Logan Huntzberger

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Logan Huntzberger is a fictional character from the TV Series Gilmore Girls. He is played by actor Matt Czuchry.


[edit] Basic Character Information

Logan Huntzberger is the second child of Mitchum and Shira Huntzberger (portrayed by Gregg Henry and Leann Hunley). Born circa 1982, he is heir to the Huntzberger Publishing Company, a national newspaper conglomerate, presumably in reference to the Sulzberger family, which owns the New York Times. Traditionally a chronic "ladies man", he's known to his friends as "King of the Sloths". ("Logan here has a talent for inactivity that has yet to be rivaled by man or actual sloth."). Logan takes little interest in most things he's required to do, unless they somehow involve alcohol, women, or hanging out with his friends. He's known to Doyle, the Yale Daily News editor in Season 5, as a reporter who barely ever shows up or writes anything. However, in spite of his disinterest, Doyle remarks that Logan has a great gift for writing.

He is currently dating Rory Gilmore again after a prolonged break. With this long term commitment, he seems to have settled down somewhat. However, he's still very active in "The Life and Death Brigade", a secret society club patterned after the Skull and Bones club, and spent the summer of 2005 traveling around Europe with his friends, culminating in being injured at a Gloucestershire cheese-rolling festival.

[edit] Character History with the Show

[edit] Season 5

Logan first appeared at the beginning of Season 5 as part of a clique of spoiled rich kids who were more interested in partying than studying. Rory’s friend Marty had served as a caterer for one of his parties, but when Logan’s friends saw Marty in the halls of Yale later, they didn’t even recognize him, which angered Rory. However, it soon becomes clear to Rory that while Logan may have a silver spoon in his mouth, he does have a quick wit and is more knowledgeable than he lets on to others. Later in the season, he’s seen as being part of the Yale Daily News staff, though he’s there for show, to please his father.

Rory’s relationship with Logan takes a dramatic turn when she spots a girl in a gorilla mask drunkenly stepping into an SUV, muttering “In Omnia Paratus!”

Rory: Okay. Well, last night I was in one of the bathrooms over at Berkeley, and this girl came in, slightly toasted, and she was wearing a full on ball gown with one of those plastic gorilla masks.
Doyle: Huh. Not something you see every day.
Rory: Exactly what I thought. So I followed her out to the parking lot, and she got in this fancy black SUV, and said “In Omnia Paratus”, which means “Ready for anything”. I know, I took Latin.
Doyle: Quel impressed. Continue.
—Season 5, Ep. 06 "Norman Mailer, I'm Pregnant!"

Having gotten her attention, she did some digging and found that Logan’s grandfather had been in the Life and Death Brigade, which uses the Latin uttered by the girl as their catchphrase. Rory hypothesized that Logan’s father, and therefore Logan himself, were members of this secret club. Deciding to pursue the club as a story for the Yale Daily News, she approached Logan about it, who at first denied knowing what she was talking about. However, he eventually agreed to have her attend one of their meetings, provided that she was driven blindfolded to their site in the woods. After some odd goings on such as members talking to each other without using the letter e in their words, the event culminated with a stunt where numerous members jumped off a 100 foot platform while holding umbrellas, wearing tuxedos and dresses. Nervous about the prospect of performing such a dangerous stunt, Rory nevertheless gave in and joined Logan in the stunt (they were actually lowered using bungee cords). This gave Rory a sense of excitement about Logan that would prove to win her over to him, despite her reservations of his other traits.

Logan, meanwhile, did not feel ready to enter into a serious relationship with Rory, preferring to keep the girls in his life at a distance. This changes when after a night of drinking, Rory confronts Logan to tell him that she's a "boyfriend-girl" and that she refused to be "one of the many." Although she maintains that she still wishes to be friends, Logan sees this as an ultimatum and finally agrees to try the "boyfriend thing." But their new relationship doesn't ensure that things will go smoothly.

Logan’s family sees Rory as beneath his class (despite her being ‘a Gilmore’), and Rory is still bothered by Logan’s Life and Death Brigade business. On one memorable occasion, Logan attempted to switch an item he stole from one wealthy person’s house with another item he tried lifting from Richard and Emily's house. As a type of apology for his family accusing Rory of not being worthy of Logan, Logan's father offered her a job as an intern at a newspaper he had recently purchased. Rory accepts hesitantly, as she fears the internship is being offered as a bribe after the Huntzbergers' poor behavior. Then, after several weeks of beginning her internship at the newspaper, Mitchum Huntzberger tells Rory that he thinks she “doesn’t have it” with regard to her personal ability to be a reporter. Rory, in a fit of depression, goes to Logan and convinces him to steal a yacht with her. This act lands her in jail and her mother Lorelai has to pick her up after she is released on a promise to appear in court. When Rory confesses to her mother why she was so upset, Lorelai is convinced that Logan is no good for Rory and encourages her to end the relationship – which leads to Rory’s decision to drop out of Yale and live with her grandparents.

[edit] Season 6

In Season 6, Rory stated her intentions to be just as slothful as Logan’s reputation, and divided her time out of Yale between doing court-ordered community service (as punishment for stealing a yacht) and being with Logan, a declaration that obviously doesn't sit well with Logan, as it goes against everything he likes about Rory's nature. Meanwhile, Logan is confronted by Richard about his ‘intentions’ for his granddaughter, and he starts to get nervous about the prospect of being forced to marry Rory. Alarmed at the fact that Rory and Logan are more intimate than she thought, Rory’s grandmother attempted to limit her rights in the house. Things are further complicated when Rory’s old boyfriend Jess shows up, having become an author of a book. Rory is incensed at Logan’s behavior with Jess, and Logan reveals that he drinks and lives it up since at the end of the year he'll be forced to take over the family business. Rory then decides the two of them need to take some time apart from each other. Fed up with Emily's attempts to control her, Rory moved out of Emily and Richard's house, re-enlisted at Yale, and rekindled her relationship with Lorelai. With a lack of available living space at Yale, she found herself moving in with Paris Geller and her boyfriend Doyle.

After awhile, Logan appeared again, appealing to Rory to come back with him. Logan attempted to wear Rory down by having her followed with a coffee cart all day, so she can always get her caffeine fix. When this didn’t work, he went directly to Lorelai and asked her to intervene on his behalf.

Logan: I miss her, okay? I made a mistake and I'm trying to rectify it but nothing is working. She won't talk to me.
Lorelai: Can you blame her?
Logan: No. I'm doing everything I can. Flowers, gifts.
Lorelai: All your old standbys, huh?
Logan: Books. Coffee cart. I'm trying to show her how I feel.
Lorelai: And it sounds like she's trying to show you how she feels.
Logan: Look. I figured this was a suicide mission, okay? It's probably something you and Rory will laugh about for years to come. But I'm not giving up until I exhaust all my options and asking for your help is one of them?
Lorelai: Really?
Logan: Yes.
Lorelai: You're seriously here to ask for my help with Rory? It's not a joke?
Logan: I'm going for broke, here.
—Season 6, Ep. 12 "Just Like Gwen And Gavin"

Lorelai eventually realized Logan is serious and wrote Rory a letter, which convinced Rory to cautiously start seeing Logan again. Logan then came to Rory’s rescue when Paris' stint as editor at Yale Daily News created a walkout of the Yale Daily News staff, causing the possibility that the newspaper wouldn’t be finished on time. Seeing the situation, Rory stepped up to the challenge of getting the paper put out on time and inspiring the staff to stay with her. Logan, for his part, not only gave her some articles to fill in the paper, he also used his charm and family name to stall the person in charge of printing until Rory has successfully gotten the paper saved on the campus server. Rory not only then continued dating Logan, but moved in with him when after Paris kicked her out for having usurped her position on the paper.

Problems come again when the two attended Logan’s sister Honor’s wedding. While talking to Rory, Honor’s bridesmaids revealed that they each had temporary flings with Logan while he and Rory were on their ‘break’, infuriating Rory and causing her to break up with Logan. Rory moved back in with Paris, who had a falling out with her boyfriend Doyle and kicked him out. Logan came to Paris' apartment saying that he truly believed that he and Rory were broken up, and that he has been completely faithful to her the whole time they were together. Willing to give him the benefit of the doubt, Rory moved back with him. Rory then visited her mom over the weekend without telling Logan, which made Logan uneasy about their relationship. But though she was still angry at Logan for his discrepancies, she told Jess while visiting him that she still loves Logan.

While still silently arguing over the problems with the bridesmaids, Logan revealed that he and the rest of the Life and Death Brigade were going to go to Costa Rica for an elaborate cliff diving stunt. Unfortunately, the stunt went extremely unwell, as Logan's parachute failed to open while jumping. He ended up with a collapsed lung, several broken bones, and other extensive injuries. Hearing about this, Rory rushed to New York, where he had been flown to, and proceeded to take care of him, staying with him in the hospital. Logan was eventually let out of the hospital. After Logan's graduation it is revealed that his father Mitchum has arranged for him to go to work in London, which Rory views as a callous attempt of Mitchum's to keep them apart. Rory confronts Mitchum over this in an elevator and he tells her simply and straight forward that his actions regarding his son are none of her business and that he harbors nothing personal against her, but as Logan's father, it is his responsibility to see to it that Logan gets a good, respectable job and, if necessary, to force Logan to "grow up" against his will, because he feels it is time Logan started to act like an adult and stop acting so irresponsibly. Rory then threw Logan a going away party, as he would now be flying to London for a year.

[edit] Season 7

In the seventh season premiere, "The Long Morrow", Logan gives Rory a rocket ship as a present when he leaves for London. Rory is puzzled by this gift, and believes that he wants "space", and is breaking up with her. After some careful research, she discovers the true meaning on a website. On a date, Rory and Logan had watched an episode of The Twilight Zone called "The Long Morrow". In it, a man goes into space, leaving his loved one behind for 40 years. During this time, he will be in suspended animation so that when he returns to Earth he will not have aged, but he realises she would be old. After being apart for 40 years, he returns to discover that his girlfriend had put herself in suspended animation to wait for him. He, on the other hand, had taken himself OUT of suspended animation so they could die together. This is Logan's favorite episode of the Twilight Zone, and after watching it with Rory he proclaims, "Now THAT'S true love." The rocket Logan gave her was a model of the rocket used in the show. On realising this, Rory is delighted, and calls Logan immediately. He tells her that he has bought tickets for her to visit him during the winter. Rory is disappointed, because she wanted to visit him during the summer, and it creates some doubt within her about the strength of the relationship.

For all the resistance he put up towards taking over the family business, Logan seems to have settled in quite nicely and to be enjoying himself in England.

Logan bought a ticket for Roy to come see him during Christmas in London but now that won't be neccesary now because he is moving to New York. He surprises Rory with a trip to Yale when he is only going to be there until 10:00 P.M. the next day. He goes up onto the roof of Rory's apartment also his old apartment and sets up and entire romantic dinner with wine and cheese that Rory likes. Rory wakes up the next day to find that Logan is just about to leave to have a pre-breakfast talk with his co-workers. Later that night Logan introduces Rory to his work friends at a dinner and meets a girl named Bobby who works with Logan and Rory is threatened by her.

When Logan has a launch party for his company when he moves to New York one of the journalist's say's to Rory that she should write a story for the newspaper and Rory does but it slams the people at launch party calling them "spoiled elitists." Logan gets angry with her, saying she is being a hypocrite since she is living in his apartment rent-free. Rory then decides to find her own apartment.

Later on when Rory and Logan have lunch together at Yale they see Marty and Marty pretends like they just met and sense Rory and Marty are pretending like they just met Rory tells Logan how Marty started out pretending he did not know her and she just went along with it so Logan gets a little curious and tells Marty's girlfriend Lucy who is Rory's friend. ( Thats how Marty and Rory meet according to Lucy). Marty and Rory did not tell Lucy about there previous friendship.

Gilmore Girls
Main characters

Lorelai Gilmore | Rory Gilmore | Luke Danes | Sookie St. James | Lane Kim | Michel Gerard
Paris Geller | Dean Forester | Jess Mariano | Jason Stiles | Logan Huntzberger | Kirk Gleason
Emily Gilmore | Richard Gilmore

Recurring characters

Jackson Belleville | Taylor Doose | Christopher Hayden | Max Medina | Trix Gilmore | Mrs. Kim


List of episodes | List of characters | Stars Hollow

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