List of water sports

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There are a large number of sports that involve water. The following is a List of water sports, divided by category. These categories are based on the relation of the sports to the water. Some of the sports include only one part related to swimming, as for example Triathlon.


[edit] In the water

[edit] Under water

  • Diving under water
  • Scuba diving is swimming under water using a (self contained) breathing apparatus
  • Free-diving is the aim to maximize the depth dived using no breathing apparatus
  • Apnea is the practice of not breathing for an extended time
  • Underwater rugby is rugby played under water with a ball that has been rendered neutrally buoyant. Breathing is done through a snorkel, and tackling is only allowed if you have the ball or are tackling the one holding it.
  • Underwater hockey is hockey played under water with short wooden curved sticks and a heavy puck. Players wear diving masks, snorkels, and fins, and must surface to breathe while team mates continue the game on the pool bottom.
  • Underwater photography is photography done under water. Numerous contests worldwide are arranged every year. The digital cameras have revolutionized how many divers participate.

[edit] On the water

[edit] See also

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