List of rare diseases starting with S
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
This list of rare diseases was originally taken from the NIH public domain resource at
Please note that this list is neither definitive or complete. For a far larger list of diseases, including many other rare diseases, see List of diseases.
0-9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
[edit] S
- Saal Bulas syndrome
- Saal Greenstein syndrome
- Sabinas brittle hair syndrome
- Saccharopinuria
- Sackey Sakati Aur syndrome
- Sacral agenesis
- Sacral defect anterior sacral meningocele
- Sacral hemangiomas multiple congenital abnormalities
- Sacral meningocele conotruncal heart defects
- Sacral plexopathy
- Sacrococcygeal dysgenesis association
- Saethre-Chotzen syndrome
- Saito Kuba Tsuruta syndrome
- Sakati syndrome
- Salcedo syndrome
- Salivary disorder
- Salivary gland disorders
- Salla disease
- Sallis Beighton syndrome
- Salmonella Infections
- Salti Salem syndrome
- Sammartino Decreccio syndrome
- Samson Gardner syndrome
- Samson Viljoen syndrome
- Sanderson Fraser syndrome
- Sandhaus Ben Ami syndrome
- Sandhoff disease
- Sandrow Sullivan Steel syndrome
- Sanfilippo syndrome
- Santavuori disease
- Santos Mateus Leal syndrome
- SAPHO syndrome
- Sarcoidosis, pulmonary
- Sarcoidosis
- Sarcoma, Granulocytic
- Sarcosinemia
- Satoyoshi syndrome
- Saul Wilkes Stevenson syndrome
- Say Barber Hobbs syndrome
- Say Barber Miller syndrome
- Say Carpenter syndrome
- Say Field Coldwell syndrome
- Say Meyer syndrome
- SCAD deficiency
- Scalp defects postaxial polydactyly
- Scalp ear nipple syndrome
- Scapuloiliac dysostosis
- Scapuloperoneal myopathy
- SCARF syndrome
- Schaap Taylor Baraitser syndrome
- Schaefer Stein Oshman syndrome
- Schamberg disease pigmentation disorder
- Schamberg disease
- Scheie syndrome
- Schereshevskij Turner
- Scheurermann's disease
- Schimke syndrome
- Schindler disease
- Schinzel Giedion syndrome
- Schinzel syndrome
- Schinzel-Giedion midface retraction syndrome
- Schisis association
- Schizencephaly
- Schizophrenia mental retardation deafness retinitis
- Schizophrenia, genetic types
- Schlegelberger Grote syndrome
- Schmidt syndrome
- Schmitt Gillenwater Kelly syndrome
- Schneckenbecken dysplasia
- Schofer Beetz Bohl syndrome
- Scholte Begeer Van Essen syndrome
- Schraderman's disease
- Schrander Stumpel Theunissen Hulsmans syndrome
- Schroer Hammer Mauldin syndrome
- Schwannoma, malignant
- Schwannomatosis
- Schwartz Newark syndrome
- Schwartz-Jampel syndrome
- Schwartz-lelek syndrome
- Schweitzer Kemink Malcolm syndrome
- Sciatica
- Scimitar syndrome
- Sciophobia
- Scleredema
- Scleroatonic myopathy
- Sclerocornea, Syndactyly, ambiguous genitalia
- Scleroderma
- Scleromyxedema
- Sclerosing bone dysplasia mental retardation
- Sclerosing cholangitis
- Sclerosing Lymphocytic Lobulitis
- Sclerosing Mesenteritis
- Sclerosteosis
- Sclerotylosis
- Scoleciphobia
- Scoliosis as part of NF
- Scoliosis with unilateral unsegmented bar
- Scopophobia
- SCOT deficiency
- Scotomaphobia
- Scott Bryant Graham syndrome
- Scott syndrome
- Scrapie
- Sea-blue histiocytosis
- Seafood poisoning
- Seaver Cassidy syndrome
- Sebocystomatosis
- Secernentea Infections
- Seckel like syndrome Majoor Krakauer type
- Seckel like syndrome type Buebel
- Seckel syndrome 2
- Seckel syndrome
- Secondary pulmonary hypertension
- Seemanova Lesny syndrome
- Seemanova syndrome type 2
- Seghers syndrome
- Segmental neurofibromatosis
- Segmental vertebral anomalies
- Seizures benign familial neonatal recessive form
- Seizures mental retardation hair dysplasia
- Selenium poisoning
- Selenophobia
- Selig Benacerraf Greene syndrome
- Seminoma
- Semmerkrot Haraldsson Weenaes syndrome
- Sener syndrome
- Sengers Hamel Otten syndrome
- Senior syndrome
- Senior-Loken Syndrome
- Sennetsu Fever
- Sensorineural hearing loss
- Sensory neuropathy type 1
- Sensory neuropathy
- Sensory radicular neuropathy recessive form
- Senter syndrome
- Seow Najjar syndrome
- Seplophobia
- Septooptic dysplasia digital anomalies
- Septo-optic dysplasia
- Sequeiros Sack syndrome
- Seres Santamaria Arimany Muniz syndrome
- Serious digitalis intoxication
- Setleis syndrome
- Severe combined immunodeficiency
- Severe Infantile Axonal Neuropathy
- Sex Chromosome Disorders
- Sezary syndrome
- Sezary's lymphoma
- Shapiro syndrome
- Sharma Kapoor Ramji syndrome
- Sharp syndrome
- Shaver's Disease
- Sheehan syndrome
- Shigellosis
- Shith Filkins syndrome
- Shokeir syndrome
- Short broad great toe macrocranium
- Short chain Acyl CoA dehydrogenase deficiency
- Short limb dwarf lethal Colavita Kozlowski type
- Short limb dwarf lethal Mcalister Crane type
- Short limb dwarf oedema iris coloboma
- Short limb dwarfism Al Gazali type
- Short limbs abnormal face congenital heart disease
- Short limbs subluxed knees cleft palate
- Short rib syndrome Beemer type
- Short rib-polydactyly syndrome, Beermer type
- Short rib-polydactyly syndrome, Majewski type
- Short rib-polydactyly syndrome, Saldino-Noonan type
- Short rib-polydactyly syndrome, Verma-Naumoff type
- Short rib-polydactyly syndrome
- Short ribs craniosynostosis polysyndactyly
- Short stature abnormal skin pigmentation mental retardation
- Short stature Brussels type
- Short stature contractures hypotonia
- Short stature cranial hyperostosis hepatomegaly
- Short stature deafness neutrophil dysfunction
- Short stature dysmorphic face pelvic scapula dysplasia
- Short stature heart defect craniofacial anomalies
- Short stature hyperkaliemia acidosis
- Short stature locking fingers
- Short stature mental retardation eye anomalies
- Short stature mental retardation eye defects
- Short stature microcephaly heart defect
- Short stature microcephaly seizures deafness
- Short stature monodactylous ectrodactyly cleft palate
- Short stature prognathism short femoral necks
- Short stature Robin sequence cleft mandible hand anomalies clubfoot
- Short stature talipes natal teeth
- Short stature valvular heart disease
- Short stature webbed neck heart disease
- Short stature wormian bones dextrocardia
- Short syndrome
- Short tarsus absence of lower eyelashes
- Shoulder and thorax deformity congenital heart disease
- Shoulder girdle defect mental retardation familial
- Shprintzen Golberg craniosynostosis
- Shprintzen syndrome
- Shwachman syndrome
- Shwachman-Diamond syndrome
- Shwartzman phenomenon
- Shy-Drager syndrome
- Sialadenitis
- Sialidosis type 1 and 3
- Sialidosis
- Sialuria, French type
- Sickle cell anemia
- Sickle cell crisis
- Sickle cell trait
- Sideroblastic anemia, autosomal
- Siderosis
- Siegler Brewer Carey syndrome
- Silengo Lerone Pelizzo syndrome
- Silicosiderosis
- Silicosis
- Sillence syndrome
- Silver-Russell dwarfism
- Silvery hair syndrome
- Simian B virus infection
- Simosa Penchaszadeh Bustos syndrome
- Simpson-Golabi-Behmel syndrome
- Singh Chhaparwal Dhanda syndrome
- Single upper central incisor
- Single ventricular heart
- Singleton Merten syndrome
- Sinistrophobia
- Sino-auricular heart block
- Sinus cancer
- Sinus histiocytosis
- Sinus node disease and myopia
- Sipple syndrome
- Sirenomelia
- Sitophobia
- Sitosterolemia
- Situs inversus totalis with cystic dysplasia of kidneys and pancreas
- Situs inversus viscerum-cardiopathy
- Situs inversus, X linked
- Sjogren Larsson like syndrome
- Sjogren Larsson syndrome
- Sjogren's syndrome
- Skeletal dysplasia brachydactyly
- Skeletal dysplasia epilepsy short stature
- Skeletal dysplasia orofacial anomalies
- Skeletal dysplasia San diego type
- Skeletal dysplasias
- Skeleto cardiac syndrome with thrombocytopenia
- Sketetal dysplasia coarse facies mental retardation
- Skin peeling syndrome
- Slavotinek Hurst syndrome
- Sly syndrome
- Small cell lung cancer
- Small non-cleaved cell lymphoma
- Smallpox - eradicated
- Smet Fabry Fryns syndrome
- Smith Fineman Myers syndrome
- Smith Martin Dodd syndrome
- Smith-Magenis Syndrome
- Sneddon Syndrome
- Sociophobia
- Soft tissue sarcomas
- Sohval Soffer syndrome
- Somatostatinoma
- Sommer Hines syndrome
- Sommer Rathbun Battles syndrome
- Sommer Young Wee Frye syndrome
- Somniphobia
- Sondheimer syndrome
- Sonoda syndrome
- Sophophobia
- Sosby syndrome
- Sotos syndrome
- Southwestern Athabaskan genetic diseases
- Sparse hair ptosis mental retardation
- Spasmodic dysphonia
- Spasmodic torticollis
- Spastic angina with healthy coronary artery
- Spastic ataxia Charlevoix-Saguenay type
- Spastic diplegia infantile type
- Spastic dysphonia
- Spastic paraparesis deafness
- Spastic paraparesis, infantile
- Spastic paraparesis
- Spastic paraplegia epilepsy mental retardation
- Spastic paraplegia facial cutaneous lesions
- Spastic paraplegia familial autosomal recessive form
- Spastic paraplegia glaucoma precocious puberty
- Spastic paraplegia mental retardation corpus callosum
- Spastic paraplegia nephritis deafness
- Spastic paraplegia neuropathy poikiloderma
- Spastic paraplegia type 1, X-linked
- Spastic paraplegia type 2, X-linked
- Spastic paraplegia type 3, dominant
- Spastic paraplegia type 4, dominant
- Spastic paraplegia type 5A, recessive
- Spastic paraplegia type 5B, recessive
- Spastic paraplegia type 6, dominant
- Spastic paraplegia, familial
- Spastic paresis glaucoma mental retardation
- Spastic quadriplegia retinitis pigmentosa mental retardation
- Spasticity mental retardation
- Spasticity multiple exostoses
- Spatic paraparesis vitiligo premature graying
- Spellacy gibbs watts syndrome
- Spermatogenesis arrest
- Spherocytosis
- Spherophakia brachymorphia syndrome
- Sphingolipidosis
- Spielmeyer-Vogt disease
- Spina bifida hypospadias
- Spina bifida
- Spinal atrophy ophthalmoplegia pyramidal syndrome
- Spinal bulbar motor neuropathy
- Spinal bulbar muscular atrophy
- Spinal cord disorder
- Spinal cord injury
- Spinal cord neoplasm
- Spinal dysostosis type Anhalt
- Spinal muscular atrophy type 1
- Spinal muscular atrophy type 2
- Spinal muscular atrophy type 3
- Spinal muscular atrophy type I with congenital bone fractures
- Spinal muscular atrophy
- Spinal shock
- Spinal stenosis
- Spine rigid cardiomyopathy
- Spinocerebellar ataxia 1
- Spinocerebellar ataxia 2
- Spinocerebellar ataxia 4
- Spinocerebellar ataxia 5
- Spinocerebellar ataxia 6
- Spinocerebellar ataxia 7
- Spinocerebellar ataxia 8
- Spinocerebellar ataxia amyotrophy deafness
- Spinocerebellar ataxia dysmorphism
- Spinocerebellar atrophy type 3
- Spinocerebellar degeneration corneal dystrophy
- Spinocerebellar degenerescence book type
- Spirochetes disease
- Spirurida Infections
- Spleen neoplasm
- Splenic agenesis syndrome
- Splenogonadal fusion limb defects micrognatia
- Splenomegaly
- Split hand deformity mandibulofacial dysostosis
- Split hand split foot malformation autosomal reces
- Split hand split foot mandibular hypoplasia
- Split hand split foot nystagmus
- Split hand split foot X linked
- Split hand urinary anomalies spina bifida
- Split-hand deformity
- Sponastrime dysplasia
- Spondylarthritis
- Spondylarthropathies
- Spondylarthropathy
- Spondylitis
- Spondylo camptodactyly syndrome
- Spondylo costal dysostosis dandy walker
- Spondylocarpotarsal synostosis
- Spondylocostal dysplasia dominant
- Spondylodysplasia brachyolmia
- Spondyloenchondrodysplasia
- Spondyloepimetaphyseal dysplasia congenita, Iraqi
- Spondyloepimetaphyseal dysplasia congenita, Strudw
- Spondyloepimetaphyseal dysplasia joint laxity
- Spondyloepimetaphyseal dysplasia
- Spondyloepiphyseal dysplasia nephrotic syndrome
- Spondyloepiphyseal dysplasia tarda progressive art
- Spondyloepiphyseal dysplasia tarda
- Spondyloepiphyseal dysplasia, congenital type
- Spondyloepiphyseal dysplasia
- Spondylohypoplasia arthrogryposis popliteal pteryg
- Spondylometaphyseal dysplasia, 'corner fracture' t
- Spondylometaphyseal dysplasia, Schmidt type
- Spondylometaphyseal dysplasia, Sedaghatian type
- Spondylometaphyseal dysplasia, X-linked
- Spondylometaphyseal dysplasia
- Spondyloperipheral dysplasia short ulna
- Spongiform encephalopathy
- Spongy degeneration of central nervous system
- Spontaneous periodic hypothermia
- Spontaneous pneumothorax familial type
- Sporotrichosis
- Spotted fever
- Spranger schinzel yers syndrome
- Sprengel deformity
- Squamous cell carcinoma
- SSADH (succinic semialdehyde dehydrogenase deficiency)
- SSPE (subacute sclerosing panencephalitis)
- St. Anthony's fire
- Stalker chitayat syndrome
- Stampe sorensen syndrome
- Stargardt's disease
- Steatocystoma multiplex natal teeth
- Steatocystoma multiplex
- Steele Richardson Olszewski syndrome, atypical
- Steinfeld syndrome
- Stein-Leventhal syndrome
- Stenophobia
- Sterility due to immotile flagella
- Stern lubinsky durrie syndrome
- Sternal cleft
- Sternal cyst vascular anomalies
- Sternal malformation vascular dysplasia associatio
- Steroid dehydrogenase deficiency dental anomalies
- Stevens-Johnson syndrome
- Stickler syndrome, type 1
- Stickler syndrome, type 2
- Stickler syndrome, type 3
- Stickler syndrome
- Stiff man syndrome
- Stiff skin syndrome
- Still's disease
- Stimmler syndrome
- Stoelinga de koomen davis syndrome
- Stoll alembik dott syndrome
- Stoll alembik finck syndrome
- Stoll geraudel chauvin syndrome
- Stoll kieny dott syndrome
- Stoll levy francfort syndrome
- Stomach cancer, familial
- Stomach cancer
- Storage pool platelet disease
- Stormorken sjaastad langslet syndrome
- Strabismus
- Stratton garcia young syndrome
- Stratton parker syndrome
- Streeter's (Amniotic Bands)
- Streptococcus, Group B
- Striatonigral degeneration infantile
- Strongyloidiasis
- Strudwick Syndrome
- Strumpell-lorrain disease
- Stuart factor deficiency, congenital
- Stuccokeratosis
- Sturge-Weber syndrome
- Stuve Wiedemann dysplasia
- Subacute cerebellar degeneration
- Subacute sclerosing leucoencephalitis
- Subacute sclerosing panencephalitis
- Subaortic stenosis short stature syndrome
- Subcortical laminar heterotopia
- Subependymal nodular heterotopia
- Subpulmonary stenosis
- Subvalvular aortic stenosis
- Succinate coenzyme Q reductase deficiency of
- Succinic acidemia lactic acidosis congenital
- Succinic acidemia
- Succinic semialdehyde dehydrogenase deficiency
- Succinyl-CoA acetoacetate transferase deficiency
- Sucrase-isomaltase deficiency
- Sudden infant death syndrome
- Sugarman syndrome
- Sulfatidosis juvenile, Austin type
- Sulfite and xanthine oxydase deficiency
- Sulfite oxidase deficiency
- Summitt syndrome
- Super mesenteric artery syndrome
- Supranuclear ocular palsy
- Supraumbilical midabdominal raphe and facial cavernous hemangiomas
- Suriphobia
- Susac syndrome
- Sutherland Haan syndrome
- Sutton disease II
- Sutton's Disease II
- Sweet syndrome
- Swyer James and McLeod Syndrome
- Swyer syndrome
- Sybert Smith syndrome
- Sydenham's chorea
- Symmetrical thalamic calcifications
- Symphalangism brachydactyly craniosynostosis
- Symphalangism brachydactyly
- Symphalangism Cushing type
- Symphalangism distal
- Symphalangism familial proximal
- Symphalangism short stature accessory testis
- Symphalangism with multiple anomalies of hands and feet
- Symphalangism, distal, with microdontia, dental pulp stones, and narrowed zygomatic arch
- Syncamptodactyly scoliosis
- Syncopal paroxysmal tachycardia
- Syncopal tachyarythmia
- Syndactyly between 4 and 5
- Syndactyly cataract mental retardation
- Syndactyly Cenani Lenz type
- Syndactyly ectodermal dysplasia cleft lip palate hand foot
- Syndactyly type 1 microcephaly mental retardation
- Syndactyly type 2
- Syndactyly type 3
- Syndactyly type 5
- Syndactyly
- Syndactyly-polydactyly-ear lobe syndrome
- Syndrome X
- Syngnathia cleft palate
- Syngnathia multiple anomalies
- Synostosis of talus and calcaneus short stature
- Synovial cancer
- Synovial osteochondromatosis
- Synovial sarcoma
- Synovialosarcoma
- Synovitis acne pustulosis hyperostosis osteitis
- Synovitis granulomatous uveitis cranial neuropathi
- Synovitis
- Synpolydactyly
- Syphilis embryopathy
- Syphilis
- Syringobulbia
- Syringocystadenoma papilliferum
- Syringomas natal teeth oligodontia
- Syringomelia hyperkeratosis
- Syringomyelia
- Systemic arterio-veinous fistula
- Systemic carnitine deficiency
- Systemic lupus erythematosus
- Systemic mastocytosis
- Systemic necrotizing angeitis
- systemic sclerosis