Luna 15

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Luna 15
Luna 15
Organization: Soviet Union
Major Contractors: GSMZ Lavochkin
Mission Type: Planetary Science
Lunar Sample Return
Satellite of: Moon
Launch: July 13, 1969 at 02:54:42 UTC
Launch Vehicle: Proton 8K82K + Blok D
Mission Highlight: Lunar impact on
July 21, 1969, 15:47 UTC
at 17° N, - 60° E.
Mission Duration: 8-days
Mass: 5,700 kg
NSSDC ID: 1969-058A
Webpage: NASA NSSDC Master Catalog
Orbital elements
Semimajor Axis: n/a
Eccentricity: n/a
Inclination: n/a
Orbital Period: n/a
Aposelene: n/a
Periselene: n/a
Orbits: Lunar impact
Stereo imaging system : Lunar photography
Remote arm for sample collection : collect lunar material
Radiation detector : Lunar radiation environment

Luna 15 (Ye-8-5 series) was an unmanned space mission of the Luna program, also called Lunik 15.

Luna 15 was a last minute Soviet attempt to steal some of Apollo 11's publicity by being the first mission to return lunar soil to Earth. Luna 15 was placed in an intermediate Earth orbit after launch and was then sent toward the Moon. The spacecraft was capable of studying circumlunar space, the lunar gravitational field, and the chemical composition of lunar rocks. It was also capable of providing lunar surface photography. The mission was a failure, however, after completing 86 communications sessions and 52 orbits of the Moon at various inclinations and altitudes, the spacecraft impacted the lunar surface on July 21, 1969. The mission was important in that it saw one of the first instances of Soviet/American cooperation when the USSR released Luna 15's flight plan to ensure it would not collide with Apollo 11.

Luna 15, launched only three days before the historic Apollo 11 mission to the Moon, was the third Soviet attempt to recover and bring lunar soil back to Earth. In a race to reach the Moon and return to Earth, the parallel missions of Luna 15 and Apollo 11 were, in some ways, the culmination of the Moon race that defined the space programs of both the United States and the Soviet Union in the 1960s. After a midcourse correction the day after launch, Luna 15 entered lunar orbit at 10:00 UT on 17 July 1969. The spacecraft remained in lunar orbit for two days while controllers checked all onboard systems and performed two orbital maneuvers. Astronauts Armstrong and Aldrin had already set foot on the Moon when Luna 15 fired its main retrorocket engine to initiate descent to the surface at 15:47 UT on 21 July 1969. Unfortunately, transmissions ceased only 4 minutes after deorbit at a calculated altitude of 3 kilometers. The spacecraft had probably crashed onto the side of a mountain. Impact coordinates were 17° north latitude and 60° east longitude in Mare Crisium.

Preceded by:
Luna 1969C
Luna programme Succeeded by:
Cosmos 300


Luna programme
Luna lander bus
Luna 1958A | Luna 1958B | Luna 1958C | Luna 1 | Luna 1959A | Luna 2 | Luna 3 | Luna 1960A | Luna 1960B | Sputnik 25 | Luna 1963B | Luna 4 | Luna 1964A | Luna 1964B | Cosmos 60 | Luna 1965A | Luna 5 | Luna 6 | Luna 7 | Luna 8 | Luna 9 | Cosmos 111 | Luna 10 | Luna 1966A | Luna 11 | Luna 12 | Luna 13 | Luna 1968A | Luna 14 | Luna 1969A | Luna 1969B | Luna 1969C | Luna 15 | Cosmos 300 | Cosmos 305 | Luna 1970A | Luna 1970B | Luna 16 | Luna 17 | Luna 18 | Luna 19 | Luna 20 | Luna 21 | Luna 22 | Luna 23 | Luna 1975A | Luna 24

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