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This is a list of broadcast television stations located in the state of Nebraska.
- Channel 2: KNOP - (NBC) - North Platte K) N)o)rth P)latte
- Channel 3: KLNE - (PBS) - Lexington "Nebraska Educational Telecommunications (NET) Television" K) L)exington, N)E)
- Channel 3: KMTV - (CBS) - Omaha
- Channel 4: KDUH - (ABC) - Scottsbluff K) D)u)h)amel Broadcasting
- Channel 4: KSNB - (FOX) - Superior (Lincoln)
- Channel 5: KHAS - (NBC) - Hastings K) H)a)s)tings
- Channel 6: KWNB - (ABC) - Hayes Center K) W)estern N)eb)raska
- Channel 6: WOWT - (NBC) - Omaha; formerly WOW W)oodmen o)f the W)orld T)elevision
- Channel 7: KETV - (ABC) - Omaha
- Channel 7: KMNE - (PBS) - Bassett "NET Television"
- Channel 8: KLKN - (ABC) - Lincoln
- Channel 8: KSNK - (NBC) - McCook K)ans)as N)etwork McCook)
- Channel 9: KPNE - (PBS) - North Platte "NET Television"
- Channel 10: KOLN - (CBS/My Network TV digital subchannel) - Lincoln K) Linco)l)n)
- Channel 10: KSTF - (CBS) - Scottsbluff K) S)cot)tsbluf)f
- Channel 11: KIIT - (FOX) - North Platte
- Channel 11: KGIN - (CBS/My Network TV digital subchannel) - Grand Island K) G)rand I)sland, N)ebraska
- Channel 12: KRNE - (PBS) - Merriman "NET Television"
- Channel 12: KUON - (PBS) - Lincoln "NET Television" (flagship) K) U)niversity o)f N)ebraska
- Channel 13: KHGI - (ABC) - Kearney K)earney H)astings G)rand I)sland
- Channel 13: KTNE - (PBS) - Alliance and Scottsbluff "NET Television"
- Channel 13: WSWS-CA - (FOX) - North Platte