M35 2-1/2 ton cargo truck
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The M35 series of trucks is one of the most long-lived systems deployed by the United States Army. They were first fielded in the 1950's and continue to serve with various modifications, in two dozen configurations, in many different militaries. The M35 2½ ton cargo truck could carry 5000 pounds cross country or 10,000 over roads.
The US version is built by Reo, it is all-wheel-drive and equipped with a 140 hp, Continental LD-465, in-line 6 cylinder, multifuel diesel coupled with a 5-speed manual transmission and a 2-speed transfer case. Multifuel meant that the engine could be set up to run on almost any type of diesel fuel, jet fuel, gasoline, or heating oil.
The M35 series has been replaced by the Light Medium Tactical Vehicle. However, many United States National Guard and United States Army Reserve units still employ them as part of their fleet. The M35 series is also being used by the Army in Iraq as part of Operation Iraqi Freedom.
Canadian Forces Land Force Command adopted a license built version of the M35 (and M36, which had a different wheelbase) in 1982, built in Canada by Bombardier. As of 2006, the trucks - designated MLVW (Multi-Logistics Vehicle, Wheeled)]] are still in service. Canadian vehicles featured an automatic transmission, 6 wheels instead of ten, and an ether-start for winter operations.
This article incorporates text from [1], a public domain work of the United States Government.