Liverpool Range

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The Liverpool Range is a minor mountain range in New South Wales, Australia.

The Liverpool Range starts from the volcanic plateau known as the Barrington Tops and runs westwards, forming the northern boundary of the Hunter Valley district. Parts of the Liverpool range form the watershed between the coastal and inland drainage of New South Wales and thus form a component of the Great Dividing Range. The western end of the Liverpool Range merges into the Warrumbungle Range.

The Liverpool Range was named after Robert Banks Jenkinson, 2nd Earl of Liverpool, who was the Prime Minister of Britain at the time of its exploration by Europeans.

The higher parts of the Liverpool Range only reach about 1000 metres above sea level. Despite this, the range formed a significant barrier to the expansion of settlement in the early period of British settlement in New South Wales. The first route across the range was Pandora's Pass discovered by Alan Cunningham. However the Nowland Pass is the current route used by the railway and the New England Highway to cross the range.

The southern slopes of the Liverpool Range are drained by the headwaters of the Hunter River and its tributaries. The northern slopes are drained by the headwaters of the Peel River and the Mooki River.

The Liverpool ranges are a breeding ground for extremely severe thunderstorms.