User:Lord Snoeckx/Userboxen

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


[edit] The WikiBoxen

This little tag you are reading is a userbox.

[edit] Personal

This user comes from Belgium.
This user's time zone is WET.
This user has a sense of humour
and shows it in their userboxes.
1337 This user is elite.

[edit] Languages and stuff

... This user would like to know all existing languages.
mankind This user supports the use of gender-neutral language.
they This user considers singular they standard English usage.
snkt This user says sneaked.
infin¦itive This user chooses to sometimes split infinitives.
This user is addicted to ellipses and has been known to use them indiscriminately….
UK This user uses British English.
whom This user insists upon using whom wherever it is called for, and fixes the errors of whomever he sees.

[edit] Gender

This user is interested in LGBT issues.
This user identifies as genderqueer.
This user identifies as heteroflexible.
This user identifies as pansexual.
This user supports gender equality.
This male user supports feminism.

[edit] Philosophy

This user is a skeptic.
I would say I'm a cynic but I bet you just wouldn't believe me.
This user is a member of Wikipedians against censorship.
This user is a fish, or at least thinks so.
This user takes time to
eat the flowers.
This user believes sarcasm is the highest form of wit.
This user understands, or is learning to understand, the language of the birds.

[edit] Psychology

IQ This user's Intelligence quotient is 120.
This user is skeptical of MBTI, regarding it as pseudoscience.
SYN This user is a synaesthete.
This user is mixed-handed.

[edit] Politics

This user is interested in politics.
= This user supports the Make Trade Fair campaign.
This user is an environmentalist.

[edit] Life

This user is an ageless Immortal.
This user does not claim to be of any ancestry at all.
☢ This user is a mutant.

This user is a person. Nothing else matters.
This user is a
Dark Lord of the Sith.
If only you knew the power
of the Dark Side.

[edit] Literature

This user enjoys reading anything.
This user enjoys writing.
Big Brother is watching this user.
This user enjoys reading short stories.
This user writes poetry.
This user enjoys reading poetry.
This user enjoys heavy reading, such as Shakespeare and other dead guys.
This user believes that "all the world's a stage and all the men and women merely players".
This user is a bibliophile.
This user reads between the lines.

[edit] Films

ALIEN This user will never look at spaghetti the same way again.
Matrix This user took the red pill, not the blue pill.
PULP This user does not think Marsellus Wallace looks like a bitch.
This user accepts the alias Pink.
This user has a Private Clone Army
This user thinks Attack of the Clones sucks more.
Lynch This user is a fan of David Lynch's films.
Kubrick This user thinks that Stanley Kubrick is the greatest director of all time.
LOTR This user loves The Lord of the Rings, both the book and the film.

[edit] Music

This user enjoys classical music.
This user enjoys electronic music.

[edit] Wikipedia

This user is a member of
The English Wikipedia has 1,530,570 articles.
This user has a page on Wikibooks.
This user uses Wikipedia as his or her primary point of reference.
dar This user is a Wikipedia darwikinist.

[edit] Userboxen

238.584px This user believes all userboxes should be the same size!
This user's entire personality can be summed up in a few userboxes.
1, 2, 3... This userbox is a test. Please tell this user if you don't see it.
This space for rent.
This user supports userboxes.
ubx This user uses userboxes.
This user loves userboxes.
ubx-5 This user uses entirely too many userboxes.

[edit] Miscellaneous

kt This user comes from Kentares
\sum This user is greater than the sum of his or her userboxes.
Pi = 3.1415926535897932384626...
This user does not appreciate tobacco smoke.
This user is pretty sure that {{{1}}} is an outlier compared to everybody else.
This user considers traffic lights advisory, not compulsory.
This user uses public transit.
This user is a proud contributor to Uncyclopedia.
G This user uses Google as a primary search engine.
This user uses MSN Hotmail as a primary email service.
This user is using a web browser.
Firefox This user contributes using Mozilla Firefox.
winXP This user regretfully contributes using Microsoft Windows XP.
This user contributes using Microsoft Word
This user contributes using a PC.
IP This person's IP is
C2H6O-0 This user is a non-drinker.
This user drinks water regularly.
one This user watches BBC One.
This user prefers cold weather.
This user is more than happy to retain their "personality disorder(s)" and delights in telling their mental health professional to screw off.
This user likes all of the colours.
G This user's favourite colour is purple.
This user is evil, and frequently says mwhahaha!
:( This user thinks or feels he/she is hated by everyone else (or knows it).
.sdrawkcab si resu sihT

This user loves you. So what are ya doing Saturday night hot stuff?

This user is made out of Carbon.


Just because I think everyone is trying to kill me doesn't mean they aren't. You know what I mean?

Template:User norights
This user tries to do the right thing. If they make a mistake, please let him or her know.
This user reserves the right to completely screw up his or her edits.
This user stands against advertisements on Wikipedia.
This user believes there is no cabal. And actively opposes it.
Quality, not quantity. This user believes that a user's edit count does not necessarily reflect on the value of their contributions to Wikipedia.
This user wastes far too much time editing Wikipedia.
This user spends far too much time editing their user page.
X This user does not believe in the existence of human races, except as a social construct. X
ipa-2 This user has an intermediate understanding of the International Phonetic Alphabet.
This user claims to be self-educated to an advanced college level.
html-1 This user is a beginning HTML user.
This user honestly just doesn't care anymore about what shape the Earth is. Let it go, man.
Secondhand smoke is one of this user's pet peeves.
This user wants to be your friend.
This user opposes all forms of racism and admires Nelson Mandela.
This user scored a {{{score}}} on the Are You a Wikipediholic Test.
This user clicks on Random article way too often.
J This user trusts Jimbo.
</label> This user does not wish to limit his or her sexual experiences by applying a label indicating a specific sexual orientation.
Ths usr cn read & rite usin txt lang
This user is aware of how silly this huge table looks on his/her user page, but acknowledges that its real purpose is twofold: statistics and standardisation.
END This user has no more userboxes.