Talk:List of differential geometry topics
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[edit] List updater
In subsection A below, listed are articles which are missing from the List of differential geometry topics. They were found by looking in the categories in subsection C. One can add more categories to be searched to subsection C, see some suggestions in subsection D.
All this process can be restarted by clicking on the link at the bottom of subsection D.
Please note that anything around here is editable, but please don't modify the lines of the form
- <!-- bottag:X:begin -->
or their order.
[edit] A: Articles missing from the List of differential geometry topics
Differential geometry and topology -- Horizontal space -- ADHM construction -- Affine connection -- Atiyah–Singer index theorem -- Banach bundle -- Banach manifold -- Bitangent -- Bochner's formula -- Bundle gerbe -- Calabi-Yau manifold -- Cartan's equivalence method -- Caustic (mathematics) -- Chern-Simons form -- Chern-Weil theory -- Classification of electromagnetic fields -- Cocurvature -- Coframe -- Conformal geometry -- Constant curvature -- Coordinate-induced basis -- Courant bracket -- Covariant transformation -- Crofton formula -- Darboux vector -- Developable surface -- Diffeology -- Differentiable manifold -- Directional derivative -- Distribution (differential geometry) -- Elliptic complex -- Embedding -- Enneper-Weierstrass parameterization -- Evolute -- Exterior covariant derivative -- Finsler manifold -- Fisher information metric -- Flag manifold -- Four-vertex theorem -- Frölicher-Nijenhuis bracket -- Fundamental theorem of curves -- Gauge covariant derivative -- Gauss-Bolyai-Lobachevsky space -- Gaussian curvature -- General covariance -- Generalized Gauss-Bonnet theorem -- Generalized complex structure -- Geodesic deviation equation -- Glossary of differential geometry and topology -- Grassmannian -- Hermitian manifold -- Homological mirror symmetry -- Hopf conjecture -- Hypercomplex manifold -- Immersed submanifold -- Induced metric -- Instanton -- Invariant differential operators -- Isotropic manifold -- K3 surface -- Klein geometry -- Kulkarni-Nomizu product -- Lanczos tensor -- Geoffrey Martin -- Metric signature -- Minakshisundaram-Pleijel zeta function -- Monodromy -- Monopole (mathematics) -- Nonmetricity tensor -- P-vector -- Pedal curve -- Poisson manifold -- Projective algebraic manifold -- Projective connection -- Projective differential geometry -- Projective vector field -- Pseudogroup -- Pseudosphere -- Pullback -- Push forward -- Quaternion-Kähler manifold -- Real projective space -- Ricci decomposition -- Riemannian submersion -- Riemannian symmetric space -- Round function -- Sasakian manifold -- Schwarz–Ahlfors–Pick theorem -- Shape of the Universe -- Sine-Gordon equation -- Sphere -- Stiefel manifold -- Symmetry set -- Symplectic manifold -- Symplectic space -- Synthetic differential geometry -- TNB frame -- Tangent -- Taut submanifold -- Tetrad (index notation) -- Time dependent vector field -- Torsion of connection -- Torsion of curves -- Torsion tensor -- Tractor bundle -- Upper half-plane -- Vector-valued form -- Weitzenbock identity -- Weyl transformation -- Willmore flow --
[edit] B: Place here articles not wanted either in the List of differential geometry topics or in subsection A.
[edit] C: Categories to be searched
The bot will look for potential additions to the List of differential geometry topics in this list of categories. You may add any other categories to this list, for example from subsection D below. Use the format [[:Category:XXX]] (the colon (:) shows up twice!).
Category:Differential geometry
[edit] D: Potential searchable categories
Move up to subsection C any categories which the bot should search for missing articles in the List of differential geometry topics.
Category:Characteristic classes -- Category:Complex manifolds -- Category:Connection (mathematics) -- Category:Curves -- Category:Differential geometers -- Category:Differential topology -- Category:Fiber bundles -- Category:Lie groups -- Category:Riemannian geometry -- Category:Singularity theory -- Category:Spinors -- Category:Surfaces -- Category:Tensors --
[edit] E: Articles in List of differential geometry topics not in categories
May be redirects or articles which should be removed/categorized.
Saddle point -- Frame bundle -- Fiber bundle -- Intrinsic metric -- Gauss-Bonnet theorem -- Differential topology -- Cotangent bundle -- Differential geometry -- Sectional curvature -- Poincaré-Hopf theorem -- Curvature vector -- Curvature of Riemannian manifolds -- List of coordinate charts -- List of curve topics -- Complex manifold -- Foliation -- Riemannian manifold -- Smale's paradox -- Curvature tensor -- Injectivity radius -- Parallel transport -- Ricci curvature -- Geodesic flow -- Non-Euclidean geometry -- Curve -- Jet bundle -- Geodesic curvature -- Metric tensor -- Sub-Riemannian manifold -- Riemannian geometry -- Scalar curvature -- Line element -- Chern-Gauss-Bonnet theorem -- Large diffeomorphism -- Vector bundle -- Vector field -- Einstein-Cartan theory -- Exponential map -- Weyl curvature -- Uniformization theorem -- Stokes' theorem -- Symmetric space -- Glossary of differential and metric geometry -- Lie derivative -- Hairy ball theorem -- Exterior derivative -- Ricci flow -- Theorema egregium -- Riemannian submanifold -- Tangent vector -- Differential form -- Vierbein -- Hypersurface -- Killing vector field -- Levi-Civita connection -- Integrability conditions for differential systems -- Cotangent space -- Ricci flat -- Geodesic -- Sphere-world -- Diffeomorphism -- Finsler geometry -- Calabi-Yau spaces -- Angle excess -- De Rham cohomology -- Symplectic topology -- Pseudo-Riemannian manifold -- Jacobi field -- List of multivariable calculus topics -- Conical surface -- Local holonomy -- Gromov's compactness theorem -- Radius of curvature -- Whitney embedding theorem -- Line bundle -- Tangent bundle -- Critical value -- List of Lie group topics -- Multivariable calculus -- Hodge star operator -- Orientability -- Contact geometry -- Torsion (differential geometry) -- Myers theorem -- Nash embedding theorem -- Ruled surface -- Morse theory -- General relativity --
[edit] Using the tool
Hi MarSch. I am happy you use my tool. But I am afraid you are not using it right. The bot did not spit out a bunch of unordered articles on this talk page so that you copy them verbatim in the article. You are supposed to read the bot output carefully, see what articles are indeed needed in the list of differential geometry topics, and then arrange them nicely in corresponding sections of that list. I reverted your additions to the list for now, looking forward to a quality job. :) Oleg Alexandrov (talk) 14:02, 21 October 2005 (UTC)
- Hey I _like_ copying verbatim :( ;) I'll try to do a quality job sometime, but I'm a bit mystified by the different subsections. They seem very arbitrary. Does your tool also find articles on the list which are not in any of the categories? For example if someone puts their user page on the list. --MarSch 16:43, 21 October 2005 (UTC)
- To answer your question, no. My bot never attempts to judge what is already in the list, all it does is suggest stuff which is not in the list and which might need including. Oleg Alexandrov (talk) 00:46, 22 October 2005 (UTC)