Looney Tunes - Space Race

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[edit] Loony Tunes - Space Race

Loony Tunes- Space Racer was created for Sega's Dreamcast. It consists of a range of tracks, events, challenges and characters.In the game there are eight characters.In a multiplayer game you and your opponent have six characters to choose from and three simple tracks. You also get to choose if the remaining characters can race along, controlled by the computer. In a single player race the same characters and tracks are provided but by winning a race you are awarded an acme token(s).

In the main screen of the game there is an 'events' option. Events are races in which a property is added or subtracted.

Examples of such events are: Duck (hundreds of objects fall from the sky, to win the race, the player is supposed to place 1st by going through all three laps, trying to avoid the falling debris).

Gag Free Zone (No weapons are provided on the track, the player can finish the race without having to watch out for gags).

Gag Frenzy (the exact opposite of Gag Free Zone, the players race with an infinite supply of gags that appear in their hands out of nowhere).

[edit] GAGS

Gags are toyish weapons with hilarious outcomes. Examples of such gags are:

Lucky Clover-player becomes immune to weapons for a few seconds or until he or she falls off course or if the player is gaged by another character.

Boxing Glove-sends a player of course

Rain Cloud-zaps players out of the game. The player respawns at the same spot he or she got gaged.

In a normal race a gag can be obtained by gliding over one of the metal boxes that are located at various turns on the map.

[edit] Turbo

In most races, a player may glide over a greenish tin. This tin is a turbo pack. On the speed meter there is a red area. Your space craft gains speed according to the amount of turbo packs you have collected. If you have more than three turbo packs your meter will be deep into the redish area.

If you collect five Turbo Packs you can go at turbo speed by pressing the B button on the controller. Then you have to collect the turbo packs all over again.


Acme Tokens and awards such as new tracks, challenges, events, and characters can be obtained by winning races or previously awarded events or challenges.

This process may seem long so if you are not really crazy about winning all these things, you can use the following cheat.


This cheat unlocks everything in the game. You will have to retype the cheat every time you play the game.

To type the cheat, go to the options menu and choose the CHEATS option. Use the joystick and A button to input the cheat. Then select End and press B to resume to the main screen.