Mainstream Science on Intelligence

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"Mainstream Science on Intelligence" is a 1994 editorial written by Linda Gottfredson and published in the Wall Street Journal on December 13. It was a list of 25 statements which upheld many of the findings in intelligence research discussed in The Bell Curve. The frequently-cited piece was reprinted in Intelligence in 1997 with additional information on its creation, the response, and a bibliography.

[edit] Controversy

Roughly a third of the 52 signatories, including Gottfredson, have received grants from the Pioneer Fund. Eight of the signatories, including Gottfredson, currently (as of 2006) sit on the editorial board for Intelligence which reprinted it; also Detterman, another signatory, was the founder of the journal in 1977 and is its Editor-in-Chief. [citation needed]

The Bell Curve controversy also prompted a report on the field from a task force of the American Psychological Association, titled "Intelligence: Knowns and Unknowns."

[edit] Signatories

[edit] External links