Managerial finance

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Managerial Finance is that branch of finance that provides tools for a company's financial managers. It encompasses corporate finance and management accounting also known as cost accounting.

Financial analysts provide analysis in the corporate finance field. And, cost analysts provide analysis in the cost accounting field. Therefore, the financial-cost analyst provides analysis in the managerial finance arena. These analysts require skills of both the internal corporate financial analyst and cost analyst.

[edit] See also

[edit] References

  • Gitman, Lawrence (2003), Principles of Managerial Finance, 10 th edition, Addison-Wesley Publishing, 2003, ISBN 0-201-78479-3 [1]
  • Weston, Fred and Brigham, Eugene (1972), Managerial Finance, Dryden Press, Hinsdale Illinois, 1972
  • Chen, Henry editor, (1967), Frontiers of Managerial Finance, Gulf Publishing, Huston Texas, 1967
  • Brigham, Eugene and Johnson, Ramon (1980), Issues in Managerial Finance, Holt Rinehart and Winston Publishers, Hindale Illinois, 1908