Lockheed Martin U.K.

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Lockheed Martin UK (LMUK) is a wholly owned subsidiary of Lockheed Martin, headquartered in London.

The company was created on July 1, 1999, combining all of Lockheed Martin's UK operations into one company.

[edit] Divisions

Below is a list of LMUK's businesses and selected activities

  • Aeronautics
  • Distribution Technologies
  • Integrated Systems
    • UK Ground Based Air Defence (GBAD)
    • Merlin HM Mk.1 - Prime contractor and systems integrator for the Merlin helicopter
    • Merlin Capability Sustainment Plus - Mid-Life Update of Merlin
  • Integrated Systems & Solutions
  • Integrated Transport Systems
  • Missiles & Fire Control
  • Simulation, Training & Support
  • Technology Services
  • Transportation and Security Solutions
  • Space Systems
Lockheed Martin
v  d  e
Companies and Partnerships

International Launch Services | LM Aeronautics | LM Information Technology | LM Maritime Systems and Sensors | LM Missiles and Fire Control | LM Orincon | LM Simulation, Training & Support | LM Space Systems | LM Systems Integration - Owego | LM Transportation & Security Solutions | LM UK | Savi Technology | United Space Alliance | United Launch Alliance


Goodyear Airdock | Knolls Atomic Power Laboratory | LM Space Applications Laboratory | Michoud Assembly Facility | Sandia National Laboratories | Skunk Works

Active Products:

Aegis | AeroText | Asroc | ATACMS | Atlas V rocket | C-5 | C-130 | External Fuel Tank | Force Hawk | F-16 | F-22 | F-35 | F-117 Nighthawk | JASSM | Javelin | JCM | Hellfire | HIMARS | MEADS | Milstar | MLRS | MUOS | Nimiq | Orion spacecraft (under development) | P-3 | Predator missile | SBIRS | THAAD | Sniper XR | T-50 | Trident missile | VH-71/US101 | U-2


Annual Revenue: $37.2 billion USD (FY2005) | Employees: 135,000 | Stock SymbolNYSE: LMT | CEO: Robert J. Stevens | Websitewww.lockheedmartin.com