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Screenshot of MacDraw II running on System 7
Developer: Apple Computer, Claris
Latest release: - / -
OS: System Software 6, System 7
Use: vector based drawing
License: Proprietary
Website: N/A

MacDraw was a vector based drawing application released along with the first Apple Macintosh systems in 1984. MacDraw was one of the first WYSIWYG drawing programs that could be used in collaboration with MacWrite. MacDraw was useful for drawing technical diagrams and floorplans. It was eventually adapted by Claris and in the early 1990s MacDraw Pro was released with color support.

[edit] Early MacDraw

The first version of MacDraw was similar to that of MacPaint, featuring both the same tools and patterns. However MacDraw was vector based, meaning that an object's properties and placement can be changed at any time. MacDraw included features for printing and also integrated into MacWrite via cut-and-paste. MacDraw was more advanced than MacPaint, featuring a grid and the ability to change the drawing dimensions. However MacDraw lacked support for using more than one document at a time, and also lacked zooming capabilities. MacDraw was especially useful in drawing flowcharts, diagrams and technical drawings.

[edit] Later MacDraw

MacDraw II released by Claris introduced many missing features and was also enhanced for the Macintosh II. MacDraw eventually evolved into MacDraw Pro and ultimately ClarisDraw. The final version of ClarisDraw was 1.0v4. It runs without difficulties on PPC-based Macs under the Classic OS.

Apple Computer software
OS: Mac OS X | Mac OS 9
Consumer: .Mac | iLife | iTunes | iWork | AppleWorks | Mac OS X
Prosumer: Final Cut Express | Logic Express
Pro: Aperture | Final Cut Studio | Logic Pro | Shake
Bundled: Front Row | iChat | Photo Booth | QuickTime | Safari | TextEdit
Server: Apple Remote Desktop | Mac OS X Server | WebObjects | Xsan
Discontinued: HyperCard | MacDraw | Mac OS | MacPaint | MacProject | MacTerminal | MacWrite
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