
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


[edit] Concerning Wikipedia

I've used the english Wikipedia for some time now, but just started editing myself since August 2006. I'm interested in making the danish wikipedia much better, as it is in very bad shape at the moment. My primary contributions here will therefore be in various danish-related subjects. I'll leave the rest to you guys as i think you'll write in a much more understandable way.

[edit] About me

I was born in Stockholm, Sweden. But raised in a little dump of a village called Knardrup in Denmark, in the area of Ballerup and Copenhagen. That's about it as for my life/personality (in fact i'm just to lazy to add more interesting details)

[edit] My way through the educational system

  • 2002-03: "efterskole" on the danish island Langeland
  • 2003-04: Played music at a "produktionsskole" in Ishøj
  • 2004-06: Pre-university course Hf in Frederiksberg

[edit] Future scheduled studies

Now we're speculating