List of subspecies to Euphydryas editha
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This List of subspeicies of Euphydryas editha is subject to change as nomenclatures are altered or new species are found.
Euphydryas editha: Edith’s Checkerspot Butterfly.
- Euphydryas editha alebarki: Klots’ Checkerspot
- Euphydryas editha augusta: Augusta Checkerspot
- Euphydryas editha aurilacus: Gold Lake Checkerspot
- Euphydryas editha baroni: Baron’s Checkerspot
- Euphydryas editha bayensis: Bay Checkerspot
- Euphydryas editha edithana: Strand’s Checkerspot
- Euphydryas editha fridayi: ? Checkerspot
- Euphydryas editha hutchinsi: Hutchins’ Checkerspot
- Euphydryas editha gunnisonensis: Gunnison Checkerspot
- Euphydryas editha taylori: Taylor’s Checkerspot
- Euphydryas editha quino: Quino Checkerspot
- Euphydryas editha insularis: Island Checkerspot
- Euphydryas editha baroni: Baron’s Checkerspot
- Euphydryas editha karinae: ? Checkerspot
- Euphydryas editha aurilacus: Gold Lake Checkerspot
- Euphydryas editha bingi: Bing’s Checkerspot
- Euphydryas editha ehrlichi: Ehrlich’s Checkerspot
- Euphydryas editha tahoensis: Lake Tahoe Checkerspot
- Euphydryas editha lawrencei: Lawrence’s Checkerspot
- Euphydryas editha owyheensis: ? Checkerspot
- Euphydryas editha rubicunda: Ruddy Checkerspot
- Euphydryas editha nubigena: Cloud-born Checkerspot
- Euphydryas editha mattooni: Mattoon’s Checkerspot
- Euphydryas editha colonia: Colonia Checkerspot
- Euphydryas editha beani: Bean’s Checkerspot
- Euphydryas editha lehmani: Lehman Caves Checkerspot
- Euphydryas editha monoensis: Mono Lake Checkerspot
- Euphydryas editha wrighti: Wright’s Checkerspot
- Euphydryas editha luestherae: Luesther’s Checkerspot
- Euphydryas editha koreti: ? Checkerspot
[edit] References
- Common Names, The Int'l Lepidoptera Survey, The Taxonomic Report.