Malden, West Virginia
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Malden, West Virginia, is a city in Kanawha County. Kanawha county is one of fifty-five counties in West Virginia and is located in the Charleston metro area. The zip code for Malden is 25306 and the area code is 304. Malden, West Virginia is set in Eastern Standard Time Zone.
[edit] 2000 Census data
The latitude for Malden is 38.3N and the Longitude is 81.5W. West Virginia has a population of 1,808,344 and Kanawha County consists of 200,073 people. Kanawha County has 93,788 housing units for its population. The average household size is 2.32. 89% of Malden’s population is Caucasian. The unemployment rate for Malden is the same as the rate for the United States, 5%. The average household income in Malden is $29,555, whereas the average household income for the United States is $44,684. The average price of a home in Malden is around $77,200, compared to the average home in the United States which costs around $208,500. The air quality (100=best) in Malden is 30, compared to 48 for the US. The water quality (100=best) in Malden is 60 compared to 55 for the US. The crime rate in Malden is about the same as the US.
About 34.55% of Malden’s population is religious. 4.24% is Catholic, 21.36% is Protestant and 7.71% consider themselves other Christian.
Malden’s elevation is 600ft. As for the climate, the average high temperature in July is 85.5 degrees and the average low in January is 24.1 degress.
Political views in Malden are almost split down the middle. 48.9% of the population consider themselves Democratic Party supporters, and 50.5% consider themselves Republican Party supporters. The remaining consider themselves independent or other.
[edit] References
"Malden West Virginia Community Profile." Home Town Locator. 19 Oct. 2006 <>.
"25306." Sperlings Best Places. 19 Oct. 2006 <>.
"Malden, West Virginia." Podunk the Power of Place. 19 Oct. 2006 <>.