List of tallest structures in former Yugoslavia

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An incomplete list of the tallest structures in former Yugoslavia (Serbia, Croatia, Slovenia, Bosnia and Macedonia). This list contains all types of structures.

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Structure Year of built Structural type Country Town Pinnacle height Remarks
Trbovlje Chimney 1976 Chimney Slovenia Trbovlje 364 m tallest chimney in Europe
Plomin Power Station ? Chimney Croatia Plomin 340 m
Ugljevik Power Plant 1985 Chimney Bosnia Ugljevik 310 m
Mostre transmitter ? Guyed Mast Bosnia Mostre 250 m
Stubline transmitter ? Guyed Mast Serbia Stubline  ? m destroyed in 1999
TV Tower Avala 1965 Tower Serbia Belgrade-Avala 202.87 m destroyed on April 30, 1999