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Chemical structure of lysergol
Chemical structure of lysergol

Lysergol, is an alkaloid of the ergoline family that occurs in various species of vines of the Convolvulaceae and some species of fungi. As the minor alkaloid in the hallucinogenic seeds of Rivea corymbosa (ololiuhqui), Argyreia nervosa (Hawaiian baby woodrose) and Ipomoea violacea (tlitliltzin). Whether or not this compound has hallucinogenic effects remains unclear. Lysergol is uncontrolled in the USA, but possession and sale may be illegal under the Federal Analog Act because of its relationship to LSD and ergine, which are controlled substances.

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Ergolines edit
Lysergic acid derivatives

Bromocriptine, Cabergoline, Ergine, Ergonovine, Ergotamine, Lysergic acid, Lysergol, d-Lysergic acid hydroxyethylamide, Lisuride, Methergine, Methysergide, Pergolide

Hallucinogenic lysergamides

AL-LAD, ALD-52, BU-LAD, CYP-LAD, DAL, DAM-57, Ergonovine, ETH-LAD, LAE-32, LSD, LPD-824, LSM-775, Methylergonovine, MLD-41, PARGY-LAD, PRO-LAD

Other ergolines


Natural sources

Argyreia nervosa, Claviceps spp., Ipomoea tricolor, Ipomoea violacea, Rivea corymbosa

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