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For the Italian city, see Lugo, Italy.

Lugo is a city in northwestern Spain, in the autonomous community of Galicia. It is the capital of the province of Lugo. The municipality had a population of 92,271 in 2005.


[edit] History

Lugo Province
District population
City of Lugo 26,959
Chantada 15,003
Fonsagrada 17,302
City of Mondoñedo 10,590
Monforte 12,912
Panton 12,988
Villalba 13,572
Vivero 12,843
Towns, Vilages and Hamlets 343,217
All the Province (Total): 465,386
(Encyclopædia Britannica, 1911) [1]

The city was founded by Paulus Fabius Maximus and called Lucus Augusti (noted as Λοῦκος Αὐγούστον by Ptolemy, ii. 6. § 24) in 13 BC on the positioning of a Roman military camp[1], while the Roman Empire completed the conquest, in the North, of the Iberian Peninsula. Situated in what was the Roman province of Hispania Tarraconensis, it was the chief town of the tribe of the Capori. Though small it was the most important Roman town in what became Gallaecia during the Roman period, the seat of a conventus, one of three in Gallaecia, and later became one of the two capitals of Gallaecia, and gave its name to the Callaïci Lucenses. The Conventus Lucensis, according to Pliny, began at the river Navilubio, and contained 16 peoples, besides the Celtici and Lebuni; and though these tribes were not powerful, and their names "barbarous" to Roman ears, there were among them 166,000 freemen (Plin. iii. 3. s. 4, iv. 20. s. 34). The city stood on one of the upper branches of the Minius (modern Minho), on the road from Bracara to Asturica (Itin. Ant. pp. 424, 430), and had some famous baths, of which there are now no remains. (Florez, Esp. S. vol. xl., xli.; Ukert, vol. ii. pt. 1, p. 437).

Lucus was the seat of a bishopric by the later 5th century at the latest and remained an administrative center under the Suebi and Visigoths, before going into such a decline that the site was found to be deserted in the middle of the eighth century by bishop Odoario, who set about reviving it. Tenth century attempts at rebuilding its casas destructas (abandoned tenements) suggest that it remained a town only on paper: the seat of a bishopric, administered by a count, from which royal charters were issued. "Its commercial and industrial role was insignificant", Richard Fletcher wrote of 11th century Lugo[2].

During the High Middle Ages the city recovered.

Lugo in Galicia, Spain
Lugo in Galicia, Spain

[edit] Ecclesiastical history

The Romans had inhabited Lugo in 13 B.C., The romans introduced some culture to them, and also Built a large wall, protecting the city (built for the romans not Spain), And inside was a beautiful cathedral which still stands.

The Diocese of Lugo (Lucensis in Latin) which embraces all the province of Lugo and part of Pontevedra and Coruña in Galicia, Spain, is a suffragan of Santiago de Compostela. It is said to have been founded (by Agapitus) in Apostolic times.

The see certainly existed in the fifth century, as the authentic catalogue of its bishops begins with Agrescius (433), who is ranked as a metropolitan. Lugo, however, became a suffragan of the archbishopric of Braga somewhat later. In 561 it was restored to its ancient metropolitan dignity, Ourense, Iria Flavia, Astorga and Britonia being its dependent sees. Councils were held at Lugo in 569, 572, and perhaps 610 (see Baronius, 1597; Hardouin, Conc., II, 373). In 666 it again lost its metropolitan rank.

The diocese had in the early 20th century 1102 parishes, (Perujo says 647, infra), 1108 priests, 649 chapels, and 21 oratories and 5 religious houses for men, and 8 convents of women. The population was about 366,000, practically all Catholics. The diocese takes its name from the capital of the province which is situated on the Rio Miño.

The seminary of San Lorenzo, Lugo, with 400 students, was founded in 1591; it is incorporated with the prestigeous University of Salamanca.

[edit] Situation and features

Located on a site above the Minho river and named after the Celtic god Lugus, it is the only city in Europe to be surrounded by completely intact Roman walls, which reach a height of 10 to 15 metres along a 2'5 km circuit ringed with 71 towers. The walk along the top is continuous round the circuit. These 3rd century walls are protected by UNESCO as a World Heritage Site. The bridge over the Minho is essentially of Roman date, though many repairs over the centuries have effaced its Roman character.

Other sources suggest that the name Lucus Augusti comes from the Latin word Lucus, which means "sacred grove", or "sacred forest", as the city was founded on the place of a small grove.

The city possesses a fine cathedral dedicated to St. Froilano, built about 1129, though the actual main facade and towers date only from 1769. Its elegant stalls were carved by Francisco Mouro in 1624. This cathedral enjoys the extraordinary privilege of having the Blessed Sacrament perpetually exposed, a privilege which is commemorated in the armorial bearings of the town. Besides the walls, sights include the cathedral, built between the XIIth and the XVIIIth centuries, and the Museo Provincial, which shows a display of Galician art and other building of the XVIIIth century and the Palace of the arts (Circulo de las Artes) and the Spain Square, which is the site of many cafes.

[edit] See also

[edit] Sources and references

[edit] Notes

  1. ^ The cardo and decumanus of the ancient plan can still be recognized in the modern street plan.
  2. ^ Richard A. Fletcher, 1984. Saint James's Catapult: The Life and Times of Diego Gelmírez of Santiago de Compostela (Oxford University Press) (on-line text, ch. 1)

Galician cities Flag of Galicia
Santiago de Compostela | A Coruña | Vigo
Pontevedra | Ferrol | Lugo | Ourense

edit Roman Catholic Church - The five Dioceses of Galicia [2] Roman Catholic

Diocese of Ourense | Diocese of Tui-Vigo | Archdiocese of Santiago de Compostela | Diocese of Ferrol-Mondoñedo | Diocese of Lugo

edit Municipalities of Lugo Flag of Galicia

Abadín | Alfoz | Antas de Ulla | Baleira | Baralla | Barreiros | Becerreá | Begonte | Bóveda | Burela | Carballedo | Castro de Rei | Castroverde | Cervantes | Cervo | Chantada | O Corgo | Cospeito | Folgoso do Courel | A Fonsagrada | Foz | Friol | Guitiriz | Guntín | O Incio | Láncara | Lourenzá | Lugo | Meira | Mondoñedo | Monforte de Lemos | Monterroso | Muras | Navia de Suarna | Negueira de Muñiz | As Nogais | Ourol | Outeiro de Rei | Palas de Rei | Pantón | Paradela | O Páramo | A Pastoriza | Pedrafita do Cebreiro | A Pobra do Brollón | Pol | A Pontenova | Portomarín | Quiroga | Rábade | Ribadeo | Ribas de Sil | Ribeira de Piquín | Riotorto | Samos | Sarria | O Saviñao | Sober | Taboada | Trabada | Triacastela | O Valadouro | O Vicedo | Vilalba | Viveiro | Xermade | Xove

edit Roman Catholic Church - The five Dioceses of Galicia [3] Roman Catholic

Diocese of Ourense | Diocese of Tui-Vigo | Archdiocese of Santiago de Compostela | Diocese of Ferrol-Mondoñedo | Diocese of Lugo

edit Galician Regions Flag of Galicia

Allariz - Maceda | Los Ancares | Arzúa | La Baja Limia | El Bajo Miño | El Barbanza | La Barcala | Bergantiños | Betanzos | Caldas | El Carballiño | Chantada | El Condado | A Coruña | El Deza | El Eume | Ferrol | Finisterre | La Fonsagrada | La Limia | Lugo | La Mariña Central | La Mariña Occidental | La Mariña Oriental | Meira | El Morrazo | Muros | Noya | Órdenes | Ourense | Ortegal | La Paradanta | Pontevedra | Quiroga | El Ribero | El Salnés | Santiago | El Sar | Sarria | Tabeirós - Tierra de Montes | La Terra Chá | La Tierra de Caldelas | La Tierra de Celanova | La Tierra de Lemos | La Tierra de Mellid | La Tierra de Soneira | La Tierra de Trives | La Ulloa | Valdeorras | Verín | Viana | Vigo | El Xallas

Coordinates: 43°00′N 7°34′W