Luís Teixeira
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Luís Teixeira or Ludovico Teixeira was a sixteenth-century Portuguese Jesuit, cartographer, and mathematician, and one of the first Portuguese humanists. He was one of the teachers of Portuguese King John III of Portugal. Educated in Italy with other names of Portuguese humanism he was influenced by the florentine ideals of Angelo Poliziano.
Teixeira contributed a well-known early map of Japan (Iaponiae Insulae Descriptio)[1] to Abraham Ortelius's atlas Theatrum Orbis Terrarum. It was the first separate map of Japan, and was for many years the standard map of Japan used by Europeans (until the 1655 map by Martino Martini).
An important atlas of Brazil is attributed to Teixeira, entitled Roteiro de todos os sinais, conhecimentos, fundos, baixos, alturas, e derrotas que há na costa do Brasil desde o Cabo de Santo Agostinho até ao estreito de Fernão de Magalhães (1586).