List of translators
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This is primarily a list of notable Western translators. Please feel free to add translators from other languages, cultures and areas of specialization.
[edit] Translators of The Bible
[edit] Translators into English
[edit] Other religious texts
[edit] Translators of The Qur'an
[edit] Translators of Greek and Latin classics into English
[edit] Translators of Homer
- George Chapman (Iliad, 1611; Odyssey, 1614-15)
- Alexander Pope (Iliad, 1715-1720; Odyssey, 1725-6)
- William Cowper (complete, 1791)
- Samuel Butler
- T. E. Lawrence
- E. V. Rieu
- Robert Fitzgerald
- Richmond Lattimore
- Robert Fagles
- Stanley Lombardo
[edit] Translators of Herodotus' The Histories
- Aubrey De Sélincourt
- Robin Waterfield
- Walter Blanco & Jennifer Tolbert Roberts
- George Rawlinson
- David Grene
[edit] Translators of Thucydides
[edit] Translators of Plutarch
- Sir Thomas North, translated Plutarch's Parallel Lives via the French of Jacques Amyot. This was the version Shakespeare used as a source for his Roman plays.
- Philemon Holland: Plutarch's Moralia (1603)
- John Dryden and others: Lives of Noble Grecians and Romans
- Arthur Hugh Clough revised Dryden's version in the nineteenth century
- Rex Warner
[edit] Translators of Lucretius
- Thomas Creech (complete version of De rerum natura, 1682)
- John Dryden (selected passages)
[edit] Translators of Virgil
- Gavin Douglas (the Aeneid into Scots)
- Henry Howard, Earl of Surrey (two books of the Aeneid into blank verse)
- John Dryden(complete works)
- C. Day Lewis (complete works)
- Allen Mandelbaum
- Robert Fitzgerald
- Clyde Pharr
- Rolfe Humphries
- Stanley Lombardo
[edit] Translators of Ovid's Metamorphoses
- Arthur Golding
- Charles Martin
- Allen Mandelbaum
- Rolfe Humphries
- David R. Slavitt
- John Dryden
- Horace Gregory
[edit] Translators of Lucan
- Christopher Marlowe translated Book One of Lucan's Bellum Civile
- Nicholas Rowe produced a complete translation (1718)
- Robert Graves (prose version)
[edit] Translators of Juvenal
- John Dryden (Satires 1,3,6,10 and 16)
- Robert Lowell (Satire 10)
[edit] Translators of Martial
[edit] Translators of other famous Classical authors
- Philemon Holland, translations of Livy (1600), Pliny the Elder (1601), Suetonius (1606), Ammianus Marcellinus (1613) and Xenophon's Cyropaedia (1632)
- Robert Graves translated Apuleius and Suetonius
- Stephen MacKenna - translator of Plotinus
- Betty Radice
- Ian Scott-Kilvert
- E. F. Watling
- Phillip Vellacott
- Rex Warner - translator of Thucydides
[edit] Translators of Medieval and modern literature into English
[edit] Translators of Icelandic and other Scandinavian classics
- Gwyn Jones - also Welsh
- Hermann Palsson
- Magnus Magnusson
- Paul Edwards
- Jesse L. Byock
- Lee M. Hollander
- Anthony Faulkes
- George Johnston
[edit] Translators of Anglo-Saxon
- Brian Stone
- Seamus Heaney
[edit] Translators of The Arabian Nights or The Thousand and One Nights
- John Payne
- Jonathan Scott
- Andrew Lang
- Richard Francis Burton - also translated from other Oriental languages, including Sanskrit
- Edward William Lane & Stanley Lane-Poole
- Edward Powys Mathers
- Husain Haddawy
[edit] Translators of Omar Khayyam
[edit] Translators of Dante's Divine Comedy
- Allen Mandelbaum - Also a translator of Latin
- Robert M. Durling
- Robert Hollander & Jean Hollander
- John Ciardi
- W.S. Merwin
- Mark Musa
- Charles Singleton
- Anthony M. Esolen
- Dorothy L. Sayers
- C. H. Sisson
- Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
[edit] Translators of Montaigne's Essays
- John Florio
- Charles Cotton
- Donald Frame
- M. A. Screech
- Wyatt Mason
[edit] Translators of Rabelais
- Thomas Urquhart & Pierre Antoine Motteux
- Jacques LeClercq
- W. F. Smith
- Burton Raffel
- J. M. Cohen
- Samuel Putnam
- Donald Frame
- M. A. Screech
[edit] Translators of Cervantes' Don Quixote
- Thomas Shelton
- Pierre Antoine Motteux
- Tobias Smollett
- Charles Jervas
- Alexander J. Duffield
- John Ormsby (later revised by Joseph R. Jones and Kenneth Douglas)
- Henry Edward Watts
- Samuel Putnam
- J. M. Cohen - also a translator of French
- Walter Starkie
- Burton Raffel - also a translator of Old English, Indonesian, Vietnamese
- John Rutherford
- Edith Grossman
[edit] Translators of Goethe
- Thomas Carlyle
- Walter W. Arndt - Also a translator of Russian
- Eric A. Blackall & Victor Lange
- W.H. Auden & Elizabeth Mayer
- Michael Hulse
- Louise Bogan
- Louis MacNeice
[edit] Translators of Dostoyevsky
- Jessie Coulson
- David Magarshack
- Constance Garnett
- Richard Pevear & Larissa Volokhonsky
- David McDuff
- Ignat Avsey
- Michael Scammell
[edit] Translators of Tolstoy
- David Magarshack
- Louise Maude and Aylmer Maude
- Constance Garnett
- Richard Pevear & Larissa Volokhonsky
- Rosemary Edmonds
- Ann Dunnigan
- Anthony Briggs
[edit] Translators of Prus
[edit] Translators of Mann
[edit] Translators of Kafka
- Breon Mitchell
- Mark Harman
- Idris Parry
- Willa Muir & Edwin Muir
- Malcolm Pasley
- J. A. Underwood
[edit] Translators of Musil
- Eithne Wilkins & Ernst Kaiser
- Sophie Wilkins & Burton Pike
- Philip Payne
[edit] Translators of Proust
- Scott Moncrieff, Terence Kilmartin & D. J. Enright
- Christopher Prendergast, with Lydia Davis, Mark Treharne, James Grieve, John Sturrock, Carol Clark, Peter Collier, & Ian Patterson
- Joachim Neugroschel
[edit] Translators of Borges
- Norman Thomas di Giovanni
- Andrew Hurley
- Eliot Weinberger
- Alexander Coleman
- Suzanne Jill Levine
- Alastair Reid
[edit] Other French to English translators
- Gilbert Adair
- Robert Baldick
- David Bellos
- Robin Buss
- Mary Ann Caws
- Sheila Fischman - translator of Quebec literature
- Grace Frick - translator of Marguerite Yourcenar
- Stuart Gilbert
- Arthur Goldhammer
- Richard Howard
- A. J. Krailsheimer
- Wyatt Mason
- Justin O'Brien - translator of Albert Camus
- Douglas Parmee
- Francis Steegmuller
- Leonard Tancock
- Geoffrey Wall - specialist in Gustave Flaubert
- Barbara Wright
- Patricia Claxton
[edit] Other German to English translators
- Thomas Carlyle translated Jean Paul
- Jean Starr Untermeyer - translated Broch
- C. V. Wedgwood - translated Canetti
- Michael Hamburger - translated Hoelderlin, Celan
- Hilda Rosner - translated Hesse
- Edward Snow - translated Rilke
- Stephen Mitchell - translated Rilke and others
- Leila Vennewitz - translated Boell, Jurek Becker and others
[edit] Other Italian to English translators
- William Arrowsmith
- Keith Botsford
- Jonathan Galassi
- Raymond Rosenthal - translator of Levi
- William Weaver - prodigious, acclaimed translator
- Stuart Woolf - translator of Levi
- Beryl de Zoete - translator of Svevo
[edit] Other Spanish to English translators
- James Mabbe
- Andrew Hurley - translator of Arenas, Borges, Valdez and several other Latin American writers.
- Gregory Rabassa - prolific translator of Márquez, Cortazar and several others.
- Margaret Sayers Peden - translator of Quiroga, Neruda, Fuentes and several other Latin American writers.
[edit] Other Russian to English translators
- Max Hayward
- Michael Glenny
- Mirra Ginsburg
- Alan Myers
- Ronald Hingley
- John Glad
- Ronald Wilks
- Vladimir Nabokov
[edit] Other Polish to English translators
- Michael Kandel translated novels by Stanislaw Lem
- Louis Iribarne also translated Lem as well as Witkiewicz
- Stanislaw Baranczak and Seamus Heaney produced a version of the Laments of Jan Kochanowski
- John and Bogdana Carpenter translated Zbigniew Herbert, as did Czeslaw Milosz
[edit] Irish to English translators
- Thomas Kinsella translated the epic Táin Bó Cúailnge
- Frank O'Connor translated Brian Merriman's Midnight Court
- Seamus Heaney's Sweeney Astray is a version of the Medieval poem Buile Suibhne
- Kenneth Jackson, translator of A Celtic Miscellany
[edit] Welsh to English translators
- Charlotte Guest produced the first translation of the Mabinogion
- Gwyn Jones also translated the Mabinogion
- Kenneth Jackson, translator of A Celtic Miscellany
[edit] Other Korean to English translators
- Keyman Hong; Kiman Hong
- Yeonhyang Lee
- Hyeonghwa Nam
- Sumi Kim
- Hyangseon Lee
[edit] Other Japanese to English translators
- Nancy Andrew - translator of Ryū Murakami's novel, Almost Transparent Blue.
- Donald Keene
- Lucien Stryk & Takahashi Ikemoto
- Don Philippi - translator of Japanese and Ainu. Translated the Kojiki, also a noted technical translator.
- Alexander O. Smith - Professional translator who worked on translations of different medias, but is most famous for the English localizations of videogames like Final Fantasy X, Phoenix Wright, and Vagrant Story.
- Royall Tyler - translator of The Tale of Genji as well as various Japanese folklore and Noh plays.
[edit] Other Chinese to English translators
- Jane English
- David Hawkes - translator of the Chinese classic Story of the Stone or Dream of the Red Chamber, by Cao Xueqin
- Arthur Waley
[edit] Other Yiddish to English translators
- Curt Leviant - translator of Sholom Aleichem, Chaim Grade, and Isaac Bashevis Singer.
[edit] Other Persian to English translators
- Sir William Jones
- A.J. Arberry
- Dick Davis, translator of Attar and Ferdowsi
[edit] Translators of multiple languages into English
- Joachim Neugroschel - prolific multi-award winning translator of French, Spanish, German, Hebrew, Russian
- Guido Waldman - French, Italian
- John Sturrock - French, Spanish
- John Wood - French, German
- W.S. Merwin - Greek, Spanish, Italian, Old English
- Anthea Bell - French, German, Danish, Polish
- Michael Henry Heim - Russian, Czech, German, Serbo-Croatian
- Ewald Osers - translator of Czech, German
- Burton Raffel - also a prolific and wide-ranging translator
- Ralph Manheim - prolific translator of both French and German writers - Grass, Céline, Remarque and several others.
[edit] Other translators into English
- Geoffrey Chaucer
- Alamgir Hashmi
- David Homel - translator of Quebec literature into English
- Charles Muller
- Rabindranath Tagore
- Taufiq Rafat - translated classical Punjabi poetry into English
- Cecil Parrott - translator of The Good Soldier Svejk.
- Celina Wieniewska - translator of Polish, esp. Bruno Schulz
- Jerzy Ficowski - translator of Polish, esp. Bruno Schulz
- David H. Rosenthal - translator of Tirant Lo Blanc from Catalan
- Norma Comrada - translator of Czech, esp. Karel Capek
- Christina Pribicevic-Zoric - translator of Serbo-Croatian, esp. Milorad Pavic
- Victor G. Kiernan
- Edward FitzGerald - famous for his version of Omar Khayyám's Rubaiyat, from the Persian
- Reynold A. Nicholson
[edit] Philosophy
[edit] Translators of Ancient Chinese classics
- James Legge
- David Hinton
- Richard Wilhelm
- Thomas Cleary
- Robert G. Henricks
[edit] Translators of Ancient Indian classics
[edit] Translators of Hellenistic and Roman philosophers
- Benjamin Jowett
- Jonathan Barnes
- W. H. D. Rouse
- Hugh Tredennick
- G. M. A. Grube
- W. K. C. Guthrie
- F. M. Cornford
- E. R. Dodds
- C. D. C. Reeve
- W. R. M. Lamb
- John M. Cooper
- T. A. Sinclair
- Walter Englert
[edit] Translators of Aquinas
- Fathers of the English Dominican Province
- Ralph McInerny
- Timothy McDermott
[edit] Translators of Descartes
- Elizabeth Haldane, G.R.T. Ross
- Donald A. Cress
- John Cottingham, Robert Stoothoff & Dugald Murdoch
[edit] Translators of Spinoza
- Robert Harvey Monro Elwes
- Andrew Boyle
- George H. R. Parkinson
- Edwin Curley
- Samuel Shirley
[edit] Translators of Leibniz
- G. H. R. Parkinson
- Peter Remnant & Jonathan Bennett
[edit] Translators of Vico
- Thomas Goddard Bergin & Max Harold Fisch
[edit] Translators of Kant
- J. M. Meiklejohn
- Max Mueller
- Norman Kemp Smith
- Werner S. Pluhar
- Gary Hatfield
- Allen Wood & Paul Guyer
[edit] Translators of Hegel
- J. Sibree
- T. M. Knox
- Arnold V. Miller
- Hugh Barr Nisbet
[edit] Translators of Schopenhauer
- T. Bailey Saunders
- E. F. J. Payne
[edit] Translators of Kierkegaard
- Alastair Hannay
- Howard V. Hong & Edna H. Hong
[edit] Translators of Nietzsche
[edit] Translators of Heidegger's Being and Time
- John Macquarie & Edward Robinson
- Joan Stambaugh
[edit] Translators of Derrida
- Alan Bass
- Geoffrey Bennington
- Elizabeth Rottenberg
- Gayathri Chakravorty Spivak
- Thomas Dutoit
- Peggy Kamuf
[edit] Other translators
- J. N. Findlay - Husserl
- Colin Smith - Merleau-Ponty
- Elizabeth Anscombe - Wittgenstein
- Michael Dummett - Frege
- Hazel E. Barnes - Sartre
- Andrew Bowie - Schelling, Schleiermacher
[edit] Other
- E. A. Wallis Budge - translated The Egyptian Book of the Dead
- Charles Francis Atkinson - translated Spengler
[edit] Translators into languages other than English
[edit] Translators into multiple languages
[edit] Translators into French
- Jacques Amyot produced a famous version of Plutarch's Parallel Lives, later rendered into English by Sir Thomas North
- Antoine Galland - translated the first European edition of the Arabian Nights
- J. C. Mardrus - also a translator of the Arabian Nights
- Chateaubriand translated Milton's epic poem Paradise Lost into French prose
- Charles Baudelaire produced a famous and immensely influential translation of the works of Edgar Allen Poe
- Jean Hyppolite - translated Hegel and popularized his work
- Étienne Aignan
- Yves Bonnefoy, noted contemporary translator, particularly of English poetry.
[edit] Translators into German
- Johann Heinrich Voss - translated classical poetry into German
- Schlegel and Tieck produced the most famous German translation of Shakespeare
- Franz Kuhn - translator of many Chinese works including Dream of the Red Chamber into German
[edit] Translators into Hebrew
- Abraham bar Hiyya Ha-Nasi - translated scientific works from Arabic into Hebrew (for further translation into Latin by Plato of Tivoli)
- Ibn Tibbon family - translated Greek, Roman, Arab, and Jewish works from Arabic
- Yehuda Alharizi - translated Maimonides' Guide for the Perplexed and Arabic maqama poetry
- T. Carmi - Shakespeare
- Yitzhak Salkinsohn - relatively early (19th century) translator of Milton and Shakespeare
- Shaul Tchernichovsky - prolific literary translator
- Abraham Shlonsky - translated Shakespeare, Gogol, and others
- Adin Steinsaltz - dozens of volumes of Talmud from Aramaic
- Emperor D. Pedro II - translated poetry by Luís de Camões from Portuguese [1]
[edit] Translators into Spanish
- Jorge Luis Borges - translated many English, French, and German works into Spanish
- Javier Marías - translated many English works into Spanish
[edit] Translators into Italian
- Italo Calvino - translated Raymond Queneau's Les fleurs bleus (The Blue Flowers)
- Ettore Capriolo - translated McLuhan, Camus, Rushdie
- Masolino D'Amico - translated Hemingway and other authors from English
- Carlo Linati - translated Joyce, Lawrence, Yeats, Synge, Dickens and Henry James
- Vincenzo Mantovani - translated works by William Faulkner, Henri Miller, Philip Roth, Salman Rushdie, Saul Bellow, Malcolm Lowry, Charles Bukowski, Isaac Asimov, Richard Ford, William Gaddis, John Updike, Norman Mailer, Bernard Malamud, Jerzy Kosinski and others
- Maria Napolitano Martone - translated works by Ernest Hemingway, Erskine Caldwell, Archibald Joseph Cronin, James M. Cain, Williama Somerset Maugham, John Fante, William Hudson, P.G. Wodehouse, Daphne De Maurier
- Grazyna Miller - translated from Polish into Italian by Pope John Paul II (Roman Triptych.Meditations)
- Cesare Pavese - translated Melville, Dickens and others
- Fernanda Pivano - translated works by Ernest Hemingway, Edgar Lee Masters, Francis Scott Fitzgerald, William Faulkner, Thornton Wilder, Allen Ginsberg, Lawrence Ferlinghetti, Gregory Corso and many other English-language authors
- Elio Vittorini - translated works by Ernest Hemingway, William Saroyan, John Steinbeck, Erskine Caldwell, William Faulkner, D.H. Lawrence and Edgar Allan Poe
[edit] Translators into Korean
- Chansoon Park - translator of movie dialogs
- Eunjeong Rho - translator of current English works into Korean
- Yeonhyang Lee - translator and professor at Monterey Inst. of Foreign Studies
- Hyangseon Lee - translator of movie dialogs
- Kiman Hong - translator of movie dialogs, from English or Japanese into Korean and, vice versa
[edit] Translators into Japanese
- Odajima Seisi - translator of Shakespeare
- Maruya Saiichi - translator of Joyce
- Mori Ogai - translator of Goethe and Andersen (from the German)
- Watanabe Kazuo - translator of French
- Matsudaira Chiaki - translator of Homer, Xenophon
- Kawaguchi Tomoko - translator for various artists, musicians, and authors
[edit] Translators into Polish
- Ignacy Krasicki – translated Plutarch and Ossian.
- Bolesław Leśmian – poet who translated the tales of Edgar Allan Poe.
- Tadeusz Boy-Żeleński – prolific translator of French classic literature; murdered by the Nazis.
- Julian Tuwim – translator of Alexander Pushkin and other Russian poets.
- Bronisław Zieliński – translator of classic and contemporary English-language literature.
- Maciej Słomczyński – translator of James Joyce's Ulysses and of the complete works of Shakespeare.
- Adam Ważyk – translator of Alexander Pushkin's Eugene Onegin.
- Feliks Konopka – translator of Goethe's Faust.
- Jerzy S. Sito – translator of English-language poetry.
- Robert Stiller – prolific translator of classic and contemporary literature, from a score of languages, European as well as Oriental.
[edit] Translators into Portuguese
- Abraham Usque
- Ana Saldanha - translator of Mandela, Kipling
- Carlos do Amaral Freire
- Daniel Galera
- Décio Pignatari - translator of Dante, Shakespeare, Goethe and McLuhan
- Machado de Assis
[edit] Translators into Russian
- Vasily Zhukovsky - some of his translations proved more lasting than their originals
- Nikolay Gnedich - made the classical translation of The Iliad
- Mikhail Lozinsky - made the classical translation of The Divine Comedy
- Boris Pasternak - translated Faust and Hamlet
- Samuil Marshak - translated Shakespeare's sonnets, among his other works
- Ivan Bunin - translated The Song of Hiawatha
- Vladimir Nabokov - translated Alice in Wonderland and Lolita
[edit] Translators into Latin
- St. Jerome produced the Latin Vulgate version of the Bible; is regarded among Christians as the patron saint of translators.
- Robert of Ketton and Herman of Carinthia rendered the Qur'an into Latin (1142-1143).
- Herman of Carinthia translated Arabic scientific texts into Latin.
[edit] Translators into Swahili
- Julius Nyerere, first president of Tanzania, translated Shakespeare into Swahili
- Fortunatus Kawegere - translator of Animal Farm by George Orwell
[edit] Self-translators
(Authors who translated their own work into other languages)