Main characters of Xenogears

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The following are the playable characters from the PlayStation RPG Xenogears.


[edit] Fei Fong Wong

Fei Fong Wong
Fei Fong Wong

Fei Fong Wong (Traditional Chinese: 黄飛鴻, Pinyin: Huáng Fēihóng, Cantonese: Wong Fei Hung) is based on the legendary Chinese hero Wong Fei Hung of Guangdong, China. His name in Katakana: ウォン・フェイフォン is written exactly the same as the Chinese hero. He is also referred to as the -Contact-, one of the continuous reincarnations of Abel, the sole survivor of the Eldridge crash. Abel was the first being to make contact with the Wave Existence. Fei would be the final incarnation of Abel, for once the Wave Existence was freed, the gene pool returned to normal. He was dropped off in Lahan by Wiseman, whom is also Kahn, his father, and Grahf (they share a similar relationship, as Fei and Id do). After the destruction of Lahan Village, Fei joined with Citan Uzuki and other allies to uncover the web of deception and manipulation surrounding Solaris and, ultimately, System Deus. Fei is able to (involuntarily) become Id, a very powerful character who is the product of Fei's pain and anguish at a critically young age.

However, for a brief period of time in Disc 2 of Xenogears, the power of the persona created by Fei "Id" could be harnassed due to the help of one of the three sages of Shevat. System Id allows Fei to build up infinite AP and thus utilize 3 power moves. He ultimately finishes off Ramsus while under "System Id"; this mode utilizes Nanotechnology by Fei's wearing a restraint that won't let Id go out of control like before. After "Old Man Bahl", another sage, repairs Fei's Weltall, it becomes "Weltall-2". This is the third strongest Gear in the game, second if it's in System Id, since it's essentially Id in this state. The player is able to use System Id until Fei encounters The Wave Existence. After a final confrontation against Grahf and coming into contact with Zohar, Weltall-2 becomes Xenogears. Fei is a balanced fighter in Xenogears, although his ETH-DEF and ATP are low, and his gear is Weltall, which is destined to become the Xenogears. Fei has the most powerful combos in the game, as well, and decent ATP-up and DFP-up "Chi" spells, along with a few offensive ones, though they are practically useless towards the end.

Weapon Preference/Fighting Style: Kempo Karate, Assassination Style-Martial arts

Likes: Painting, Martial Arts, Pacifism, Alice, Elly.

Dislikes: Fighting, Id & Grahf, being blamed for the destruction of Lahan, Gears, being called murderer.

Gear: Weltall, Weltall-2, and Xenogears

Romantic Interest: Alice (friend in Lahan), Elly (throughout the story arc from 1 to 2)

Fei is a complex character with many issues, which he is able to resolve as his journey continues. One such issue is the being known to him as Id, that resides in him. Fei wants nothing to do with Id, but he still feels responsible whenever Id becomes loose. He later learns from Id himself how he came to be. Once Fei learns to accept things and become one with all of himself, he becomes a powerful warrior with immeasurable combat skill and ability. His love for Elly was small at first, as he sometimes asks why he seemed to know certain things about the Solarian woman he met during his self-imposed exile after destroying Lahan. But after many times in their journey, their combined affection grew until they were able to return to Ignas after finally destroying the Urobolus Gene creature and restoring the gene pool of Ignas' human population to balance, along with their time together in the Yggdrasil. This love aided them in many of their trails, and no doubt in the end of Xenogears, they will endure no matter what dangers await them. Nothing can separate them, as the case of their previous incarnations, Fei's love for Elly, and her love for him has existed for ten thousand years (10,000 years) and will continue until the end of the world.

[edit] Elhaym "Elly" Van Houten

Elhaym Van Houten
Elhaym Van Houten

The young, skilled officer of the Solaris Military who is also the -Antitype- in this incarnation of Fei's life, just as she has been throughout the centuries on the planet (the Great Mother Sophia, Kim's wife Elly, etc.). She was created by the Wave Existence out of Abel's need for a mother. Elly was leading an operation to steal a top-secret experiment gear from the rival country Kislev, but was forced to crash-land in Lahan. Her encounter with Fei changes her life forever. Elly is an optimist, and wants to help Fei, despite the fact that he is a -Lamb-, and she cannot leave the military. She is a competent fighter with her rods, but she has powerful elemental ether, which makes her valuable to the party.

Weapon Preference/Fighting Style: Rod/Staff Fighting style, Gebler Special Forces Martial Arts

Likes: Being with Fei, helping others.

Dislikes: not being with Fei, people who abuse others, her own people - the Solarians

Gear: Vierge, and Regrs (Sophia's Omnigear)

Romantic Interest: Fei

Elly has one issue that remains with her, despite her being a Solarian and the daughter of one of the Empire's most decorated officers, there is the fact of her appearance, being red-haired and blue-violet eyed somewhat separates her from other Solarians who are mostly blond and blue-eyed. For a time she thought her mother was not the woman her father married, and had actually been her childhood nanny who was a Lamb. This fact of her life was a mark of ridicule by some people of Solaris, including Elly's former comrade in the Elements, Dominia. It's only toward the midpoint of the game, that Elly learns that this was how she looked ever since the dawn of life on their planet. Her love for Fei was once something she didn't understand until she realized that they were truly meant to be together, as they had been in their previous lives for the past ten thousand years (10,000 years). They consummated this love on the Yggdrasil and they cherished it when they returned to Ignas to be with their friends. Elly's love for others and for Fei helped her move through the deaths of both her mother and father, and helped her fight for her freedom when she was possessed by Miang in the Merkava. Only time can tell where her love for Fei will take her, but regardless, they will be together, even to the end of the world.

[edit] Citan Uzuki

Citan Uzuki
Citan Uzuki

Citan Uzuki (Japanese: 卯月 紫檀 / ウヅキ・シタン Uzuki Shitan) A doctor who lives up the mountain path from Lahan village with his wife, Yui, and his daughter, Midori. He is a Third-class Solarian born in Etrenank, and his real name is Hyuga Ricdeau (日向 六道 / ヒュウガ・リクドウ Hyūga Rikudō). While in Solaris, he had a troublesome life, until he went to the Jugend Military Academy thanks to his high intelligence and met Sigurd and Jessiah there. He then became a member of Jessiah's group (The Elements), along with Sigurd and Kahran Ramsus. After Sigurd and Jessie left Solaris, and Ramsus was promoted into a high Gebler Officer, he appointed as a Solarian Guardian Angel, working to Emperor Cain and the Gazel directly. Later in an assault mission to Shevat which he lead, he fought with Yui; however the two fell in love and there was some possibility that Hyuga ordered the retreat from Shevat partially because he had fallen for Yui. Since then, Citan promised Yui's grandfather, Wiseman Gaspar, to never use a sword to kill again. They then got married and had Midori. Citan later received instructions form Cain to watch over Fei (The Contact) to see if he would bring relief or destruction, which is when he assumed the name Citan and moved with his family to Lahan. He reports to Emperor Cain a few times over the course of the game. However, on the outside, he appears to be Fei's guardian and not a Solaris spy. His allegiance toward Solaris will shift completely during the course of the story. As a character, he loves tinkering with machinery and thinking through complex problems, such as the invasion of Merkava (the physical structure of Deus), he has a strong morality, and would never break a promise; however when the situation got really bad, he uses his sword again, with the approval of Yui; even if he promised to never wield a sword again, he argues "This is no time for moralitites".

Game-wise, Citan's first gear is Heimdal. Later on, he returns to his Omnigear named Fenrir, which is aligned with the Anima Relic "Asher" and equipped with a large sword. It was kept in Gaspar's care 'in case of emergencies'. On foot, Citan is one of the better fighters in the game, first displaying an extremely quick hand to hand combat style and later on, upon regaining his sword, a sword style similar to that of Iaido. He also has a large library of support Ether (his particular Ether talent is called Arcane), appropriate to his doctor role. He joins Fei early on in the game and stays with him until the end.

Jin Uzuki from Xenosaga has an appearance, fighting style, and career similar to Citan. There is even speculation that the two characters are related, although many argue that the timelines are completely different. Moreover, the origins of each characters' names are completely unrelated (Citan invented the name Uzuki when he went undercover). Jin is probably merely a homage to Citan, as the two stories do not interconnect.

[edit] Bartholomew "Bart" Fatima

Bart Fatima
Bart Fatima

Leader of a group of sand pirates who ravage the desert in their sand cruiser, the Yggdrasil. Bart is a rambunctious, hot headed, ill-tempered youth, and no one can really control him. He is really the Crown Prince of The Fatima Dynasty. He receives much support from his men, but he tends to shoot anything that moves, and can cause grief for his comrades. He is not particularly fast, but some of his weapons can cause status ailments. He is a strong and useful player with many self-powering Ether abilities.

Weapon Preference/Fighting Style: Whips

Likes: Big weapons, being free, teasing his cousin Margie, fighting with Gears

Dislikes: Shakhan, Solaris and Gebler, being pressured to be King

Gear: Brigandier, and later the Omnigear of his ancestors Andvari

Romantic Interest: Margie

Bart's eye patch isn't for show, he lost his eye when trying to aid in the repairs to the Yggdrasil long before meeting Fei and Citan. Sigurd, his fellow comrade and retainer, saved him from greater harm, but also lost his other eye in the process. Despite his brash attitude, Bart is a kind-hearted guy who has deep leadership talents, and has an eye to survival with honor and dignity.

[edit] Billy Lee Black

Billy Lee Black
Billy Lee Black

Billy is introduced as a young, pacific priest of the Ethos Religion, and later is revealed as a member of the Etone (or Atoner) branch, which job is to "clean" and "purge" the world from the Reapers, or -Wels-. He has a problematic relationship with his father Jessiah (Jessie), who used to be an Etone too. He had a happy childhood, and learned how to use a gun from Jessie. But later his father abandoned him, and then his mother was killed by -Wels-. While that happened, he and his little sister, Primera where hiding in the shadows witnessing all, and feeling powerless; since then, Primera remained silent and Billy swore to protect her. Later, he and Primera were saved by Bishop Stone, who convinced Billy to join the Ethos. After that incident, he built an orphanage to protect children that have been left alone like him and his sister, instead of leaving them to the Ethos. That children like to play hide-and-seek with Billy and also are a great support for Billy's missions, because they can send the Renmazuo gear inmediately at Billy's signal.

When Jessie returned, he was too different from what he used to be, and became a cocky and irreverent drunk; because of that, Billy lived ashamed of his father, and even hated to be compared with him. After he learns the truth about his father's actions, his mentor Stone (Stein) and the Ethos religion, his policies change; he regains the confidence in his father and respects him again; he even treats Jessie as a hero after his presumed death, when Jessie allowed Billy the use of the JessieCannon, a technique that transforms Jessie's gear in a weapon that fires the pilot's cockpit as its bullet. His fighting style is the marksmanship learned from Jessie, and also widely used among the Etones ("to impart justice in the name of God and the Ethos"), and another strong point of Billy is the wide selection of curative spells he has; however, he has a drawback: he doesn't have Ether attacks, unlike Fei or Bart. He wields two revolvers (Handgun); two short rifles of unlimited ammo, each one hidden in a sleeve of his trenchcoat (Ether-gun), and a powerful shotgun that he pulls form his back (Big gun). The Renmazuo also has two handguns and a Gatling gun in its wrists.

Weapon Preference/Fighting Style: Guns/Marksmanship

Likes: Taking care of children, watching over his young sister Primera.

Dislikes: His father Jessiah, Reapers, and people who defy God

Gear: Renmazuo, and the Omnigear El-Renmazuo

Romantic Interest: None as of yet.

[edit] Chu-Chu


Once mistaken by Bart as a stuffed animal, Chu-Chu was with Marguerite during the teenage girl's imprisonment in Fatima Castle. Her race once lived in the woods, but due to Solaris's activities, they became almost extinct. Some managed to escape to Shevat and live with Wiseman.Chu-Chu can grow to the size of a gear once the physical part of the limiter is removed. She can heal other gears, and doesn't need any fuel to fight. Her romantic interest is Fei but no one really notices and it spooked Fei at first.

[edit] Emeralda Kasim

Emeralda Kasim introducing herself to Fei and his party.
Emeralda Kasim introducing herself to Fei and his party.

The nanomachine colony built to aid the human race. Kim (Fei’s second known incarnation) created Emeralda by analyzing Elly’s gene pattern, and creating a nanomachine colony. At the time, Miang was manipulating the government, and wanted to reset the human evolutionary cycle by starting a worldwide nuclear war. She also commissioned Kim to advance his work on nanomachines in order to artificially enhance human evolution. Knowing this, Kim removed Emeralda from the main research facility. When Miang finds out, she dispatched a special military force to seize Emerelda’s tank. The nanomachines that Emeralda was composed of stopped, dismantled, and engaged in a pseudo perpetual state. She is a strong character physically, but her child-like knowledge of the world gives her a strong dependence upon Fei, who she recognizes as Kim. With her elemental ether abilities and ability to alter her body's shape, she is readily equipped with devastating attacks, and when an adult, she is comparable to Citan. In her adult form, Emeralda's stat gains far exceed those of any other character, with all of her stats increasing upon level-up instead of only some.

Like Seibzehn, Emeralda's Gear, Crescens, was originally scheduled to align with an Anima and become an Omnigear, El-Crescens. However, this aspect was removed during the final phases of development, although if one thinks about it, there really would not be a way plot-wise for this to happen, as Emeralda is an artificial construct and thus would not be of much use to Deus on her own, unless one considers how the other party members' Omnigears were reconstructed after their loss of power confronting Deus.

Although her vocabulary is limited, she is able to comprehend most things. At the end of Disk 2 she is seen in her adult form suggesting that showing up for the lighthouse side quest is canonical with the story.

[edit] Maria Balthasar

A young girl from Shevat, she is the daughter of Gear designer Nikolai Balthasar and the granddaughter of "Old Man" Isaac Balthasar. When she was a little girl she was captured by Solaris along with her mother and father and held hostage as incentive for Nikolai to construct a next-generation series of Wel-Gear hybrids. When the first model, Seibzehn was created he secretly programmed it to escape from Solaris and take Maria with it back to Shevat. Ever since Maria and Seibzehn have been standing guard in Shevat and defending the aerial nation from anyone who would try an attack or approach it.

In battle Maria herself is quite a pitiful character, she can remotely call in Seibzehn and perform some powerful special attacks but she is otherwise useless on foot. In a Gear however the story changes dramatically. Seibzehn is a powerful gear in combat. Its attack and special abillities that rival that of the Xenogears and it is almost a must when facing tough opponents like Ramsus and Miang. Maria was meant to have an Omnigear known as El Seibzehn, but due to time and money constraints it was cut out of the game. However, a concept sketch of the Omnigear does exist in the Perfect Works, the companion piece to Xenogears.

A likeness of Maria also appears in Xenosaga. Just as Jin Uzuki resembles Citan, Mai Magus resembles Maria. Mai Magus also appears with a robot that resembles Seibzehn, although its name is Leupold.

[edit] Ricardo "Rico" Banderas

The massive demi-human and champion of gear battling. Rico is the massive champion of the Battling area in Nocturne, the Imperial capital of Kislev. He has a sturdy reputation, and his size can be frightening. Despite being a prisoner, his lifestyle is superior to that of many nobles. Rico is one of the strongest characters, but one of the slowest. His attacks deal a lot of damage compared to any other character, which alone makes up for his speed.

Weapon Preference/Fighting Style: Unarmed Wrestling style

Likes: Fighting, piloting his Gear Stier, the locket of his deceased mother.

Dislikes: The Kislev nobles, being weak.

Gear: Stier, and later the Omnigear El-Stier.

Romantic Interest: None

Rico is actually the son of the Kaiser of Kislev, which is ironic as the man has an absolute discrimination towards demi-humans. Rico's mother died while he was a child, and though being sick and hated by others for having Rico as a son, she did her best to help him survive. After his mother's death, Rico became a criminal to survive and found his way into the Prison D-Block. His power and skill however made him Battler material, and he became the reigning champion of Kislev for many years, until he was defeated by Fei and Weltall. His one desire, despite his apparent disinterest, is to avenge his mother and himself.

v  d  e
Main Characters | Supporting Characters
Kahran Ramsus | Krelian | Miang

Other lists and articles
Factions | Gears and Vehicles | Playable Gears | Towns and Locations | CREID | Xenogears Light

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