List of signers of the Dedham Covenant
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See main article History of Dedham, Massachusetts.
The Covenant of Dedham, Massachusetts was first signed on August 15, 1636. Those who signed the Covenant are listed below, in the order in which they signed.
- Robert: Feke
- Edward: Alleyn
- Sameul: Morse
- Philemon Dalton
- John: Dwight
- Lambert: Generye
- Richard: Euered
- Ralph: Shepheard
- John: Huggin
- Ralph: Wheelock
- Thomas Cakebread
- Henry: Phillips
- Timothie Dalton
- Thomas Carter
- Abraham Shawe
- John Coolidge
- Nicholas Phillips
- John: Gaye
- John Kingsbery
- John Rogers
- Francis Austen
- Ezekiell Holleman
- Joseph Shawe
- William: Bearstowe
- John: Haward
- Thomas: Bartlet
- Ferdinandoe Adams
- Daniell: Morse
- Joseph: Morse
- John Ellice
- Jonathan Fayerbanke
- John: Eaton:
- Michaell Metcalfe
- John Morse
- John Allin
- Anthony: Fisher
- Thomas: Wight
- Eleazer: Lusher
- Robert: Hinsdell
- John Luson
- John: Fisher
- Thomas: Fisher
- Joseph Kingsberye
- John Batchelor
- Nathaniell Coaleburne
- John: Roper
- Martin Philips
- Henry Smyth
- John: Fraerye
- Thomas Hastings
- Francis Chickering
- Thomas: Alcock
- William: Bullard
- Jonas Humphery
- Edward Kempe
- John Hunting
- Tymothie Dwight
- Henry: Deengaine
- Henry Brocke
- James: Hering
- Nathan Aldus
- Edward Richards
- Michaell Powell
- John Elderkine
- Michaell: Bacon
- Robert Onion
- Samuell Milles
- Edward Colver
- Thomas Bayes
- George Bearstowe
- John: Bullard
- Thomas: Leader
- Joseph Moyes
- Jeffery Mingeye
- James: Allin
- Richard Barber
- Thomas: Jordan
- Joshua: Fisher
- Christopher Smith
- John Thurston
- Joseph Clarke
- Thomas: Eames
- Peter Woodward
- Thwaits Strickland
- John: Guild
- Samuell Bulleyne
- Robert Gowen
- Hugh Stacey
- George: Barber
- James Jordan
- Nathaniell Whiteing
- Beniamine Smith
- Richard: Ellice
- Austen: Kalem
- Robert: Ware
- Thomas: Fuller
- Thomas: Payne
- John: Fayerbanke
- Henry Glover
- Thomas Hering
- John Plimption
- George Fayerbanke
- Tymoth Dwight
- Andr: Duein
- Joseph Ellice
- Ralph Freeman
- Joh: Rice
- Danll Ponde
- John Hovghton
- Jonathan Fayerbank Jur:
- James Vales
- Thomas Metcalfe
- Robert Crossman
- William Avery
- John Aldus
- John: Mason
- Isaac Bullard
- Cornelus Fisher
- John Partridge
- James Draper
- James Thorpe
- Samuell Fisher
- B Benjamin Bullard
- Ellice W woode
- Thomas Fisher