List of regencies and cities of Indonesia

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Regency (Indonesian: Kabupaten) and City (Indonesian: Kota) are a local level of government smaller than a province.

Both regency and city are the same level, having their own local government and legislative body. The difference between a Regency and a City lies in differing demographics, size and economics. Generally the regency has larger area than city, and city has a non-agricultural economic activities. Regency is headed by a regent (Indonesian: Bupati), and the city is headed by a mayor (Indonesian: Walikota). Regent or mayor and member of representatives are elected by popular vote for 5 years term.

Each regency or city is divided into sub-district.

Currently, there are 349 regencies and 91 cities in Indonesia. Here are list of regencies and cities in Indonesia, grouped by provinces.

Note that each of regency has a capital city (regency seat), and a city don't have. The capital city of regencies currently located outside the regency area will be marked with an *.


[edit] Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam

No. Name of regency/city Capital city
1. Regency of Aceh Barat Meulaboh
2. Regency of Aceh Barat Daya Blangpidie
3. Regency of Aceh Besar Jantho
4. Regency of Aceh Jaya Calang
5. Regency of Aceh Selatan Tapaktuan
6. Regency of Aceh Singkil Singkil
7. Regency of Aceh Tamiang Karang Baru
8. Regency of Aceh Tengah Takengon
9. Regency of Aceh Tenggara Kutacane
10. Regency of Aceh Timur Langsa *
11. Regency of Aceh Utara Lhokseumawe *
12. Regency of Bener Meriah  ?
13. Regency of Bireuen Bireuen
14. Regency of Gayo Lues Blangkejeran
15. Regency of Nagan Raya Suka Makmue
16. Regency of Pidie Sigli
17. Regency of Simeulue Sinabung
18. City of Banda Aceh -
19. City of Langsa -
20. City of Lhokseumawe -
21. City of Sabang -

[edit] North Sumatra

No. Kabupaten/city Capital city
1. Regency of Asahan Kisaran
2. Regency of Dairi Sidikalang
3. Regency of Deli Serdang Lubukpakam
4. Regency of Humbang Hasundutan Dolok Sanggul
5. Regency of Karo Kabanjahe
6. Regency of Labuhan Batu Rantauprapat
7. Regency of Langkat Stabat
8. Regency of Mandailing Natal Penyabungan
9. Regency of Nias Gunung Sitoli
10. Regency of Nias Selatan  ?
11. Regency of Pakpak Bharat Salak
12. Regency of Samosir  ?
13. Regency of Serdang Bedagai  ?
14. Regency of Simalungun Pematangsiantar *
15. Regency of Tapanuli Selatan Padang Sidempuan *
16. Regency of Tapanuli Tengah Sibolga *
17. Regency of Tapanuli Utara Tarutung
18. Regency of Toba Samosir Balige
19. City of Binjai -
20. City of Medan -
21. City of Padang Sidempuan -
22. City of Pematangsiantar -
23. City of Sibolga
24. City of Tanjung Balai -
25. City of Tebing Tinggi -

[edit] Bengkulu

No. Name of regency/city Capital city
1. Regency of Bengkulu Selatan Manna
2. Regency of Bengkulu Utara Argamakmur
3. Regency of Kaur Bintuhan
4. Regency of Kepahiang  ?
5. Regency of Lebong  ?
6. Regency of Muko-Muko Muko-Muko
7. Regency of Rejang Lebong Curup
8. Regency of Seluma Tais
9. City of Bengkulu -

[edit] Jambi

No. Name of regency/city Capital city
1. Regency of Batang Hari  ?
2. Regency of Bungo Bungo (city)
3. Regency of Kerinci Sungaipenuh
4. Regency of Merangin Bangko
5. Regency of Muaro Jambi Sengeti
6. Regency of Sarolangun Sarolangun
7. Regency of Tanjung Jabung Timur Kuala Tungkal
8. Regency of Tanjung Jabung Barat Muara Sabak
9. Regency of Tebo Tebo (city)
10. City of Jambi -

[edit] Riau

No. Name of regency/city Capital city
1. Regency of Bengkalis Bengkalis
2. Regency of Indragiri Hilir Rengat
3. Regency of Indragiri Hulu Tembilahan
4. Regency of Kampar Bangkinang
5. Regency of Kuantan Singingi Teluk Kuantan
6. Regency of Pelalawan Pangkalan Kerinci
7. Regency of Rokan Hulu Ujung Tanjung
8. Regency of Rokan Hilir Pasir Pangaraian
9. Regency of Siak Siak Sriindrapura
10. City of Dumai -
11. City of Pekanbaru -

[edit] West Sumatra

No. Name of regency/city Capital city
1. Regency of Agam Lubukbasung
2. Regency of Dharmasraya  ?
3. Regency of Limapuluh Koto Payakumbuh *
4. Regency of Kepulauan Mentawai Tua Pejat
5. Regency of Padang Pariaman Pariaman *
6. Regency of Pasaman Lubuksikaping
7. Regency of Pasaman Barat  ?
8. Regency of Pesisir Selatan Painan
9. Regency of Sawahlunto Sijunjung Muaro Sijunjung
10. Regency of Solok Solok *
11. Regency of Solok Selatan  ?
12. Regency of Tanah Datar Batusangkar
13. City of Bukittinggi -
14. City of Padang -
15. City of Padangpanjang -
16. City of Pariaman -
17. City of Payakumbuh -
18. City of Sawahlunto -
19. City of Solok -

[edit] South Sumatra

No. Name of regency/city Capital city
1. Regency of Banyuasin Banyuasin
2. Regency of Lahat Lahat
3. Regency of Muara Enim Muara Enim
4. Regency of Musi Banyuasin Asin Sekayu
5. Regency of Musi Rawas Lubuklinggau *
6. Regency of Ogan Ilir  ?
7. Regency of Ogan Komering Ilir Kayuagung
8. Regency of Ogan Komering Ulu Baturaja
9. Regency of Ogan Komering Ulu Timur  ?
10. Ogan Komering Ulu Selatan  ?
11. City of Lubuklinggau -
12. City of Pagar Alam -
13. City of Palembang -
14. City of Prabumulih -

[edit] Lampung

No. Name of regency/city Capital city
1. Regency of Lampung Barat Liwa
2. Regency of Lampung Selatan Kalianda
3. Regency of Lampung Tengah  ?
4. Regency of Lampung Timur Sukadana
5. Regency of Lampung Utara Kotabumi
6. Regency of Way Kanan Kotaagung
7. Regency of Tanggamus Menggala
8. Regency of Tulang Bawang Blambangan Umpu
9. City of Bandar Lampung -
10. City of Metro -

[edit] Bangka-Belitung

No. Name of regency/city Capital city
1. Regency of Bangka Sungailiat
2. Regency of Bangka Barat Mentok
3. Regency of Bangka Tengah Toboali
4. Regency of Bangka Selatan Koba
5. Regency of Belitung Tanjungpandan
6. Regency of Belitung Timur Manggar
7. City of Pangkal Pinang -

[edit] Riau Islands

No. Name of regency/city Capital city
1. Regency of Karimun Tanjung Pinang *
2. Regency of Bintan Balai Karimun
3. Regency of Lingga  ?
4. Regency of Natuna Ranai
5. City of Batam -
6. City of Tanjung Pinang -

[edit] Jakarta

No. Name of regency/city Capital city
1. Administrative Regency of Kepulauan Seribu -
2. City of Jakarta Barat -
3. City of Jakarta Pusat
4. City of Jakarta Utara
5. City of Jakarta Timur
6. City of Jakarta Selatan

[edit] Banten

No. Name of regency/city Capital city
1. Regency of Lebak Rangkasbitung
2. Regency of Pandeglang Pandeglang
3. Regency of Serang Serang
4. Regency of Tangerang Tigaraksa
5. City of Cilegon -
6. City of Tangerang -

[edit] West Java

No. Name of regency/city Capital city
1. Regency of Bandung Soreang
2. Regency of Bekasi Bekasi *
3. Regency of Bogor Cibinong
4. Regency of Ciamis Ciamis
5. Regency of Cianjur Cianjur
6. Regency of Cirebon Sumber
7. Regency of Garut Garut
8. Regency of Indramayu Indramayu
9. Regency of Karawang Karawang
10. Regency of Kuningan Kuningan
11. Regency of Majalengka Majalengka
12. Regency of Purwakarta Purwakarta
13. Regency of Subang Subang
14. Regency of Sukabumi Pelabuhan Ratu
15. Regency of Sumedang Sumedang (city)
16. Regency of Tasikmalaya Tasikmalaya *
17. City of Bandung -
18. City of Banjar -
19. City of Bekasi -
20. City of Bogor -
21. City of Cimahi -
22. City of Cirebon -
23. City of Depok -
24. City of Sukabumi -
25. City of Tasikmalaya -

[edit] Central Java

No. Name of regency/city Capital city
1. Regency of Banjarnegara Banjarnegara
2. Regency of Banyumas Purwokerto
3. Regency of Batang Batang
4. Regency of Blora Blora
5. Regency of Boyolali Boyolali
6. Regency of Brebes Brebes
7. Regency of Cilacap Cilacap
8. Regency of Demak Demak
9. Regency of Grobogan Purwodadi
10. Regency of Jepara Jepara
11. Regency of Karanganyar Karanganyar
12. Regency of Kebumen Kebumen
13. Regency of Kendal Kendal
14. Regency of Klaten Klaten
15. Regency of Kudus Kudus
16. Regency of Magelang Mungkid
17. Regency of Pati Pati
18. Regency of Pekalongan Kajen
19. Regency of Pemalang Pemalang
20. Regency of Purbalingga Purbalingga
21. Regency of Purworejo Purwokerto
22. Regency of Rembang Rembang
23. Regency of Semarang Ungaran
24. Regency of Sragen Sragen
25. Regency of Sukoharjo Sukoharjo
26. Regency of Tegal Slawi
27. Regency of Temanggung Temanggung
28. Regency of Wonogiri Wonogiri
29. Regency of Wonosobo Wonosobo
30. City of Magelang -
31. City of Surakarta -
32. City of Salatiga -
33. City of Semarang -
34. City of Pekalongan -
35. City of Tegal -

[edit] East Java

No. Name of regency/city Capital city
1. Regency of Bangkalan Bangkalan
2. Regency of Banyuwangi Banyuwangi
3. Regency of Blitar Blitar *
4. Regency of Bojonegoro Bojonegoro
5. Regency of Bondowoso Bondowoso
6. Regency of Gresik Gresik
7. Regency of Jember Jember
8. Regency of Jombang Jombang
9. Regency of Kediri Kediri *
10. Regency of Lamongan Lamongan
11. Regency of Lumajang Lumajang
12. Regency of Madiun Madiun *
13. Regency of Magetan Magetan
14. Regency of Malang Kepanjen
15. Regency of Mojokerto Mojokerto *
16. Regency of Nganjuk Nganjuk
17. Regency of Ngawi Ngawi
18. Regency of Pacitan Pacitan
19. Regency of Pamekasan Pamekasan
20. Regency of Pasuruan Pasuruan *
21. Regency of Ponorogo Ponorogo
22. Regency of Probolinggo Probolinggo *
23. Regency of Sampang Sampang
24. Regency of Sidoarjo Sidoarjo
25. Regency of Situbondo Situbondo
26. Regency of Sumenep Sumenep
27. Regency of Trenggalek Trenggalek
28. Regency of Tuban Tuban
29. Regency of Tulungagung Tulungagung
30. City of Batu -
31. City of Blitar -
32. City of Kediri -
33. City of Madiun -
34. City of Malang -
35. City of Mojokerto -
36. City of Pasuruan -
37. City of Probolinggo -
38. City of Surabaya -

[edit] Yogyakarta

No. Name of regency/city Capital city
1. Regency of Bantul Bantul
2. Regency of Gunung Kidul Wonosari
3. Regency of Kulon Progo Wates
4. Regency of Sleman Sleman
5. City of Yogyakarta -

[edit] Bali

No. Name of regency/city Capital city
1. Regency of Badung Badung
2. Regency of Bangli Bangli
3. Regency of Buleleng Singaraja
4. Regency of Gianyar Gianyar
5. Regency of Jembrana Negara
6. Regency of Karangasem Karangasem
7. Regency of Klungkung Klungkung
8. Regency of Tabanan Tabanan
9. City of Denpasar -

[edit] West Nusa Tenggara

No. Name of regency/city Capital city
1. Regency of Bima Raba
2. Regency of Dompu Dompu
3. Regency of Lombok Barat Mataram *
4. Regency of Lombok Tengah Praya
5. Regency of Lombok Timur Selong
6. Regency of Sumbawa Sumbawa Besar
7. Regency of Sumbawa Barat  ?
8. City of Mataram -
9. City of Bima -

[edit] East Nusa Tenggara

No. Name of regency/city Capital city
1. Regency of Alor Kalabahi
2. Regency of Belu Atambua
3. Regency of Ende Ende
4. Regency of Flores Timur Larantuka
5. Regency of Kupang Kupang *
6. Regency of Lembata Lewoleba
7. Regency of Manggarai Ruteng
8. Regency of Manggarai Barat Labuan Bajo
9. Regency of Ngada Najawa
10. Regency of Rote Ndao Baa
11. Regency of Sikka Maumere
12. Regency of Sumba Barat Waikabubak
13. Regency of Sumba Timur Waingapu
14. Regency of Timor Tengah Selatan Soe
15. Regency of Timor Tengah Utara Kefamenanu
16. City of Kupang -

[edit] West Kalimantan

No. Name of regency/city Capital city
1. Regency of Bengkayang Bengkayang
2. Regency of Kapuas Hulu Putussibau
3. Regency of Ketapang Ketapang
4. Regency of Landak Ngabang
5. Regency of Melawi  ?
6. Regency of Pontianak Mempawah
7. Regency of Sambas Sambas
8. Regency of Sanggau Batang Tarang
9. Regency of Sekadau  ?
10. Regency of Sintang Sintang (city)
11. City of Pontianak -
12. City of Singkawang -

[edit] South Kalimantan

No. Name of regency/city Capital city
1. Regency of Balangan Paringin
2. Regency of Banjar Martapura
3. Regency of Barito Kuala Marabahan
4. Regency of Hulu Sungai Selatan Kandangan
5. Regency of Hulu Sungai Tengah Barabai
6. Regency of Hulu Sungai Utara Amuntai
7. Regency of Kotabaru Kotabaru
8. Regency of Tanah Laut Tanjung
9. Regency of Tabalong Batulicin
10. Regency of Tanah Bumbu Pelaihari
11. Regency of Tapin Rantau
12. City of Banjarbaru -
13. City of Banjarmasin -

[edit] Central Kalimantan

No. Name of regency/city Capital city
1. Regency of Barito Selatan Buntok
2. Regency of Barito Timur Tamiang
3. Regency of Barito Utara Muarateweh
4. Regency of Gunung Mas Kuala Kurun
5. Regency of Kapuas Kapuas
6. Regency of Katingan Kasongan
7. Regency of Kotawaringin Barat Pangkalan Bun
8. Regency of Kotawaringin Timur Sampit
9. Regency of Lamandau Nanga Bulik
10. Regency of Murung Raya Purukcahu
11. Regency of Pulang Pisau Pulang Pisau
12. Regency of Sukamara Kuala Pembuang
13. Regency of Seruyan Sukamara
14. City of Palangka Raya -

[edit] East Kalimantan

No. Name of regency/city Capital city
1. Regency of Berau Tanjungredep
2. Regency of Bulungan Tanjungselor
3. Regency of Kutai Barat Sendawar
4. Regency of Kutai Kartanegara Tenggarong
5. Regency of Kutai Timur Sangatta
6. Regency of Malinau Malinau
7. Regency of Nunukan Nunukan
8. Regency of Pasir Tanah Grogot
9. Regency of Panajam Paser Utara Panajam
10. City of Balikpapan Balikpapan
11. City of Bontang Bontang
12. City of Samarinda Samarinda
13. City of Tarakan Tarakan203.91.145.100 07:04, 15 November 2006 (UTC)ICHWAN EFENDI

[edit] Gorontalo

No. Name of regency/city Capital city
1. Regency of Boalemo Tilamuta
2. Regency of Bone Bolango Suwawa
3. Regency of Gorontalo Gorontalo *
4. Regency of Pohuwato Marisa
5. City of Gorontalo -

[edit] South Sulawesi

No. Name of regency/city Capital city
1. Regency of Bantaeng Bantaeng
2. Regency of Barru Barru
3. Regency of Bone Watampone
4. Regency of Bulukumba Bulukumba
5. Regency of Enrekang Enrekang
6. Regency of Gowa Sungguminasa
7. Regency of Jeneponto Jeneponto
8. Regency of Luwu Palopo *
9. Regency of Luwu Timur Malili
10. Regency of Luwu Utara Masamba
11. Regency of Maros Maros
12. Regency of Pangkajene Kepulauan Pangkajene
13. Regency of Pinrang Pinrang
14. Regency of Selayar Bantaeng
15. Regency of Sinjai Sidenreng
16. Regency of Sidenreng Rappang Sinjai
17. Regency of Soppeng Watan Soppeng
18. Regency of Takalar Takalar
19. Regency of Tana Toraja Makale
20. Regency of Wajo Sengkang
21. City of Makassar -
22. City of Palopo -
23. City of Pare-Pare -

[edit] West Sulawesi

No. Name of regency/city Capital city
1. Regency of Majene Majene
2. Regency of Mamasa Mamasa
3. Regency of Mamuju Mamuju
4. Regency of Mamuju Utara Pasangkayu
5. Regency of Polewali Mandar Polewali

[edit] Southeast Sulawesi

No. Name of regency/city Capital city
1. Regency of Bombana  ?
2. Regency of Buton Bau-Bau *
3. Regency of Kolaka Kolaka
4. Regency of Kolaka Utara  ?
5. Regency of Konawe Unaaha
6. Regency of Konawe Selatan Andolo
7. Regency of Muna Raha
8. Regency of Wakatobi  ?
9. City of Bau-Bau -
10. City of Kendari -

[edit] Central Sulawesi

No. Name of regency/city Capital city
1. Regency of Banggai Luwuk
2. Regency of Banggai Kepulauan Banggai
3. Regency of Buol Buol
4. Regency of Donggala Donggala
5. Regency of Morowali Bungku
6. Regency of Parigi Moutong Parigi
7. Regency of Poso Poso
8. Regency of Tojo Una-Una  ?
9. Regency of Toli-Toli Toli-Toli
10. City of Palu -

[edit] North Sulawesi

No. Name of regency/city Capital city
1. Regency of Bolaang Mongondow Kotamobagu
2. Regency of Kepulauan Sangihe Tahuna
3. Regency of Kepulauan Talaud Melonguane
4. Regency of Minahasa Tondano
5. Regency of Minahasa Selatan Amurang
6. Regency of Minahasa Utara  ?
7. City of Bitung -
8. City of Manado -
9. City of Tomohon -

[edit] Maluku

No. Name of regency/city Capital city
1. Regency of Buru Namlea
2. Regency of Kepulauan Aru  ?
3. Regency of Maluku Tengah Masohi
4. Regency of Maluku Tenggara Tual
5. Regency of Maluku Tenggara Barat  ?
6. Regency of Seram Bagian Barat  ?
7. Regency of Seram Bagian Timur  ?
8. City of Ambon -

[edit] North Maluku

No. Name of regency/city Capital city
1. Regency of Halmahera Barat  ?
2. Regency of Halmahera Selatan Labuha
3. Regency of Halmahera Tengah Weda
4. Regency of Halmahera Timur Maba
5. Regency of Halmahera Utara Tobelo
6. Regency of Kepulauan Sula Sanana
7. City of Ternate -
8. City of Tidore -

[edit] West Irian Jaya

No. Name of regency/city Capital city
1. Regency of Fak-fak Fak-Fak
2. Regency of Kaimana Kaimana
3. Regency of Manokwari Manokwari
4. Regency of Raja Ampat Waisai
5. Regency of Sorong Sorong *
6. Regency of Sorong Selatan Teminabuan
7. Regency of Teluk Bintuni Bintuni
8. Regency of Teluk Wondama Rasiei
9. City of Sorong -

[edit] Papua

No. Name of regency/city Capital city
1. Regency of Asmat Agats
2. Regency of Biak Numfor Biak
3. Regency of Boven Digoel Tanah Merah
4. Regency of Jayapura  ?
5. Regency of Jayawijaya Wamena
6. Regency of Keerom Waris
7. Regency of Mappi Kepi
8. Regency of Merauke Merauke
9. Regency of Mimika Timika
10. Regency of Nabire Nabire
11. Regency of Paniai Enarotali
12. Regency of Pegunungan Bintang Oksibil
13. Regency of Puncak Jaya Kotamulia
14. Regency of Sarmi Sarmi
15. Regency of Supiori  ?
16. Regency of Tolikara Karubaga
17. Regency of Waropen Botawa
18. Regency of Yahukimo Sumohai
19. Regency of Yapen Waropen Serui
20. City of Jayapura -