List of tomato cultivars

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This is a list of tomato varieties / cultivars / breeds. Please include, when possible, determinate/indeterminate/whatever, resistance (VF or whatever), fruit shape, color, size in ounces, days to maturity, hybrid/heirloom, leaf shape (PL for potato leaf, RL for regular leaf, also A for Angora, et cetera).


[edit] Indeterminate

[edit] Red

  • Ace 55 -- 80 days -- VF -- heirloom -- super-low acidity
  • Amish Paste -- 85 days -- heirloom -- As the name implies, best for paste/sauce and bred originally by the Amish. Oblong shape, good taste
  • Beefsteak - 90 days -- heirloom -- archetypical broad, lobed variety
  • Beefmaster -- 80 days -- hybrid -- purportedly the very best version of beefsteak
  • Better Boy -- 82 days -- hybrid -- improved version of the original Big Boy
  • Celebrity -- 70 days -- VA -- hybrid
  • Crimson Cushion -- 90 days -- heirloom -- large, ribbed, wilt-resistant
  • Delicious -- 77 days -- heirloom -- 16oz fruit, few seeds
  • Earliana -- 65 days -- heirloom -- 6oz fruit, introduced in 1900
  • Early Girl -- 52 days -- VF -- hybrid -- Very early, smooth round/oval fruit in the 6oz range
  • Goliath -- 85 days -- heirloom -- largest known tomato, up to 48 ounces!
  • Liz Birt -- 75 days -- OP -- medium to large sweet fruits with a more pronounced acid taste, derived from 'Brandywine' X 'Cherokee Purple'
  • Matchless -- 85 -- heirloom -- 6oz fruit, created by W. Atlee Burpee in 1889
  • Moneymaker -- 80 -- heirloom -- 5oz fruit
  • Monkey's Ass -- 80 -- large red fruit divided into two lobes on one side, ergo the name
  • Mortgage Lifter -- 85 -- beefsteak fruit, its creator sold plants to pay off his mortgage
  • Red Brandywine -- 100 days -- heirloom -- Amish origins -- PL
  • Roma Tomato -- 85 days -- heirloom -- THE standard paste tomato, pear-shaped, from Italy
  • Super Fantatic -- 70 days -- VF -- hybrid -- heavy producer of large, smooth, round fruit with a good balance of sweet and acidic.
  • Three Sisters -- 75 days -- 6oz fruit -- Potato leaf -- This breed actually can bear any one of three types of tomato: A single-pleated variety, a roma style, or a pleated, flattened fruit.

[edit] Pink

  • Brandywine -- 90 days -- heirloom -- Amish origins -- PL
  • Giant belgium pink -- 85 days -- 32 oz fruit! Low acid, sweet
  • Pink beefsteak -- 70 days -- as the name implies, medium beefsteak variety, even more pink than typical beefsteaks
  • Violaceum Krypni-Rozo -- 80 days -- heirloom -- bizarre 8oz scalloped fruit, extremely deep and numerous lobes has a pretty, unique style

[edit] Orange

  • Amana Orange -- 90 days - 16oz, beefsteak-style fruit is orange, has a mild flavor

[edit] Yellow

  • Garden peach tomato -- 80 days -- yellow fruit has fuzzy skin, and is yellow, therefore resembles a peach
  • Yellow Brandywine -- 100 days -- heirloom -- Amish origins -- PL

[edit] Black / purple

  • Aunt Ginny's Purple -- 80 days -- flavor is said to be similar to brandywine, though it produces more
  • Bear Creek -- early-midseason -- large attractive fruits of fine flavor and good production, named for Bear Creek Farm in Osceola, Mo
  • Black Krim -- 80 days -- 12oz fruit, dark purple with green shoulders
  • Black Russian -- 75 days -- pretty, plentiful small black fruit
  • Cherokee purple -- 80 days -- 16oz fruit with purple shoulders, originally grown by Cherokee Indians
  • Chocolate cherokee -- 80 days -- crimson with brown/black shoulders
  • Dora -- 80-85 days -- large beefstake type fruits developed solely for flavor, regular leaf
  • Gary O' Sena -- 70-75 day -- large pink purple fruits, potato leafed, developed from Brandywine x Cherokee Purple

[edit] Green

  • Aunt Ruby's German Green -- 80 days -- beefsteak style, 16oz fruit
  • green tomato Emerald Evergreen -- 72 days -- Supposedly especially good and mild tasting
  • Green Bell Pepper -- 76 days -- not actually a green pepper, but shaped and colored like one, inside and out. Tastes like a tomato.

[edit] White

  • White wonder -- 80 days -- 32oz fruit, huge and yellowish white

[edit] Multicolor

  • Black Zebra -- 85 days -- brown with black stripes, deep, sweet flavor
  • Green Zebra -- 78 days -- 4oz fruit with two tone green stripes
  • Mister Stripey -- 56 days -- early, 6 oz, beefsteak-style fruit is yellow with red/pink stripes, fun

[edit] Dwarf indeterminate, semi-indeterminate, tree-type, et cetera

[edit] Red

  • Extreme Bush -- 50 days -- heavy producers, extended season determinate

[edit] Pink

  • Dwarf champion -- 80 days -- 8oz fruit
  • New Big Dwarf -- 90 days -- 16oz fruit, been around 90 years, illustrating why you should never name anything "New..."

[edit] Yellow

  • Azoychka -- 60 days -- 8oz fruit, yellow inside and out

[edit] Black / purple

[edit] Green

[edit] White

[edit] Determinate

[edit] Red

  • Cherokee -- VF -- 80 days -- Not related to Cherokee Purple
  • Marglobe -- VF -- 75 days -- large fruit, fewer spaces and seeds
  • Rutgers -- 75 days -- heirloom -- 6oz fruit, crack resistant

[edit] Pink

[edit] Yellow

[edit] Black / purple

[edit] Green

[edit] White

[edit] Disease resistant abbreviations

[edit] See also