Lucius Seius Strabo

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Lucius Seius Strabo or Lucius Aelius Strabo was a Roman soldier who came from Vulsinii (modern Orvieto, Italy). He was a man of Equestrian rank.

During the reigns of the Roman Emperors Augustus and Tiberius, he commandered the Praetorian Guard. When Tiberius became Emperor, he was controller of the corn-supply. In his presence, the consuls swore allengiance to Tiberius.

His son Sejanus later was his joint commander. When Strabo retired, Sejanus took full control.

He was father to Lucius Aelius Sejanus; adoptive father to Aelia Paetina (second wife to the future Emperor Claudius); grandfather to Claudia Antonia and Sejanus' son and 2 daughters.

Source: Tacitus, Annals of Imperial Rome.

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