Loving Sander

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Loving Sander
Loving Sander book cover
Author Joseph Geraci
Cover Artist F. F. Walter Aubrey 1954
Country United States
Language English
Genre(s) Novel
Publisher Gay Men's Press
Released November 1996
Media Type Print (Paperback)
Pages 160 p. (paperback edition)
ISBN ISBN 0-85449-231-3 (paperback edition)

Loving Sander is a 1996 novel by Joseph Geraci. Will, an American photography scholar in his early 30s, is working in the Netherlands and befriends a ten-year-old boy called Sander, the son of friends in the photography and art world in Amsterdam. Over the next two years, the openly paedophile Will has an intense sexual relationship with the boy.

[edit] Plot summary

Sander’s parents have recently split up and Will makes friends with both of them to maintain access to Sander. The molestation starts one day when he is staying with the eleven-year-old Sander and his mother Marijke on the island of Texel. Will takes advantage of the vulnerable and troubled boy, though the boy appears to be a willing participant.

On one occasion, Will went upstairs to read Sander his story, but he still had too much energy to lie in bed quietly. Sander teased Will and made a lot of noise, bouncing on his his bed and pouncing on Will. Will wrested his arms free and, holding Sander by the wrists, tried to pin him down on the bed.

Marijke shouted upstairs, "Who's not going to bed?" Sander became quite quiet and Will let go of his arms. His pyjamas were hunching up his body. Sander immediately tried to tickle Will and his pyjama buttons started to come undone. Will retalliated and started tickling him instead. Sander shouted at top volume, "Help! Help! Stop! Stop! Help." Will tickled his bare stomach and he screamed again, hunched in a ball, looking up at Will while panting with his face red. Sander then, quite deliberately, stretched out his legs in order to show Will that he had an erection. Sander put an arm behind his head. Unsure what to do, Will then hugged him.

Later, Will takes Sander off into the sand dunes and has oral sex with the boy. Marijke has a pretty good idea that Will is abusing her boy but seems unwilling to do anything about it.

Sander is a willing and enthusiastic participant in the sexual games, even offering his friend Michiel to Will. At the end of the book, Will and Sander have professed their love for each other, but the end of the relationship draws ever closer as Sander enters puberty and starts to want his independence from Will.

[edit] See also