
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

About Me
es Este usuario tiene el español como lengua materna.
en-4 This user speaks English at a near-native level.
fr-1 Cet utilisateur peut contribuer avec un niveau élémentaire de français.
pt-1 Este usuário pode contribuir com um nível básico de português.

This user comes from Argentina.
This user contributes using Mozilla Firefox
"If the people don't educate themselves, if their rights are not widely known, if every man doesn't know what he's worth, and what he can and must do, then new ilusions will follow the old ones, and maybe our fate will be to change tyrants without destroying the tyranny. "

- [[Mariano Moreno]]

Hello there. I'm Lobizón, a young Argentinian wikipedia user, that has finally decided to start contributing, after many time spent taking advantage of other user's contributions, and of timidly reading their talk pages.

I'm a commited democratic socialist; I strongly believe capitalism, specially in its neoliberal form, is an unfair system of explotation that places control of the means of production in hands of a few people, instead of placing them in hands of the entire society. I'm also strongly opposed to economic globalization in the way its being done today, since it's being used as an excuse to implement neoliberal economic policies all over the globe, reducing the power of democratic states (thus reducing the power of the people than live in them), destroying the middle classes and the environment, creating poverty, and placing even more power in the hands of a few bussiness executives. (I could go on, but that isn't the main objective of this page).

I'm a University of Buenos Aires Economics student, even though I'm not too confident on my career choice, since my interests are very varied. I'm very interested in everything related to Economics, History, Politics, Music, Philosophy and Literature.

I consider myself both an agnostic and a naturalistic pantheist.

Lobizón is the name given to werewolves in Argentine popular lore.
Lobizón is the name given to werewolves in Argentine popular lore.