in Empowered. Empowered was the clip show of the Season, the purpose being that the Mandarin wanted to learn of Iron Man's recent activities. In the final episode of the series, Iron Man manages to reflect the power of Mandarin's rings, destroying them, and ultimately leaving the Mandarin helpless before a band of desert bandits who likely kill him by cutting off his fingers.

The cartoon's versions of the rings were much more ambiguous, with no particular power associated with any ring - most frequently, they were used to project force blasts and transmute objects. Season 2 Episode 11 Hulkbuster would reveal two of the rings specific abilities.

  • One would allow for creating windows through time and space.
  • The Other allows for traveling through the windows.

The were both used by The Leader in an attempt to travel back to time that the Gamma Bomb detonated, transforming Bruce Banner into the Hulk.

[edit] Film

  • On July 22, 2006, director of the upcoming Iron Man movie, Jon Favreau spoke at Comic-Con and announced that the Mandarin will be the main villain of the upcoming Marvel Comics' movie which is slated to be released in May of 2008.

[edit] Video Games

  • The Mandarin appears as one of the supervillains in the video game Marvel: Ultimate Alliance. The Mandarin had joined Dr. Doom's Masters of Evil, but was rejected after he attempted to steal control of the group from Doom. In revenge, Doom had Loki frame the Mandarin for the theft of the Tome of Asaris from Atlantis. The heroes fell for it, and journeyed to Mandarin's palace, where they defeated Mandarin and his minions. After learning the truth from Mandarin, the heroes capture him and set off after Loki.
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