Ma Chao

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Qing Dynasty illustration.
Qing Dynasty illustration.
Simplified Chinese: 马超
Traditional Chinese: 馬超
Pinyin: Mǎ Chāo
Wade-Giles: Ma Ch'ao
Zi: Mengqi (孟起)
Other names: Ma Chao the Splendid

Ma Chao (176 - 222) was the eldest son of Ma Teng and a general of the Three Kingdoms Period. In Luo Guanzhong's novel The Romance of the Three Kingdoms he received the nickname "Ma Chao the Splendid" due to his elaborate armour and skill as a warrior. Ma Chao is remembered as one of the Five Tiger Generals of Shu, popularised by The Romance of the Three Kingdoms.


[edit] Life

[edit] Early life

Ma Chao was from Fufeng Prefecture's Maoling County; he was born of mixed blood — half Han Chinese and half Qiang. In the latter years of Emperor Ling's reign, his father, Ma Teng together with Bian Zhang, Han Sui and others built an army in Liangzhou. Later on, Han Sui, Ma Teng and others led their troops to Chang'an. The Han imperial court gave a title of "General who Controls the West" (鎮西將軍) to Han Sui and ordered him to return to Jincheng while giving the title of "General who Conquers the West" (征西將軍) to Ma Teng and stationed him at Mei County (in the province of Shaanxi). Later, Ma Teng attacked Chang'an but was defeated and retreated to Liangzhou. Meanwhile, the Sili Xiaowei (a marshal rank) Zhong Yao, who protected the pass of Guanzhong, wrote a letter to Ma Teng and Han Sui informing them of an interest in forming an alliance. Subsequently, Ma Teng and Han Sui had some disagreements and Ma Teng asked to return to the vicinity of the capitol. So the Han imperial court summoned Ma Teng back and made him a Commandant of the Palace Guards.[1]

Cao Cao recommended Ma Teng’s firstborn, Ma Chao, to serve in office, but Ma Chao declined. However, later on, Ma Chao became Sili Xiaowei Dujun Congshi (roughly meaning a subordinate military officer of Sili Xiaowei),[2] and accompanied Zhong Yao to Pingyang and suppress Guo Yuan and Gao Gan.[3] In the ensuing battle, Ma Chao was hit by an arrow on the foot, but he took a pouch, wrapped his foot in it, and continued fighting and beheaded Guo Yuan.[4] The court made him Inspector of the Xu province, and then transferred him to be an Imperial Consultant. When Ma Teng went into the Capital, Ma Chao was made Lieutenant-General, and ordered to take over Ma Teng’s command. He also received the title of Marquis of Duting. The court also made Chao’s younger brother Ma Xiu Chief Commandant of the Charioteers, and Xiu’s younger brother Ma Tie Colonel of the Cavalry. All their families were sent to Ye city, but Ma Chao stayed behind.[5]

[edit] Uprising against Cao Cao

After he took charged of Ma Teng's forces, Ma Chao reconciled with Han Sui. He also contacted Yang Qiu, Li Kan, Cheng Yi and others, and attacked Tong Pass. Cao Cao personally negotiated with Han Sui and Ma Chao. Ma Chao thought highly about his own ability and had planned to capture Cao Cao alive. His charges were only held back by Cao’s bodyguard, Xu Chu. After executing Ma Chao's family in Ye for his rebellion, Cao Cao used Jia Xu's ploy to drive Han Sui and Ma Chao apart and instigated them to be suspicious of each other. Thus, their forces were annihilated and Ma Chao escaped to the west and lived among the tribes. Cao Cao pursued him to Anding (安定) when he heard about unrest in the north and ordered his troops to return. Yang Fu warned Cao Cao, "Ma Chao has the courage of Ying Bu and Han Xin, and he has the support of the Qiangs and the other tribes. If you order the army to retreat now and we don't have enough forces here, we forfeit the prefectures of Longxi."[6]

Sure enough, Ma Chao attacked the prefectures of Longxi with the forces of the western tribes and the prefectures took their lead from him, except for the city of Jicheng (冀城).[7] When he conquered Jicheng, Ma Chao killed the Inspector of Liangzhou, Wei Kang, occupied the city and controlled Wei Kang’s forces. He called himself the General Who Conquers the West and took over the governance of Bingzhou and the military matters of Liangzhou. The deputies who served under Wei Kang, Yang Fu, Jiang Xu, Liang Kuan, Zhao Qu and others plotted against Ma Chao. Yang Fu and Jiang Xu revolted in Licheng and Ma Chao left Jicheng to quell the uprising, but was not successful. Meanwhile, Liang Kuan and Zhao Qu closed the gates to Jicheng and Ma Chao could not return to the city. He had little choice but to seek refuge with Zhang Lu in Hanzhong.

[edit] Service under Zhang Lu

However, Ma Chao was unhappy with Zhang Lu because he felt Zhang Lu was not capable enough nor ambitious enough to accomplish great tasks.[8] He would ask Zhang Lu for troops to attack Liangzhou from time to time, but was never triumphant.

Zhang Lu once thought of marrying his daughter to Ma Chao, but Wang Shang, one of Zhang Lu's officers, dissuaded him, saying "Ma Chao is full of courage but not humanity; he knows no allegiance. He can not be trusted in a relationship that calls for an interdependency."[9] (referring to his uprising that doomed his clan). Ma Chao was deeply regretful for causing the death of his family, as on one New Year's Day, he laments with Ma Dai: "A family of hundreds, sharing the same fate in one day. Now are there only the two of us to give greetings to each other?"

Zhang Lu grew to distrust Ma Chao more and more, and sent Yang Bo to monitor him. Ma Chao then left Zhang Lu to live with the Di people.

[edit] Service under Liu Bei

Meanwhile, Liu Bei attacked Liu Zhang in Chengdu and sent Li Kui to convince Ma Chao to join him.[10] Ma Chao responded by killing Yang Bo and leading his men to defect to Liu Bei. When Liu Bei heard that Ma Chao was coming, he said delightedly, "I am going to get Yizhou!"[11] He sent an envoy to greet Ma Chao. Ma Chao led his men to the north side of Chengdu, capital city of Liu Zhang. There was great fear within the city. Within ten days, Liu Zhang surrendered.[12] Ma Chao was appointed as "General Who Pacifies the West" (平西將軍) and put in charge of the areas of Linju (臨沮) as befitting a Marquis of Duting, which was the title awarded by the Han court to Ma Chao. When Liu Bei became Prince of Hanzhong, he gave Ma Chao the titles of "General of the Left" (左將軍). In 221, Ma Chao was appointed as "General of the Agile Cavalry" (驃騎將軍) and governor of the Province of Liang. He also received a noble title of Marquis of Lixiang.[13]

Liu Bei wrote to Ma Chao, "I am incapable but I needed to preserve the Han dynasty. Cao Cao and his son ruined the country would be remembered by all for their sins. I am disconsolate by their wrongdoings. Our people loathed them and hope to regain the Han realm such that the Di, Qiang and Xunyu and other tribes on all corners of China will be willing to join us. You are in good esteem of the northerners and your valor is well-known there. I have an important task for you: I hope you use your great influence to govern them and be concerned about the sufferings of the people. You must show the benefits of the Han government. Be fair in your task to reward the good and punish the wrongdoers. Add to the fortunes of the Han culture and not let our people down."[14]

Ma Chao passed away at the age of 47 in second year of Zhangwu’s reign as a result of illness. Before he died, he wrote to Liu Bei, "Most of my extended family of two hundred odd were killed by Cao Cao. Only my cousin Ma Dai is left. Let him continue what is left of our family. I entrust him to you. That is all I have to say."[15]

Liu Bei gave Ma Chao the posthumous title of Marquis of Yuewei which Ma Chao’s son, Ma Cheng, inherited. Ma Dai's post rose to "General Who Pacifies the North" (平北將軍), and he received the noble title Marquis of Chenchan. Ma Chao's daughter married Prince of Anping, Liu Li.[16]

[edit] Romance of the Three Kingdoms

The main difference between the historical version and the fiction is the sequence of events and Ma Chao’s character:

  • In the Romance of the Three Kingdoms, Ma Teng was executed which was why Ma Chao led an uprising. In the historical version, Ma Chao led an uprising which caused Ma Teng to be executed.
  • In the Romance of the Three Kingdoms, Ma Chao was described as "brave but incapable" (Chapter 64). That does not tally with the comments of Cao Cao and Zhuge Liang, two brilliant strategists of the time, who gave him high praises.

[edit] Battle of Tong Pass

In 211, Cao Cao executed Ma Teng, who was a conspirator against him, along with Ma Tie. Ma Chao, seeking for revenge, mobilized his forces to wage war against Cao Cao. Together with his father's sworn brother Han Sui, Ma Chao set off for Chang'an and conquered it easily. Having conquered Chang'an they advanced towards Tong Pass. Thus Cao Cao immediately dispatched Cao Hong and Xu Huang with 10,000 troops to Tong Pass and issued orders that they must refrain from engaging the enemy and defend the pass for ten days. However, on the ninth day Cao Hong could no longer put up with the insults and taunts shouted by Ma Chao and his army and therefore led a contingent of troops out of the pass to fight Ma Chao's forces without permission. Xu Huang came out to help Cao Hong but the two of them were no match for Ma Chao who successfully took the pass. Cao Cao led troops personally to recapture Tong Pass and Ma Chao defeated many of Cao Cao's top generals such as Yu Jin and Zhang He single handedly.

Ma Chao then directly attacked Cao Cao. Cao Cao, in a bid to escape, cut off his beard and threw away his robe to avoid being identified by Ma Chao's troops before being rescued by Cao Hong and Xiahou Yuan. In order to cut off Ma Chao's supplies lines, Cao Cao led troops to cross the river but Ma Chao was prepared and ambushed him instead. According to legend, if not for Xu Chu's bravery and loyalty, Cao Cao would certainly have perished there. Later Ma Chao was challenged to a duel by Xu Chu, a man of herculean strength and one leader of Cao Cao's personal bodyguards (the other being Dian Wei, who was dead at that time). Ma Chao fought with Xu Chu in a long bloody duel with no victor, and the duel was cut off by Cao Cao after he ordered his troops to advance. Back at his camp Ma Chao praised Xu Chu as a true mighty warrior with the well earned name "Mad Tiger". In the days ahead, Ma Chao harassed Cao Cao's troops and gave them no chance of setting up camps. Knowing that it would be very difficult to defeat a valiant general like Ma Chao, Cao Cao accepted his adviser Jia Xu's proposal to pretend to make peace with Ma Chao and at the same time attempt to turn Ma Chao and Han Sui against each other. Slowly the two men were driven apart. Ma Chao thought that Han Sui had collaborated with Cao Cao against him and tried to kill Han Sui, but only managed to chop off Han Sui's hand. In the ensuing confusion, Cao Cao launched an attack on his confused enemies and overcame them.

[edit] Battle of Jiameng Pass

Ma Chao, together with his cousin Ma Dai and his subordinate and advisor Pang De, escaped and later sought refuge with the warlord Zhang Lu. Later Zhang Lu sent Ma Chao to rescue Liu Zhang's Yizhou from Liu Bei's invading forces. The first encounter with Liu Bei's army was with Zhang Fei in Jiameng Pass (葭萌關) and these two men fought like tigers for long periods on two occasions with no signs of either one gaining an upper hand. Fearing that either one would get hurt, Liu Bei consulted Zhuge Liang and he agreed too that such a valiant and highly skilled general like Ma Chao would be a waste if any harm fell on him or Zhang Fei. An envoy was thus sent to persuade Ma Chao to switch sides over Liu Bei, and tricks were used to make Liu Zhang distrust Ma Chao. Ma Chao, being in a fix then, switched his allegiance over to Liu Bei.

[edit] Quotations

"Ma Chao is both a scholar and a warrior. His might is exceptional. He is a peerless hero, the likes of Ying Bu and Peng Yue". – Zhuge Liang (Records of Three Kingdoms Scroll 36 Shu Book 6.3)

"If the baby horse (Ma) doesn’t die, I wouldn’t be able to have a burial site!" – Cao Cao (Records of Three Kingdoms Scroll 36 Shu Book 6 Note San yang gong zai ji)

"Ma Chao has the courage of Ying Bu and Han Xin" – Yang Fu (Records of Three Kingdoms Scroll 36 Shu Book 6.11; ibid. Scroll 25 Wei Book 25.9)

"Ma Chao is brave but unprincipled." – Yang Fu (Records of Three Kingdoms Scroll 25 Wei Book 25.10)

"Ma Chao because of his ability to control the Western tribes and also because of his courage was conceited and brought about the doom of his entire clan. What a great pity! But he overcame his difficult position and reached a state of tranquillity. Isn't that compensation?" – Chen Shou (Records of Three Kingdoms Scroll 36 Shu Book 6.18)

"A veritable tiger of a general." – Liu Bei (Romance of the Three Kingdoms, Chap. 65)

[edit] Notes

  1. ^ Records of Three Kingdoms Scroll 36 Shu Book 6.10
  2. ^ Records of Three Kingdoms Scroll 36 Shu Book 6 Note Dianlüe
  3. ^ Records of Three Kingdoms Scroll 36 Shu Book 6.10
  4. ^ Records of Three Kingdoms Scroll 36 Shu Book 6 Note Dianlüe
  5. ^ Records of Three Kingdoms Scroll 36 Shu Book 6 Note Dianlüe
  6. ^ Records of Three Kingdoms Scroll 36 Shu Book 6.11
  7. ^ Records of Three Kingdoms Scroll 25 Wei Book 25.9
  8. ^ Records of Three Kingdoms Scroll 36 Shu Book 6.11
  9. ^ Records of Three Kingdoms Scroll 38 Shu Book 8 Note Yizhou qi jiu chuan
  10. ^ Records of Three Kingdoms Scroll 43 Shu Book 13.5
  11. ^ Records of Three Kingdoms Scroll 36 Shu Book 6 Note Dianlüe
  12. ^ Records of Three Kingdoms Scroll 36 Shu Book 6 Note Dianlüe
  13. ^ Records of Three Kingdoms Scroll 36 Shu Book 6.12
  14. ^ Records of Three Kingdoms Scroll 36 Shu Book 6.12
  15. ^ Records of Three Kingdoms Scroll 36 Shu Book 6.12
  16. ^ Records of Three Kingdoms Scroll 36 Shu Book 6.12

[edit] References

  • Chen, Shou. 三国志全译. ed. Wu Shundong, Tan Shuchun, Chen Aiping. ISBN: 7-221-03447-8.
  • Chen, Shou. 白话三囯志. ISBN: 7-5325-2115-X.
  • Fang, Shiming. 三国人物散论. ISBN : 7-5325-2755-7
  • Zhang, Dake. 三囯人物新传. ISBN : 7-5075-1421-8

[edit] External links

Prominent people of the Three Kingdoms Era
Rulers Han: Emperor Ling - Emperor Shao (Prince of Hongnong) - Emperor Xian
Wei: Cao Cao - Cao Pi - Cao Rui - Cao Fang - Cao Mao - Cao Huan
Shu: Liu Bei - Liu Shan
Wu: Sun Jian - Sun Ce - Sun Quan - Sun Liang - Sun Xiu - Sun Hao
Jin: Sima Yan

Others: Dong Zhuo - Gongsun Zan - Han Fu - Liu Biao - Liu Yao - Liu Zhang - Lü Bu - Ma Teng - Meng Huo - Yuan Shao - Yuan Shu - Zhang Jiao - Zhang Lu

Advisors Wei: Guo Jia - Jia Xu - Sima Shi - Sima Yi - Sima Zhao - Xu You - Xu Shu - Xun You - Xun Yu - Dong Zhao - Mi Heng
Shu: Fei Yi - Jiang Wan - Jiang Wei - Pang Tong - Zhuge Liang
Wu: Gu Yong - Lu Su - Lu Kang - Lu Xun - Zhang Zhao - Zhou Yu - Zhuge Jin - Zhuge Ke
Others: Chen Gong - Li Ru - Li Su - Tian Feng
Generals Wei: Dian Wei - Xiahou Dun - Xiahou Yuan - Xu Chu - Xu Huang - Zhang He - Zhang Liao
Shu: Guan Ping - Guan Xing - Guan Yu - Huang Zhong - Ma Chao - Wei Yan - Zhang Fei - Zhao Yun
Wu: Gan Ning - Huang Gai - Ling Tong - Lü Meng - Taishi Ci - Xu Sheng - Zhou Tai - Zhu Ran
Others: He Jin - Hua Xiong - Ji Ling - Wen Chou - Yan Liang
Others Diaochan - Guan Lu - Hua Tuo - Sima Hui - Sun Shangxiang