
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

nha, from Lyon, France.

For the original version of this page, please go to my French user page. Let me know about how to appropriately manage localized versions of Wiki user main pages (Is there any way to maintain an unique user main page instead of creating a page for each language that one wishes to translate one's page into?).


[edit] Selection of Wiki links

[edit] References in mathematics

If maths are a part of your passion or simply interest you, you may also have a glance at the following web sites, moreover the resources available on the marvellous initiative that Wikipedia is:

  • the site, which offers among other things a high quality forum (in French language), whose participants are mainly lecturers, researchers, engineers in applied math, undergraduate students in math, and also impassioned or curious persons, in a friendly and respectful atmosphere;
  • the site MathWorld from Wolfram, a collection of specialized information (in English) and a reference on the matter.

[edit] Higher education schools

Here are some links to the university and schools I graduated from. They are mentioned in the chronological order in which I attended them:

  • UCBL1 the Claude Bernard University of Lyon (France), hosting among others the Laënnec Faculty of Medicine and the Faculty of Computer Science from which I undergraduated (BSc in CS);
  • ÉNS Lyon the École normale supérieure of Lyon (French high school for high-level research and teaching), hosting among others the Department of Math and Computer Science (DMI) from which I graduated (MSc in CS);
  • INSA Lyon the National Institute for Applied Sciences of Lyon (French high school for engineering), hosting among others the Department of Computer Science (IF) and the Doctoral School in Computer Science and Information for the Society (ED IIS) where I pursue a PhD in CS.

[edit] Personal Data

  • Email: nhazmail-misc(at)
  • Current job: research engineer in a IT private company.
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