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Mahmoudiyah (also transliterated Mahmudiyah, Mahmoudi, or Mahmoodiyah, prefixed usually with Al-) is an Iraqi town south of Baghdad. During the Iraq War an alleged war crime took place in Mahmoudiyah when five soldiers of the 502d Infantry Regiment, including Steven D. Green, are said to have raped the Iraqi 14-year-old girl Abeer Qasim Hamza and then murdered her, her father, her mother Fakhriya Taha Muhasen and her 7 year old sister. One of the soldiers admitted to the crime. One of them has been discharged and a criminal investigation is ongoing as of July 2, 2006. [1]

Earlier, in late 2003, The Observer and Human Rights Watch reported a less volitile incident in Al-Mahmudiyah associated with the soldiers from the 82nd Airborne’s 3rd Battalion, 505th Parachute Infantry Regiment.

[edit] External links

  • San Diego Union Tribune article about Marines in Al-Mahmoudiyah.
  • Map of Al-Mahmudiyah from
  • Army article about the Al-Buhaira Elementary School remodeling project in Mahmudiyah from March of 2006.
  • Stars and Stripes article from February 2006 by Andrew Tilghman about militia vs. militia violence in Al-Mahmudiyah.
  • A video from March 2006 (from Chris Brewer, who was in the Air Force in the 206th Broadcast Operations Detachment, American Forces Network) of Al-Mahmoudiyah's city center.