Lu Xixing

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Lu Xixing (陸西星;陆西星) (dates of birth and death unknown) was born in Jiangsu, which was called Xinhua (興化;兴化) in his time, the Ming dynasty. He was thought to be another probable author of Fengshen Yanyi (封神演義;封神演义) (translated as The Investiture of the Gods or The Creation of the Gods in English) along with Xu Zhonglin. Lu was a daoist. His works include Huanan Jing Fumuo (Huanan Prayer Copy) (南華經副墨;南华经副墨)and Fangwu Waishi (The Untold History of a Square Teapot)(方壺外史;方壶外史), which are collected in Chuanqi Huikau (Truths in Legends)(傳奇彙考;传奇汇考) and Minguanglin Shi (The Poetic Collection of Mingguanglin)(明廣陵詩;明广陵诗) Volume 2-12.

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