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Lugal-Zage-Si of Umma (reigned ca. 2359 BC2335 BC short chronology) was the last Sumerian king before the conquest of Sumer by Sargon of Akkad and the rise of the Akkadian Empire, and was considered as the only king of the third dynasty of Uruk. Lugal-Zage-Si himself also pursued an expansive policy, and he conquered Lagash. Lugal-Zage-Si began his career as King of Umma, from where he conquered several of the Sumerian city-states including Uruk, where he established his capital, and was arguably the first king to unite Sumer as a single kingdom. He overthrew king Urukagina of Lagash and created a unified Mesopotamian Empire, which he ruled over for 25 years.

[edit] See also

[edit] References

    History of Sumer:
    Notable Rulers of Sumer
    Legendary Kings:  Alulim Dumuzid Ziusudra
    First Dynasty of Kish Etana Enmebaragesi
    First Dynasty of Uruk Enmerkar Lugalbanda Gilgamesh
    First Dynasty of Ur Meskalamdug Mesannepada Puabi
    Dynasty of Adab Lugal-Anne-Mundu
    Third Dynasty of Kish Kubaba
    First Dynasty of Lagash Ur-Nanshe Eannatum En-anna-tum I
    Entemena Urukagina
    Third Dynasty of Uruk Lugal-Zage-Si
    Dynasty of Akkad Sargon Enheduanna Manishtushu
    Naram-Sin Shar-Kali-Sharri Dudu Shu-turul
    Second Dynasty of Lagash Gudea
    Fifth Dynasty of Uruk Utu-hegal
    Third Dynasty of Ur Ur-Nammu Shulgi Amar-Sin Shu-Sin Ibbi-Sin