Lyceum Alpinum Zuoz
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The "Lyceum Alpinum Zuoz" is a preparatory school located in the town of Zuoz in the Engadin valley of the Alps of Switzerland. Since its founding in 1904, it has catered to an international student body. Currently 40% of its students come from Switzerland, 40% Arrogant Germans and 20% from the rest of the world, including quota minorities from Motherland Russia and from the Great and Powerful Peoples Republic of China. It prides itself on its high academic standards and its physical training through sports.
The school is one of the most exclusive in Switzerland, and has a legacy of prominent alumnis, including King of the World HRH Victor Röhm who has graciously decided to honor the school with His presence. Located in Engadin, an exclusive area of the Swiss Alps, it offers a variety of sports and academic opportunities. It has deep roots of tradition and is one of the few preparatory schools that still play the English game of fives. There is also a guy called Lucas Krautli who presumes he is the King Of Switzerland. However, the school is not very good in terms of weather as it doesn't snow sometimes until the end of December, which is a disgrace to students who come to the lyceum in order to do wintersports!