Lonely Hearts (Angel episode)

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Angel episode
“Lonely Hearts”

Cordelia and Doyle look up the demon responsible for the killings
Episode no. Season 1
Episode 2
Guest star(s) Elisabeth Röhm
Lillian Birdsell
Obi Ndefo
Writer(s) David Fury
Director James Contner
Production no. 1ADH02
Original airdate October 12, 1999
Episode chronology
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"City of" "In the Dark"

Lonely Hearts is episode 2 of season 1 of the television show Angel. See also List of Angel (series) episodes.


[edit] Plot synopsis

[edit] Summary

Angel Investigations looks into a series of killings linked to an LA singles club. Doyle receives a vision that sends Angel Investigations to D'Oblique, a trendy bar for singles. There, Angel meets a young woman named Kate Lockley that turns out to be a detective with the LAPD. After a violent battle in the apartment of its latest victim, Angel discovers that the killer is actually a body hopping demon, but Kate believes Angel is behind the mysterious murders.

While Cordelia and Doyle grow closer while researching the demon, Angel combs the local bars and Kate breaks into Angel Investigations looking for more information on Angel. That night, Angel wants Kate to meet him at the club so that they can work together on the case. However, before he arrives, the bartender, now possessed by the eviscerating demon, hits Kate with a bottle. Angel shows up just in time, and the demon flees into the night.

Kate and Angel are able to track down the demon. Angel throws him into a burning trash can, and when it rises again Kate shoots it with her gun. Kate admits that she never suspected the bartender as the killer, and Angel decides to let Kate believe what she will believe. He hands her his card and disappears into the night. Back at Angel Investigations, Angel suggests that the gang hit the bars for a night out to prove he wants to be friends with his employees. Cordy and Doyle, much to Angel's relief, turn him down, though obviously understanding the weight of Angel's gesture.

[edit] Expanded overview

At the office, Doyle asks Angel to put in a good word with Cordelia for him, since he's very much interested. Cordelia arrives with the calling cards she had made for Angel's soul saving services, which have a little angel on them, that no one can recognize as such. Doyle gets one of his visions which just shows a bar, no one particular, and they go out and see if they can find someone in need of help.

At the bar, a woman named Sharon runs into a man, Kevin, and both lonely and desperate, they find a common interest. They later leave the bar together. Cordelia passes Angel's calling cards around, offering their help until Doyle stops her. Angel meets a woman named Kate and both have a hard time communicating with each other, although they seem to have quite a bit in common. A guy thinks Cordelia is offering services of a different kind with the cards she was passing around and Doyle tries to stand up for her. A bar fight breaks out, and Angel comes to the rescue. The two guys are kicked out, and a woman impressed by Angel's heroic actions introduces herself to him. Angel talks to her to see if she's in need of help, but Kate sees them, and leaves.

The next morning, after a night together, Sharon gets dressed. Blood everywhere, Kevin is revealed to be dead. At the office, they do some research, looking for any incidents at the club D'Oblique. Their search turns up a badly mutilated and eviscerated body that was found. While Doyle and Cordelia search for more, Angel goes back to the club to see if he can find the killer. On his way in, he runs into Kate who tells him to go to Hell after he tries to warn her about the danger inside the club. Angel talks to the bartender and finds out that Kevin disappeared after going home with Sharon. After a few more questions are asked, Angel tracks down Sharon and goes to her place to try to prevent the next murder.

Angel arrives at the apartment just in time to see that Sharon is dead and the loser guy she went home with is alive and has the parasitic demon in him. The two fight, but the guy gets away just as Kate arrives and finds Angel. She pulls a gun on him, revealing she's a detective with the LAPD, and tries to arrest him. When Angel sees that she won't be convinced that he's not the killer, he knocks her down and dives out the window. Doyle, Cordelia and Angel set up a meeting at Cordelia's less-than-clean apartment. Angel tells them to search for information on Burrowers--demons that move from body to body searching for the perfect one to live in. Meanwhile, Kate illegally searches Angel's place, and the demon transfers bodies again into a woman.

Cordelia and Doyle are asleep when Angel returns in the early morning. They have found a name for their burrower, Talamere, and that it doesn't have too many weaknesses other than a dislike of fire. Angel calls Kate and asks for five minutes to explain himself, to prove that he isn't the killer. At the club, Kate asks the bartender to notify her when Angel arrives and a few minutes later, the bartender tells her he thinks Angel is out back. When they get to the back room, the bartender knocks her out. Angel arrives just in time to keep the burrower from transferring to Kate's body, and then fights with the bartender. Eventually, Angel and Kate are tossed down into the basement and locked in.

While the bartender looks for the next available body, having little luck with his blood soaked shirt and peeling skin, Kate and Angel search for a way out of the basement. They finally get out, and after some searching, Angel finds the bartender with a girl out in an alley. Again, he fights with the bartender while the girl runs away and then throws him into a nearby barrel. The fire that was in the barrel ignites the bartender and then Kate arrives just in time to shoot him once, and keep him from attacking Angel again. Later, after everything is taken care of, Angel and Kate talk. She tells him about searching his apartment and he tells her he'll be around.

At the office one night, Angel reluctantly offers for the three of them to go out and do something, but instead, Cordelia and Doyle leave him to sit in the dark alone, by himself.

[edit] Episode Cast & Factions

Angel Investigations: Angel - Cordelia Chase - Charisma Carpenter Allen Francis Doyle a.k.a Doyle - Glenn Quinn


Detective Kate Lockley
Kevin, Sharon Richler, Neil, unnamed Neil's Date, Bartender (all Talamour's hosts)

people at D'Oblique

in images:

unnamed demon

[edit] Writing and acting

[edit] Production details

[edit] Music

  • Adam Hamilton - "For you"
  • Chainsuck - "Emily Says"
  • Extreme music library -" Ballad of amave"
  • Helix - "Quango"
  • Kathy Soce - "Do You Want Me"
  • Mark Cherrie and Ian McKenzie (JW music library) - "Lazy daze"
  • THC - "Girlflesh"
  • Ultra-Electronic - "Dissonance"
  • VAST - "Touched"

[edit] Quotes and trivia

Wikiquote has a collection of quotations related to:
  • Kate:"Go to hell." Angel:"Been there, done that."
  • this episode was written after the WB Network rejected Fury's original script, Corrupt.

Also, the guy who plays the bartender is in several other episodes, as other people... He is also a fireman from the first Base of Operations when it blew up!

[edit] Continuity

[edit] Arc significance

Introduces the character of Kate Lockley who would play a larger role until the end of year 2.

[edit] Timing

  • Stories that take place around the same time in the Buffyverse:
Location, time
(if known)
Buffyverse chronology: Fall 1999 - December 1999
(non-canon = italic)
L.A. 1999 Angel comic: Doyle: Spotlight
L.A. 1999 A1.01 City of
Sunnydale, 1999 B4.01 The Freshman
Sunnydale, 1999 B4.02 Living Conditions
L.A. 1999 A1.02 Corrupt (unaired)
L.A. 1999 A1.02 Lonely Hearts
L.A. 1999 A1.00 Unaired Angel pilot
L.A. 1999 Angel book: Not Forgotten
Sunnydale, 1999 B4.03 The Harsh Light of Day
L.A. 1999 A1.03 In the Dark
Sunnydale, 1999 B4.04 Fear, Itself
Sunnydale, 1999 Buffy graphic novel: Blood of Carthage
L.A. 1999 Angel graphic novel: Surrogates
L.A. 1999 Angel comic: Strange Bedfellows story, Angel #4
Sunnydale, 1999 Buffy video game: Buffy the Vampire Slayer (Game Boy Color)
Sunnydale, 1999 Tales of the Slayer: All That You Do Comes Back..
L.A. 1999 A1.04 I Fall to Pieces
Sunnydale, 1999 B4.05 Beer Bad
L.A. 1999 A1.05 Rm w/a Vu
Sunnydale, 1999 Buffy books: Lost Slayer series
Sunnydale, 1999 B4.06 Wild at Heart
Sunnydale, 1999 Buffy graphic novel: Oz
Sunnydale, 1999 Buffy book: Oz: Into the Wild
L.A. 1999 A1.06 Sense & Sensitivity
Sunnydale, 1999 B4.07 The Initiative
L.A. 1999 A1.07 Bachelor Party
L.A. 1999 Angel book: Close to the Ground
L.A. 1999 Angel book: Soul Trade
L.A. 1999 Angel graphic novel: Earthly Possessions
L.A. 1999 Angel book: Redemption
L.A. 1999 Angel book: Shakedown
L.A. 1999 Angel book: Hollywood Noir
L.A. 1999 Angel book: Avatar
L.A. 1999 Angel book: Bruja
L.A. 1999 Angel book: The Summoned
Sunnydale, 1999 B4.08 Pangs
L.A. 1999 A1.08 I Will Remember You
Sunnydale, 1999 B4.09 Something Blue
L.A. 1999 A1.09 Hero
Sunnydale, 1999 B4.10 Hush
L.A. 1999 A1.10 Parting Gifts
Sunnydale, 1999 B4.11 Doomed
L.A. 1999 A1.11 Somnambulist

[edit] See also

[edit] External links

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