MacRobertson Miller Airlines

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MacRobertson Miller Airlines (MMA) was established in Australia in 1934. It was established by pilot Horrie Miller with the backing of chocolate millionaire Sir Macpherson Robertson who the same year backed the MacRobertson Air Race between Melbourne and London.

Its initial services were between Adelaide and Broken Hill. The airline grew rapidly particularly into Western Australia and the Northern Territory and became known as the airline of Central Australia. Early aircraft used by the airline included DeHavilland DH84 Dragons, Lockheed Electras and Douglas DC-3s. Later aircraft were Fokker F27 and F28 aircraft. In 1963 Ansett acquired a controlling stake in the airline. It was renamed Airlines of Western Australia in 1981 and Ansett WA in 1984. In 1993 it was absorbed by Ansett.