List of rare diseases starting with M
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
This list of rare diseases was originally taken from the NIH public domain resource at
Please note that this list is neither definitive or complete. For a far larger list of diseases, including many other rare diseases, see List of diseases.
0-9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
[edit] M
- Mac Dermot Patton Williams syndrome
- Mac Dermot Winter syndrome
- Macias Flores Garcia Cruz Rivera syndrome
- Mackay Shek Carr syndrome
- Macleod Fraser syndrome
- Macrocephaly cutis marmorata telangiectatica
- Macrocephaly dominant type
- Macrocephaly mental retardation facial dysmorphism
- Macrocephaly mesodermal hamartoma spectrum
- Macrocephaly mesomelic arms talipes
- Macrocephaly pigmentation large hands feet
- Macrocephaly short stature paraplegia
- Macrodactyly of the foot
- Macrodactyly of the hand
- Macroepiphyseal dysplasia Mcalister Coe type
- Macroglobulinemia
- Macroglossia dominant
- Macroglossia exomphalos gigantism
- Macrogyria pseudobulbar palsy
- Macrophagic myofasciitis
- Macrosomia developmental delay dysmorphism
- Macrosomia microphthalmia cleft palate
- Macrothrombocytopenia progressive deafness
- Macrothrombocytopenia with leukocyte inclusions
- Macular corneal dystrophy
- Macular degeneration juvenile
- Macular degeneration, age-related
- Macular degeneration, polymorphic
- Macular degeneration
- Macular dystrophy, vitelliform
- Macules hereditary congenital hypopigmented and hyperpigmented
- Mad cow disease
- Madelung's disease
- Madokoro Ohdo Sonoda syndrome
- Maffucci syndrome
- Mageirocophobia
- Maghazaji syndrome
- Magnesium defect in renal tubular transport of
- Magnesium wasting renal
- Mal de debarquement
- Malakoplakia
- Malaria
- Male pseudohermaphroditism due to 17-beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase deficiency
- Male pseudohermaphroditism due to 5-alpha-reductase 2 deficiency
- Male pseudohermaphroditism due to defective LH molecule
- Malformations in neuronal migration
- Malignant astrocytoma
- Malignant fibrous histiocytoma
- Malignant germ cell tumor
- Malignant hyperthermia arthrogryposis torticollis
- Malignant hyperthermia susceptibility type 1
- Malignant hyperthermia susceptibility type 2
- Malignant hyperthermia susceptibility type 3
- Malignant hyperthermia susceptibility type 4
- Malignant hyperthermia susceptibility type 5
- Malignant hyperthermia susceptibility type 6
- Malignant hyperthermia
- Malignant mesenchymal tumor
- Malignant mixed Mullerian tumor
- Malignant paroxysmal ventricular tachycardia
- Mallory-Weiss syndrome
- Malonic aciduria
- Malonyl-CoA decarboxylase deficiency
- Malouf syndrome
- Malpuech facial clefting syndrome
- Mandibuloacral dysplasia
- Mandibulofacial dysostosis deafness postaxial polydactly
- Manic Depression, Bipolar
- Manic-depressive psychosis, genetic types
- Mannosidosis
- Manouvrier syndrome
- Mansonelliasis
- Mantle cell lymphoma
- Marashi Gorlin syndrome
- Marchiafava Bignami disease
- Marchiafava-Micheli disease
- Marcus Gunn phenomenon
- Marden Walker like syndrome
- Marden-Walker syndrome
- Marek disease
- Marfan Syndrome type II
- Marfan Syndrome type III
- Marfan Syndrome type IV
- Marfan Syndrome type V
- Marfan syndrome
- Marfan-like syndrome, Boileau type
- Marfan-Like syndrome
- Marfanoid craniosynostosis syndrome
- Marfanoid hypermobility
- Marfanoid mental retardation syndrome autosomal
- Marginal glioneuronal heterotopia
- Marie type ataxia
- Marie Unna congenital hypotrichosis
- Marinesco Sjogren like syndrome
- Marinesco-Sjogren syndrome
- Marion Mayers syndrome
- Markel Vikkula Mulliken syndrome
- Marles Greenberg Persaud syndrome
- Maroteaux Cohen Solal Bonaventure syndrome
- Maroteaux Fonfria syndrome
- Maroteaux Le Merrer Bensahel syndrome
- Maroteaux Stanescu Cousin syndrome
- Maroteaux Verloes Stanescu syndrome
- Maroteaux-Lamy syndrome
- Marphanoid syndrome type De Silva
- Marsden Nyhan Sakati syndrome
- Marsden syndrome
- Marshall syndrome
- Marshall-Smith syndrome
- Martinez Monasterio Pinheiro syndrome
- Martsolf Reed Hunter syndrome
- Martsolf syndrome
- MASA syndrome
- Mass syndrome
- Massa Casaer Ceulemans syndrome
- Mast cell disease
- Mastigophobia
- Mastocytosis, short stature, hearing loss
- Mastocytosis
- Mastroiacovo De Rosa Satta syndrome
- Mastroiacovo Gambi Segni syndrome
- MAT deficiency
- Maternal hyperphenylalaninemia
- Maternally inherited diabetes and deafness
- Mathieu De Broca Bony syndrome
- Matsoukas Liarikos Giannika syndrome
- Matthew-Wood syndrome
- Maturity onset diabetes of the young
- Maumenee syndrome
- Maxillary double lip
- Maxillofacial dysostosis
- Maxillonasal dysplasia, Binder type
- Mayer Rokitanski Kuster syndrome
- May-Hegglin anomaly
- McAlister Crane syndrome
- McArdle disease
- McCallum Macadam Johnston syndrome
- McCune-Albright syndrome
- McDonough syndrome
- McDowall syndrome
- McGillivray syndrome
- McKusick Kaufman syndrome
- McKusick type metaphyseal chondrodysplasia
- McLain Debakian syndrome
- McPherson Clemens syndrome
- McPherson Robertson Cammarano syndrome
- Meacham Winn Culler syndrome
- Meadows syndrome
- Measles
- Meckel like syndrome
- Meckel syndrome
- Medeira Dennis Donnai syndrome
- Median cleft lip corpus callosum lipoma skin polyps
- Median nodule of the upper lip
- Mediastinal endodermal sinus tumors
- Mediterranean fever
- Medium-chain Acyl-CoA dehydrogenase deficiency
- Medrano Roldan syndrome
- Medullary cystic disease
- Medullary thyroid carcinoma
- Medulloblastoma
- Megacystis microcolon intestinal hypoperistalsis syndrome
- Megaduodenum
- Megaepiphyseal dwarfism
- Megalencephalic leukodystrophy
- Megalencephaly-cystic leukodystrophy
- Megaloblastic anemia
- Megalocornea mental retardation syndrome
- Megalocytic Interstitial Nephritis
- Mehes syndrome
- Mehta Lewis Patton syndrome
- Meier Blumberg Imahorn syndrome
- Meier Rotschild syndrome
- Meige syndrome
- Meigel disease
- Meinecke Pepper syndrome
- Meinecke syndrome
- Melanoma type 1
- Melanoma type 2
- Melanoma, familial
- Melanoma, Malignant
- Melanoma-astrocytoma syndrome
- Melanosis neurocutaneous
- Meleda Disease
- Melhem Fahl syndrome
- Melkersson-Rosenthal syndrome
- Melnick-Needles osteodysplasty
- Melnick-Needles syndrome
- Melophobia
- Membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis (type II)
- Mendelian susceptibility to atypical mycobacteria
- Menetrier's disease
- Mengel Konigsmark syndrome
- Meniere's disease
- Meningeal angiomatosis cleft hypoplastic left heart
- Meningioma 1
- Meningioma
- Meningitis, meningococcal
- Meningitis
- Meningocele
- Meningococcemia
- Meningoencephalocele
- Meningoencephalocele-arthrogryposis-hypoplastic thumb
- Meningomyelocele
- Menophobia
- Mental deficiency-epilepsy-endocrine disorders
- Mental mixed retardation deafnes clubbed digits
- Mental retardation anophthalmia craniosynostosis
- Mental retardation arachnodactyly hypotonia telangiectasia
- Mental retardation athetosis microphthalmia
- Mental retardation blepharophimosis obesity web neck
- Mental retardation Buenos Aires type
- Mental retardation cataracts calcified pinnae myopathy
- Mental retardation coloboma slimness
- Mental retardation contractural arachnodactyly
- Mental retardation dysmorphism hypogonadism diabetes
- Mental retardation epilepsy bulbous nose
- Mental retardation epilepsy
- Mental retardation gynecomastia obesity X linked
- Mental retardation hip luxation G6PD variant
- Mental retardation hypocupremia hypobetalipoproteinemia
- Mental retardation hypotonia skin hyperpigmentation
- Mental retardation macrocephaly coarse facies hypotonia
- Mental retardation microcephaly phalangeal facial
- Mental retardation microcephaly unusual facies
- Mental retardation Mietens Weber type
- Mental retardation multiple nevi
- Mental retardation myopathy short stature endocrine defect
- Mental retardation nasal hypoplasia obesity genital hypoplasia
- Mental retardation nasal papillomata
- Mental retardation osteosclerosis
- Mental retardation progressive spasticity
- Mental retardation psychosis macroorchidism
- Mental retardation short broad thumbs
- Mental retardation short stature absent phalanges
- Mental retardation short stature Bombay phenotype
- Mental retardation short stature cleft palate unusual facies
- Mental retardation short stature deafness genital
- Mental retardation short stature hand contractures genital anomalies
- Mental retardation short stature heart and skeletal anomalies
- Mental retardation short stature hypertelorism
- Mental retardation short stature microcephaly eye
- Mental retardation short stature ocular and articular anomalies
- Mental retardation short stature scoliosis
- Mental retardation short stature unusual facies
- Mental retardation short stature wedge shaped epiphyses
- Mental retardation skeletal dysplasia abducens palsy
- Mental retardation Smith Fineman Myers type
- Mental retardation spasticity ectrodactyly
- Mental retardation unusual facies Ampola type
- Mental retardation unusual facies Davis Lafer type
- Mental retardation unusual facies talipes hand anomalies
- Mental retardation unusual facies
- Mental retardation Wolff type
- Mental retardation X linked Atkin type
- Mental retardation X linked borderline Maoa metabolism anomaly
- Mental retardation X linked Brunner type
- Mental retardation X linked dysmorphism
- Mental retardation X linked dystonia dysarthria
- Mental retardation X linked severe Gustavson type
- Mental retardation X linked short stature obesity
- Mental retardation X linked Tranebjaerg type seizures psoriasis
- Mental retardation, unexplained
- Mental retardation, X linked, Marfanoid habitus
- Mental retardation, X linked, nonspecific
- Mental retardation, X-linked 14
- Mental retardation
- Mental retardation-polydactyly-uncombable hair
- Mercury poisoning
- Meretoja syndrome
- Merkle tumors
- Merlob Grunebaum Reisner syndrome
- Merlob syndrome
- Mesangial sclerosis, diffuse
- Mesenteric panniculitis
- Mesodermal defects lower type
- Mesomelia synostoses
- Mesomelia
- Mesomelic dwarfism cleft palate camptodactyly
- Mesomelic dwarfism Langer type
- Mesomelic dwarfism Nievergelt type
- Mesomelic dwarfism Reinhardt Pfeiffer type
- Mesomelic dysplasia skin dimples
- Mesomelic dysplasia Thai type
- Mesomelic syndrome Pfeiffer type
- Mesothelioma
- Metabolic disorder
- Metabolic Syndrome X
- Metacarpals 4 and 5 fusion
- Metachondromatosis
- Metageria
- Metaphyseal anadysplasia
- Metaphyseal chondrodysplasia Schmid type
- Metaphyseal chondrodysplasia Spahr type
- Metaphyseal chondrodysplasia, others
- Metaphyseal dysostosis mental retardation conductive deafness
- Metaphyseal dysplasia maxillary hypoplasia brachydactyly
- Metaphyseal dysplasia Pyle type
- Metastatic insulinoma
- Metatarsus adductus
- Metathesiophobia
- Metatrophic dysplasia
- Metatropic dwarfism
- Methimazole antenatal infection
- Methionine adenosyl transferase deficiency
- Methyl mercury antenatal infection
- Methylcobalamin deficiency cbl G type
- Methylcobalamin deficiency, cbl E complementation type
- Methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase deficiency
- Methylmalonic acidemia with homocystinuria
- Methylmalonic acidemia
- Methylmalonic aciduria microcephaly cataract
- Methylmalonicacidemia with homocystinuria, cbl D
- Methylmalonicaciduria with homocystinuria, cbl F
- Methylmalonicaciduria, vitamin B12 unresponsive, mut-0
- Methylmalonyl-Coenzyme A mutase deficiency
- Mevalonate kinase deficiency
- Mevalonicaciduria
- Meyenburg-Altherr-Uehlinger syndrome
- Michelin tire baby syndrome
- Michels Caskey syndrome
- Michels syndrome
- Mickleson syndrome
- Micrencephaly corpus callosum agenesis
- Micrencephaly olivopontocerebellar hypoplasia
- Micro syndrome
- Microbrachycephaly ptosis cleft lip
- Microcephalic osteodysplastic primordial dwarfism
- Microcephalic primordial dwarfism Toriello type
- Microcephalic primordial dwarfism
- Microcephaly albinism digital anomalies syndrome
- Microcephaly autosomal dominant
- Microcephaly brachydactyly kyphoscoliosis
- Microcephaly brain defect spasticity hypernatremia
- Microcephaly cardiac defect lung malsegmentation
- Microcephaly cardiomyopathy
- Microcephaly cervical spine fusion anomalies
- Microcephaly chorioretinopathy recessive form
- Microcephaly cleft palate autosomal dominant
- Microcephaly deafness syndrome
- Microcephaly developmental delay pancytopenia
- Microcephaly facial clefting preaxial polydactyly
- Microcephaly glomerulonephritis Marfanoid habitus
- Microcephaly hiatus hernia nephrotic syndrome
- Microcephaly hypergonadotropic hypogonadism short stature
- Microcephaly immunodeficiency lymphoreticuloma
- Microcephaly intracranial calcification
- Microcephaly lymphoedema chorioretinal dysplasia
- Microcephaly lymphoedema syndrome
- Microcephaly mental retardation retinopathy
- Microcephaly mental retardation spasticity epilepsy
- Microcephaly mesobrachyphalangy tracheoesophageal fistula syndrome
- Microcephaly microcornea syndrome Seemanova type
- Microcephaly micropenis convulsions
- Microcephaly microphthalmos blindness
- Microcephaly nonsyndromal
- Microcephaly pontocerebellar hypoplasia dyskinesia
- Microcephaly seizures mental retardation heart disorders
- Microcephaly sparse hair mental retardation seizures
- Microcephaly syndactyly brachymesophalangy
- Microcephaly with chorioretinopathy, autosomal dominant form
- Microcephaly with normal intelligence, immunodeficiency
- Microcephaly with spastic quadriplegia
- Microcephaly, holoprosencephaly, and intrauterine growth retardation
- Microcephaly, primary autosomal recessive
- Microcephaly
- Microcoria, congenital
- Microcornea corectopia macular hypoplasia
- Microcornea glaucoma absent frontal sinuses
- Microdontia hypodontia short stature
- Microencephaly
- Microgastria limb reduction defect
- Microgastria short stature diabetes
- Micromelic dwarfism Fryns type
- Micromelic dysplasia dislocation of radius
- Microphtalmos bilateral colobomatous orbital cyst
- Microphthalmia camptodactyly mental retardation
- Microphthalmia cataract
- Microphthalmia diaphragmatic hernia Fallot
- Microphthalmia mental deficiency
- Microphthalmia microtia fetal akinesia
- Microphthalmia, Lentz type
- Microphthalmia
- Microphthalmos, microcornea, and sclerocornea
- Microscopic polyangiitis
- Microsomia hemifacial radial defects
- Microspherophakia metaphyseal dysplasia
- Microsporidiosis
- Microtia, meatal atresia and conductive deafness
- Microvillus inclusion disease
- Miculicz syndrome
- MIDAS syndrome
- Midline cleft of lower lip
- Midline defects autosomal type
- Midline defects recessive type
- Midline developmental field defects
- Midline field defects
- Midline lethal granuloma
- Mietens syndrome
- Mievis Verellen Dumoulin syndrome
- Mikulicz' Disease
- Mikulicz syndrome
- Miller Fisher syndrome
- Miller-Dieker syndrome
- Milner Khallouf Gibson syndrome
- MILS syndrome
- Minkowski-Chauffard disease
- Minoxidil antenatal infection
- Miosis, congenital
- Mirror hands feet nasal defects
- Mirror polydactyly segmentation and limbs defects
- Misophobia
- Mitochondrial cytopathy (generic term)
- Mitochondrial diseases of nuclear origin
- Mitochondrial diseases, clinically undefinite
- Mitochondrial Diseases
- Mitochondrial encephalomyopathy aminoacidopathy
- Mitochondrial genetic disorders
- Mitochondrial myopathy lactic acidosis
- Mitochondrial myopathy-encephalopathy-lactic acidosis
- Mitochondrial PEPCK deficiency
- Mitochondrial trifunctional protein deficiency
- Mitral atresia
- Mitral regurgitation deafness skeletal anomalies
- Mitral valve prolapse, familial, autosomal dominant
- Mitral valve prolapse, familial, X linked
- Mitral valve prolapse
- Miura syndrome
- Mixed connective tissue disease
- Mixed Mullerian tumor
- Mixed sclerosing bone dystrophy
- MLS syndrome
- MMEP syndrome
- MMT syndrome
- MN1
- MNGIE syndrome
- Mobius syndrome
- MODY syndrome
- Moebius axonal neuropathy hypogonadism
- Moebius syndrome
- Moerman Van den berghe Fryns syndrome
- Moeschler Clarren syndrome
- Mohr syndrome
- Mohr-Tranebjaerg syndrome
- Mollica Pavone Antener syndrome
- Moloney syndrome
- Molybdenum cofactor deficiency
- MOMO syndrome
- Mondini Dysplasia
- Mondor's disease
- Monilethrix
- Monoamine oxidase A deficiency
- Monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance
- Monodactyly tetramelic
- Mononen Karnes Senac syndrome
- Mononeuritis multiplex
- Monosomy 8q12 21
- Monosomy 8q21 q22
- Monosomy X
- Montefiore syndrome
- Moore Federman syndrome
- Moore Smith Weaver syndrome
- Morel's ear
- Moreno Zachai Kaufman syndrome
- Morgani Turner Albright syndrome
- Morhosseini Holmes Walton syndrome
- Morillo Cucci Passarge syndrome
- Morphea Scleroderma
- Morphea, generalized
- Morquio disease, type A
- Morquio disease, type B
- Morquio syndrome
- Morrison Young syndrome
- Morse Rawnsley Sargent syndrome
- Motor neuron disease
- Motor neuro-ophthalmic disorders
- Motor neuropathy peripheral dysautonomia
- Motor neuropathy
- Motor sensory neuropathy type 1 aplasia cutis congenita
- Mounier-Kuhn syndrome
- Mount Reback syndrome
- Mousa Al din Al Nassar syndrome
- Moyamoya disease
- MPO deficiency
- MR
- MRKH Syndrome
- MSBD syndrome
- MTHFR deficiency
- Mucha-Habermann disease
- Muckle-wells syndrome
- Mucoepithelial dysplasia
- Mucolipidosis type 1
- Mucolipidosis type 3
- Mucolipidosis type 4
- Mucopolysaccharidosis type 3
- Mucopolysaccharidosis type 4
- Mucopolysaccharidosis type I Hurler syndrome
- Mucopolysaccharidosis type I Hurler/Scheie syndrome
- Mucopolysaccharidosis type I Scheie syndrome
- Mucopolysaccharidosis type II Hunter syndrome- mild form
- Mucopolysaccharidosis type II Hunter syndrome- severe form
- Mucopolysaccharidosis type IV-A Morquio syndrome
- Mucopolysaccharidosis type IV-B
- Mucopolysaccharidosis type V
- Mucopolysaccharidosis type VI Maroteaux-Lamy - severe, intermediate
- Mucopolysaccharidosis type VII Sly syndrome
- Mucopolysaccharidosis
- Mucormycosis
- Mucosulfatidosis
- Muenke Syndrome
- Mulibrey Nanism syndrome
- Muller Barth Menger syndrome
- Mullerian agenesis
- Mullerian aplasia
- Mullerian derivatives lymphangiectasia polydactyly
- Mullerian derivatives, persistent
- Mullerian duct abnormalities galactosemia
- Mulliez Roux Loterman syndrome
- Multicentric osteolysis nephropathy
- Multicentric reticulohistiocytosis
- Multifocal heterotopia
- Multifocal motor neuropathy with conduction block
- Multifocal ventricular premature beats
- Multinodular goiter cystic kidney polydactyly
- Multiple acyl-CoA deficiency
- Multiple carboxylase deficiency, biotin responsive
- Multiple carboxylase deficiency, late onset
- Multiple carboxylase deficiency, propionic acidemia
- Multiple chemical sensitivity
- Multiple congenital anomalies mental retardation, growth failure and cleft lip palate
- Multiple congenital contractures
- Multiple contracture syndrome Finnish type
- Multiple endocrine neoplasia type 1
- Multiple endocrine neoplasia, type 2
- Multiple fibrofolliculoma familial
- Multiple hereditary exostoses
- Multiple joint dislocations metaphyseal dysplasia
- Multiple myeloma
- Multiple organ failure
- Multiple pterygium syndrome lethal type
- Multiple pterygium syndrome
- Multiple sclerosis ichthyosis factor VIII deficiency
- Multiple sclerosis
- Multiple subcutaneous angiolipomas
- Multiple sulfatase deficiency
- Multiple synostoses syndrome 1
- Multiple system atrophy
- Multiple vertebral anomalies unusual facies
- Mumps
- Munchausen by proxy syndrome
- Muscle-eye-brain syndrome
- Muscular atrophy ataxia retinitis pigmentosa diabetes mellitus
- Muscular dystrophy congenital infantile cataract hypogonadism
- Muscular dystrophy congenital, merosin negative
- Muscular dystrophy facioscapulohumeral
- Muscular dystrophy Hutterite type
- Muscular dystrophy limb girdle type 2A, Erb type
- Muscular dystrophy limb-girdle autosomal dominant
- Muscular dystrophy limb-girdle type 2B, Myoshi type
- Muscular dystrophy limb-girdle with beta-sarcoglycan deficiency
- Muscular dystrophy limb-girdle with delta-sarcoglyan deficiency
- Muscular dystrophy white matter spongiosis
- Muscular dystrophy, congenital, merosin-positive
- Muscular dystrophy, Duchenne and Becker type
- Muscular dystrophy
- Muscular fibrosis multifocal obstructed vessels
- Muscular phosphorylase kinase deficiency
- Mutations in estradiol receptor
- Myalgia eosinophilia associated with tryptophan
- Myalgic encephalomyelitis
- Myasthenia gravis congenital
- Myasthenia gravis
- Myasthenia, familial
- Mycetoma
- Mycobacterium avium complex infection
- Mycophobia
- Mycoplasmal pneumonia
- Mycosis fungoides lymphoma
- Mycosis fungoides, familial
- Mycosis fungoides
- Mycositis fungoides
- Myelinopathies
- Myelitis
- Myelocerebellar disorder
- Myelodysplasia
- Myelodysplastic syndromes
- Myelofibrosis, idiopathic
- Myelofibrosis
- Myelofibrosis-osteosclerosis
- Myeloid splenomegaly
- Myeloperoxidase deficiency
- Myhre Ruvalcaba Graham syndrome
- Myhre Ruvalcaba Kelley syndrome
- Myhre School syndrome
- Myhre syndrome
- Myoadenylate deaminase deficiency
- Myocarditis
- Myocardium disorder
- Myoclonic dystonia
- Myoclonic progressive familial epilepsy
- Myoclonus ataxia
- Myoclonus cerebellar ataxia deafness
- Myoclonus epilepsy partial seizure
- Myoclonus epilepsy
- Myoclonus hereditary progressive distal muscular atrophy
- Myoclonus progressive epilepsy of Unverricht and Lundborg
- Myoclonus with epilepsy with ragged red fibers (mitochondria)
- Myoclonus
- Myofibrillar lysis
- Myofibroblastic tumors
- Myoglobinuria dominant form
- Myoglobinuria recurrent
- Myoglobinuria
- Myoneurogastrointestinal encephalopathy syndrome
- Myopathy and diabetes mellitus
- Myopathy cataract hypogonadism
- Myopathy congenital multicore with external ophthalmoplegia
- Myopathy growth and mental retardation hypospadias
- Myopathy Hutterite type
- Myopathy mitochondrial cataract
- Myopathy Moebius Robin syndrome
- Myopathy ophthalmoplegia hypoacousia areflexia
- Myopathy tubular aggregates
- Myopathy with lactic acidosis and sideroblastic anemia
- Myopathy with lysis of myofibrils
- Myopathy, centronuclear
- Myopathy, desmin storage
- Myopathy, McArdle type
- Myopathy, myotubular
- Myopathy, X-linked, with excessive autophagy
- Myopathy
- Myophosphorylase deficiency
- Myopia, infantile severe
- Myopia, severe
- Myositis ossificans post-traumatic
- Myositis ossificans progressiva
- Myositis ossificans
- Myositis, inclusion body
- Myositis
- Myotonia atrophica
- Myotonia mental retardation skeletal anomalies
- Myotubular myopathy
- Myxedema
- Myxoid liposarcoma
- Myxoma-spotty pigmentation-endocrine overactivity
- Myxomatous peritonitis
- Myxozoa