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Basic data
Function ICBM
Manufacturer EADS SPACE Transportation
Entered service 1996
General characteristics
Engine 3-stage solid
Launch mass 35 t
Length 11.05 m
Diameter 1.93 m
Range 6,000 km
Warhead 6 x 100 Kt TN 75
Guidance Inertial plus computer payload control
Launch platform Triomphant class submarines

The M45 SLBM is the current standard French Navy's submarine launched ballistic missile (In French terminology the MSBS - Mer-Sol-Ballistique-Stratégique (Sea-ground-Strategic ballistic missile). Around 200 M45 are in commission in the FOST, the submarine nuclear deterrent component of the French Navy.

The missiles, derived from the M4, are produced by Aerospatiale (now EADS SPACE Transportation). Initially, an ICBM land-based version was considered but these plans were discarded in 1996 to favour an all-naval deployment.

The M45 differs from its predecessor by its increased range (6000 km vs. 4000 km), its increased accuracy and penetration capabilities and its new TN-75 warheads. Each missile carries six MIRVs, each armed with a thermonuclear warhead of 100 kT.

The M45 has a reported accuracy of 350 m CEP using an inertial guidance system coupled with computer payload control. It will be succeeded by the M51 SLBM.

[edit] Tests

In March 1986, a M-4 missile was launched and covered 6,000 km to its target; this flight is rumoured to have been the first test flight for the M-45.

On the night of the 1-2 June 2004, the Triomphant class submarine Vigilant fired a version of the M45 from the southern part of Brittany; the missile hit its target near French Guiana.

Comparison of different nuclear systems: left, the SNLE (Redoutable type) with the M4 missile; right, the SNLE-NG (Triomphant type) with the present M45 missile and the future M51 missile.
Comparison of different nuclear systems: left, the SNLE (Redoutable type) with the M4 missile; right, the SNLE-NG (Triomphant type) with the present M45 missile and the future M51 missile.
French nuclear armament
Strategic missiles

missile M1 | missile M2 | missile M3 | missile M4 | missile M45 | missile M51 | missile M5
Pre-strategic missiles
Pluton | Hadès | ASMP
Nuclear warheads
AN-11 bomb | AN-22 bomb | AN-52 bomb | MR 31 | MR 41 | MR 50 CTC | AN 51 CTC | AN 52 CTC | TN 60 | TN 61 | TN 70 | TN 71 | TN 80 | TN 81 | TN 90 |TN 75 | TNO
Related subjects
French nuclear deterrence | FOST

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