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Contents |
[edit] Classification Links
The GKT from George University
- 1 Mathematics Physics Chemistry
- 2 Troposphere Meteorology Geography Oceanography Geology
- 3 Botany Taxonomy
- 4 Astronomy
- 5 Biology Physiology
- a Sociology Philosophy Language (Chinese) Politics Law Economics
- b Arts Painting Drawing Music (Piano, Chopin, Jazz) Literature Dance
- c Technology Agriculture Medicine Engineering (Computers) Military
- d History World History Ancient World History Current
[edit] Contribution Summary
- note: some articles included for completeness; asterisks represent special involvement
[edit] Astronomy
[edit] Literature
[edit] Ancient
- Ancient literature, Sacred Books of the East
- Hebrew: Book of Proverbs
- Egypt: Amenemhat Instructions, Amenemopet Instructions, Amenope Onomastica, Ani Papyrus
- India: Rigveda, Smriti, Darsana
- Chinese: (see below)
- Americas: Popol Vuh
[edit] Ancient Chinese
[edit] Chinese Authors
- Shangdi related: 馬融 Mo Zi*, 馬融 Ma Rong, 鄭玄 Zheng Xuan
- Pangu related: 徐整 Xu Zheng, 葛洪 Ge Hong*, 徐整, Ouyang Xun
- Nüwa related: 列圄寇 Lie Yukou, 屈原 Qu Yuan*, 劉安 Liu An, 司馬遷 Sima Qian*,
- Others: 左丘明 Zuo Qiuming, 劉向 Liu Xiang*, 郭璞 Guo Pu, 李東陽 Li Dongyang
[edit] Chinese Texts
- 東周: 春秋時代:五經 Wujing: 書經 Shujing, 詩經 Shijing, 禮記 Liji, 春秋 Chunqiu, 易經 Yijing, 樂經 Yuejing
- 東周: 春秋時代:四書 Sishu: 大學 Daxue, 中庸 Zhongyong, 論語 Lunyu*, 孟子 Mengzi*
- 東周: 戰國時代: 列子 Liezi, 楚辭 Chuci, 史記 Shiji, 太一生水 Taiyi Shengshui, 國語 Guoyu, 左傳 Zuozhuan, 藝文類聚 Yiwen Leiju, 孝經 Xiaojing
- 漢朝: 山海經 Shanhaijing, 淮南子 Huainanzi, 水經注 Shui Jing Zhu
- 唐朝: 鴻臚井 Honglujing Stele
- 宋朝: 宋四大書 Songsi Dashu, 太平御覽 Taiping Yulan, 冊府元龜 Cefu Yuangui, 四庫全書 Siku Quanshu, 風俗通義 Fengsu Tongyi
- 明朝: 大明會典 Da Ming Huidian
[edit] Chinese History
- 夏朝 Xia Dynasty, 商朝 Shang Dynasty, 周朝 Zhou Dynasty, 周文王 King Wen of Zhou, 宋國 Song (state)
[edit] Chinese Mythology
- Chinese mythology*, Talk:Chinese mythology*
- 上帝 Shangdi*, Talk: Shang Ti*, 盤古 Pangu*, Talk:Pangu*
- 元始天尊 Yuanshi Tianzun*, 玉皇 Yu Huang*
[edit] Others
[edit] External Links
Chinese Sources
Egypt Sources
General Sources