Love Me Butch

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Love Me Butch is a Malaysian metalcore/hardcore band.


[edit] Members Of Love Me Butch

Syarul Reza – Vocals
Wing Meng – Guitars
Kevin Kong – Bass
Winder Singh – Drums

[edit] Photos And Logos

[edit] Discography

Album Cover Album Released Record Label Track List
"This Is The New Pop" 2005 One Armed Productions 01. Reconcile
02. Stumble Upon A Glass
03. Barricade
04. Dream Of My Own
05. Fortress Of A Million
06. Pitcher Of A Ghost
07. Hollywood Holiday
08. Embrace Yourselves
09. Bliss
10. Living In Disguise
"Enter Posthuman" 2001 Posse Records 01. The Protector
02. Never Ending Tunnel 
03. Public Enemy
04. It's Over in Space 
05. Just Started
06. Asian Rock Anthem
07. 1000 Words
08. Six
09. Not The One
10. Of All Our Love & Hate

[edit] Videos

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