Los Angeles CityBeat

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Los Angeles CityBeat is a free alternative weekly founded in June of 2003. Among its contributors are writers Mick Farren, Andrew Gumbel, Tom Hayden, Richard Meltzer, Chris Morris, and David L. Ulin. Artists who have contributed regularly include Jordan Crane, Tony Millionaire, Ted Rall and Brian Stauffer.

CityBeat and ValleyBeat with a combined circulation of 100,000 are the flagship weeklies for Southland Publishing. Southland Publishing also owns and operates:

San Diego CityBeat (50,000 weekly circulation) Pasadena Weekly (40,000 weekly circulation) Inland Empire [Riverside/San Bernardino] Weekly (40,000 weekly circulation) Ventura County Reporter (35,000 weekly circulation)

In addition to these weeklies Southland also publishes the monthly Southern California Senior Life (210,000 circulation) targeting the affulent 50+ year old demographic.

Southland also direct mails the following monthly magazines to household of distinction:

Arroyo Monthly [San Gabriel Valley] (40,000 circulation) Verdugo Monthly [Glendale/Burbank] (35,000 circulation) Ventana Monthly [Western Ventura County] (33,000 circulation)

Websites are as follows:

  • www.lacitybeat.com
  • www.sdcitybeat.com
  • www.pasadenaweekly.com
  • www.ieweekly.com
  • www.vcreporter.com
  • www.seniorlifeusa.com
  • www.arroyomonthly.com
  • www.verdugomonthly.com
  • www.ventanamonthly.com

[edit] External links