Lough Erne

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Location map of Lough Erne. Lower Lough Erne is northwest of Upper Lough Erne.
Location map of Lough Erne. Lower Lough Erne is northwest of Upper Lough Erne.
Lough Erne
Lough Erne

Lough Erne (Irish: Loch Éirne) refers to two lakes in Northern Ireland, situated along the River Erne. The waterway is mostly situated in County Fermanagh. The river begins by flowing north, and then curves west into the Atlantic. The southern-most lake is further up the river and so is named Upper Lough Erne. The northern lake is Lower Lough Erne.

A canal exists between the upper end of the River Shannon and the River Erne, allowing boat movements from the Shannon estuary in southwest Ireland, all the way through the midlands of the country, and across to the northwest and out to the Atlantic again.

Lough Erne is a particularly scenic waterway in Ireland, it is renowned for the beautiful setting. The area is also popular for angling. The town of Enniskillen is situated between the lakes.

The Annals of Ulster were written in the late 15th century on Belle Isle on Lough Erne.

Interestingly, it escaped the Irish Potato Famine better than any other county. Because it has so many islands, the potato blight had difficulty travelling over the water to those islands, compared to the green hills of most of Ireland. Those Erne islands produced surprising amounts of potatoes (the staple diet on the over-populated island, from 1845-1849), whilst the mainland was largely starving in comparison.

[edit] Islands

The lakes contain many small islands, and peninsulas called "islands" because of the highly convoluted shoreline. Those in the lower lake include Boa Island, Cleenishmeen Island, Crevinishaughy Island, Cruninish Island, Devenish Island, Ely Island, Horse Island, Inish Doney, Inish Fovar, Inish Lougher, Inish More, Inishmacsaint, Inishmakill, Lusty Beg Island, Lusty More Island, White Island.

Those in the upper lake include Bleanish Island, Dernish Island, Inishcorkish, Inishcrevan, Inishfendra, Inishleague, Inishlught, Inishturk, Killygowan Island, Naan Island, Trannish.

[edit] Trivia

  • There are 365 islands in the lake in the summer, but less than 250 in the winter. The water level changes, as the year goes around.

[edit] External links

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