Luciano Gallet

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Luciano Gallet (June 28, 1893 Rio de Janeiro - October 29, 1931 Rio de Janeiro) was a Brazilian composer, conductor and pianist.

He began piano playing as a school boy, and first studied and graduated in architecture, before enrolling at the Instituto Nacional de Música to study music with Henrique Oswald, Abdon Milanez and Agnelo França. In 1917 he studied harmony with Darius Milhaud. In 1922 he started to conduct the choir and the orchestra of the Instituto Nacional de Música and in 1926 he became publisher of the music magazine Weco. In 1930 he was one of the founders of the Associação Brasileira de Música and became Director of the Instituto Nacional de Música.

[edit] Works

Orchestra Music

  • Tango-batuque (1919)
  • Moderato e allegro (1920)
  • Suite bucólica (1920)
  • Elegia (1921)
  • Dança brasileira (1925)
  • Toca-zumba (1926)
  • Suspira, coração triste (1927)
  • Xangô (1929)
  • Pai do mato (1929)
  • Suite popular (1929)

Chamber Music

  • Turuna (1926)
  • Suite sobre temas negro brasileiros(1929)


  • Berceuse (1917)
  • Caxinguelê (1917)
  • Doze exercícios brasileiro (1928)
  • Elegia (1918)
  • Romance n. 1 (1918)
  • Romance n. 2 (1918).


  • Le sonnet d’Arvers (1918)
  • Alanguissement (1918)
  • Canção dolente (1918)
  • A Partida (1919)
  • Suspira, coração triste (1921)
  • A Vida (1922)
  • Olhos verdes (1922)
  • Fotorototó (1924)
  • Ai, que coração (1924)
  • Foi numa noite calmosa (1925)
  • Maxixe (1925); Tutu-marambá (1927)
  • Marcha, soldado (1927)
  • Atirei um pau no gato (1928)
  • Carneirinho, carneirão (1928)
  • Xangô (1928)
  • Deux chansons de Bilitis (1920)
  • Toada (1922)
  • Sertaneja (1924)
  • O Luar do sertão (1924)
  • Toca-sumba (1926)

Church Music

  • Ave Maria n. 1 (1918)
  • Padre Nosso n. 2 (1918)
  • Três cantos religiosos (1919)
  • O Salutaris (1920)
  • Si quaeris miracula (1926)

[edit] External links

  • [1] Short biography in Portuguese