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The term mallee has several separate but inter-related meanings.

  • Mallee is a term used to describe the habit of species of Eucalyptus that grow with multiple stems (from ground level) that are nornally below 10 meters tall.[1]
  • Eucalyptus species whos common name includes mallee are:
    • Coffin Bay or Purple Flowered Mallee, Eucalyptus albopurpurea
    • Fremantle or Narrow Leaved Red Mallee, Eucalyptus foecunda
    • Fuchsia Mallee, Eucalyptus forrestiana
  • Mallee is also a vegetation type: a semi-arid area covered with multi-trunked shrubs or small trees — typically including one or several mallee species — is also called mallee, term used to describe the biome area sclerophyll, Mediterranean forest.
  • The Mallee is a district of far north-western Victoria, south of the Murray River and north of the Wimmera, that originally contained vast areas of mallee, some of which still survive. Note that mallee is widespread in many other areas of Australia also.
  • The Murray Mallee is the corresponding region over the border in South Australia.

[edit] References

  1. ^ EUCLID - Eucalypts of Southern Australia. 2002. Habit of Eucalyptus. CSIRO