Maître des requêtes

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Maître des requêtes (in French, literally, "master of petitions" (the term "maître" is an honorific title for lawyers); plural: "maîtres des requêtes") is an official title carried by certain high-level magistrates and administrators in France and some other European countries since the Middle Ages.


[edit] In France under the Ancien Régime

The maîtres des requêtes ordinaires de l'hôtel du Roi (by their full title) were originally in the Middle Ages the magistrates of the tribunal of petitions of the royal household (the "hôtel du roi"). Certain customs from this original function survived until the 18th century, such as the custom of two members of this body accompanying the king, on Sundays and festival days, on his way to and from the church and remaining near him during the mass, in order to receive petitions from the public.

In Early Modern France the maîtres des requêtes were chosen from among the best magistrates and parliamentarians of the superior courts and parlements in the realm. The prestigious offices needed to be purchased, although the king could also appoint individuals; under Louis XIV, these offices were extremely expensive, but they conferred nobility upon the user (see French nobility). There were generally 80 maîtres des requêtes; their number reached 88 in 1723, but Louis XV brought them back to 80 in 1752. They went to 67 members in 1787.

The maîtres des requêtes collaborated and worked closely with the Chancellor of France, attended the king's private Counsel and participated in judicial and financial decisions. From their members were generally recruited other high-level royal officers and government officials, such as: conseiller d'État; intendants of the provinces, of commerce or of finance; contrôleur général des finances; lieutenant général of the police, etc.

[edit] In France after 1799

The maîtres des requêtes au Conseil d'État (by their full title) are members of the Conseil d'État possessing a rank of maître des requêtes, between the rank of auditeur de 1ère classe and conseiller d'État.

[edit] References

  • Bluche, François. L'Ancien régime: Institutions et société. Collection: Livre de poche. Paris: Editions de Fallois, 1993.

[edit] See also

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