Machine God

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The Machine God (also known as the Omnissiah or Deus Mechanicus) is a theological entity in the Warhammer 40,000 universe. It is worshipped by the Imperial scientists and engineers (known collectively as the Cult of the Machine, or Adeptus Mechanicus) as the bestower of all technology and scientific wisdom. This conflicts with the standard Imperial theology where the only god is the God-Emperor of Mankind and is actually a heresy punishable by death. But since the Adeptus Mechanicus is vital to the survival of the Imperium this issue is often avoided by simply dismissing the Machine God as an aspect of the Emperor, something the Cult itself also believes, at least officially.

There are some hints in the background stories that the Machine God may indeed exist, and may actually be the C'tan Void Dragon, an ancient entity of immense power. It is rumored that the Void Dragon sleeps in a stasis-tomb on Mars, the home planet of Adeptus Mechanicus. What ramifications such an assertion, if proved true, may have on the future of the Warhammer 40,000 universe has yet to be revealed.

This rumour has been one of the more convincing ideas ever since the mass awakening of the necron army. It is said that a small amount of necron forces managed to breach imperial defences in the segmentum solar and perform a landing on mars itself.

Upon landing, countless imperial forces quickly dispached the necron expedition. However although the necrons were eliminated, their purpose on mars is unknown. More striking is the fact that they breached vast areas of imperial space (including the Segmentum Solar itself) undetected.

It was thought that the necrons implemented the Mechanicus Void Driver to travel undetected through space. This was never substantiated concretely, but remains plausible.

[edit] References

Warhammer 40,000 Articles
Forces of the Imperium

Imperial Guard - Space Marines - Witch Hunters - Daemonhunters

Forces of Chaos

Chaos - Chaos Space Marines - The Lost and the Damned

Alien races

Eldar - Dark Eldar - Orks - Necrons - Tau - Tyranids


Armageddon - Cadia - Catachan - Eye of Terror - Kronus - Mars - Medusa V - Tanith - T'au - Terra


Epic - Necromunda - Gorkamorka - Horus Heresy
